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Whos is IC|Moscow - SnakThree - 04-11-2011

' Wrote:Of course, I know this myself with the Reavers. But the point I made was that he is one of the most active members on the Faction, it was not like he played for 30 minutes. This guy has played for over 9 hours with this tag, given that other members of your Faction has played even more than him it is highly likely one of them has seen him. Surely they would point out or notice during this time that he was not a member.

We did see him. Not every one of us bothered to ask him maybe.

Whos is IC|Moscow - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 04-11-2011

' Wrote:Because this is not my duty in IC|. I am only a Diplomat for Rheinland. But this huge furball needed attention.
You ignorant posts blaming me, my stance toward your aggresive posts are of course my problem. You seeked for it, you got it. Now get lost. I have nothing to discuss with unreasonable person.

[Image: lost.jpg]

Whos is IC|Moscow - Pancakes - 04-11-2011

' Wrote:Of course, I know this myself with the Reavers. But the point I made was that he is one of the most active members on the Faction, it was not like he played for 30 minutes. This guy has played for over 9 hours with this tag, given that other members of your Faction has played even more than him it is highly likely one of them has seen them. Surely they would point out or notice during this time that he was not a member.

The thing is, we thougth he is a member of him, people in IC| own more then one ship and we thought it's just some member ship, but apperantly nobody knows who's is it.
We don't try to avoid taking responsibility, we have taken it when some of our members broke the embarago from kusari and payed the fine, We don't want to take responsibility for someone who is not our member, and if he is an indie don't blame it on us, the same way I could take indie Kempetai and make trouble around liberty, you realy expect them to punish the official faction?

Whos is IC|Moscow - Cond0r - 04-11-2011

' Wrote:You ignorant posts blaming me, my stance toward your aggresive posts are of course my problem. You seeked for it, you got it. Now get lost. I have nothing to discuss with unreasonable person.
Actually, your posts towards him are quite aggressive. At least thats what I noticed.

inb4 Smokey you are mocking me

' Wrote:The thing is, we thougth he is a member of him, people in IC| own more then one ship and we thought it's just some member ship, but apperantly nobody knows who is this.
Usually, when someone from the same faction sees their tag on a name they dont recognize, they immediately ask on skype who it is, or they ask if its a shared ship or not. They dont just fly with the person without knowing who it is. At least that is the case with 98.9999% of the official factions.

Whos is IC|Moscow - SnakThree - 04-11-2011

' Wrote:Fine.

Ach. It is cold at my place. And I am hungry, And just got from school. And are not ready for exams. And must do crapload of homework and paperwork.
So sorry if my tone was not in the place.

' Wrote:Actually, your posts towards him are quite aggressive. At least thats what I noticed.

inb4 Smokey you are mocking me
But he started it! :wacko:
And no. You ain't mocking me now, since you wrote just a fact and your opinion. Without any aggresive tone or such thing.

Whos is IC|Moscow - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 04-11-2011

' Wrote:Actually, your posts towards him are quite aggressive. At least thats what I noticed.

inb4 Smokey you are mocking me

I lol'd.

Whos is IC|Moscow - Skyrim - 04-11-2011

' Wrote:The thing is, we thougth he is a member of him, people in IC| own more then one ship and we thought it's just some member ship, but apperantly nobody knows who's is it.
We don't try to avoid taking responsibility, we have taken it when some of our members broke the embarago from kusari and payed the fine, We don't want to take responsibility for someone who is not our member, and if he is an indie don't blame it on us, the same way I could take indie Kempetai and make trouble around liberty, you realy expect them to punish the official faction?

I do not make the decisions in the RM HC as I'm not part of that Faction section all I'm telling you is that you have no guarantees that the crimes Rheinland Military managed to log on one IC| character will go without consequences and given these inconsistencies I pointed out in my first post that chance remains rather high currently.

Whos is IC|Moscow - SnakThree - 04-11-2011

' Wrote:I do not make the decisions in the RM HC as I'm not part of that Faction section all I'm telling you is that you have no guarantees that the crimes Rheinland Military managed to log on one IC| character will go without consequences and given these inconsistencies I pointed out in my first post that chance remains rather high currently.
We will not avoid responsibility OOC. inRP, sure. We are profiters. We don't want to waste time and $ for some kind of idiot that used our tag.

Whos is IC|Moscow - Skyrim - 04-11-2011

' Wrote:We will not avoid responsibility OOC. inRP, sure. We are profiters. We don't want to waste time for some kind of idiot that used our tag.

Be that as it may you will have to deal with the Role-Play consequences as they come and I'm just preparing you for that now, I would personally see this as an act of good will as a player where you see it as a threat.

Whos is IC|Moscow - SnakThree - 04-11-2011

We will RP it.
We are dealing this OOC stuff, because it might cause problems more, in Kusari for example, if he openly smuggled Fuel or Plutonium.