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Declaring Combat - Xing - 02-04-2008

bah, at that point, it's more a discussion about who must do the anouncement and who are not forced to and left at the people's discretion.

I believe those who must:
-Mercs/freelance/bounty hunters that are to accomplish a bounty, must say something to the other player. While this does lack realism, it is only fair and respectful toward the other player to do so.
-Faction that has a special hostility to a group of person that are not specific to the npcs - so to let the independents who doesnt often lurk on forum a chance.
-Pirating, but that is already in rule

Declaring Combat - RickJames - 02-04-2008

There should not be a rule requiring people to announce combat. There are to many situations were that will be abused and to many situations were that is just plain silly.

I've been killed just in the time it took to scan for an ID. Let alone say something in system chat.

However, I do think if it is at all possible that people should RP. RP before combat. RP before anyone is on your scanner. Make friends and organize RP battles and fights with your own rules.

Declaring Combat - Boss - 02-04-2008

I am extremely angry over an unprovoked attack today. A player by the name of Captain_Blood (tag- Gaian) fired upon me without provocation and/or warning. I am a lvl 24, he was a 55. What is your opinion, and/or advice to deal with the situation.

Declaring Combat - Dopamino - 02-04-2008

if it was within rp for him to attack you, then i don't see a problem.

Declaring Combat - Zapp - 02-04-2008

That's below-level killing, get screenshots and report it. I believe there's zero-tolerance on that.

Declaring Combat - Xoria - 02-04-2008

Kudos and bravo to [PRF]-Pancamo who announced from 10k away, while I and my clan-mates were already fighting, that he was coming to "execute" me due to the bounty placed on one of my pirates.
May he rest in peace. Better luck next time...along with the 3 gunships, 2 bombers, and a fighter that were vaporized along with him. Anyone else ever seen a Liberty Assault Carrier turn tail and scamper home to mommy? The Lane Hackers have.:yahoo:
Just when did the Liberty Navy start selling those to Bounty Hunters, anyway?

Declaring Combat - Xing - 02-04-2008

as you can see, announcing itself can be quite a fail move. lol

Declaring Combat - mwerte - 02-04-2008

I have been on both the recieving end and giving end of death while typing.

Today I was in Beta and I saw a Corsair (I was OC btw). At 6k away I simply said "Die Corsair". And me and a buddy engaged. His ship froze in space and I nailed it with a inferno/supernova combo. Now that I think about it he was probably trying to type. But I don't feel bad. If its a life or death situation would you choose to talk rather then fight/run?

Yesterday I was in Chokugu in my non-RoS OC char and a BD comes up to me and blows me away (GB v. Bomber sitting still isn't even a fight) while I'm typing "Hi Blood Dragoon Brother, how are you today?"

So...if its a non-critical moment (the BD one) RP a little first, if its critical (the Beta one) fight first, talk later.

Declaring Combat - uspatriotsf - 02-04-2008

I would love to announce it every time I plan on attacking someone... However, there have been many a time when doing so has gotten me at a disadvantage, because the other party just starts firing.

So what I do know is fly circles around the person I wish to engage and wait for them to either announce their intentions or begin firing. If neither of those happens then I will announce my impending attack, or in some cases, if the person cruises away, I let them go. Obviously they are not all that concerned with RP in the first place if their enemy can just fly around them being antagonistic, hence not worth my time in the first place.

Declaring Combat - Kane - 02-04-2008

I don't quite see why you guys are so against a little quip before combat. It's not that hard, really. >.>

Take the RM for example. A simple "Hostile sighted. Engaging" is quite enough to have that filled out. Or my Reaver characters. If I have a target, I'll give a little "Hey! It's my bounty!" before opening up. Usually wait a beat for it to process too. Then open up with all guns and pound 'em flat.

Now, I will admit, in certain situations it can be appropriate. Special ops, I'd forgive. Especially if people try RPing signal jammers or something of the sort. Even with Corsairs and Outcasts, however, a small note should be used. Rather, especially. Would you just walk up to your worst enemy and punch 'em in the face? Heck no! You'd mouth off a snappy one-liner, and -then- punch 'em in the face!

Just as a common courtesy (And soon-to-be requirement if I get my way on this one), try alerting people you're about to attack. At least they'll know it's coming then. Plus, it also solves the problem of people showing up right next to you, sitting there for a while, then blowing you out of the air before you know what's happening.