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What is a pvpwhore? - Printable Version

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What is a pvpwhore? - SeaFalcon - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:You said pvp = you're a pvpwhore:D
It's player versus player ... Freelancer is a game, remember? :D


What is a pvpwhore? - Akura - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:You said pvp = you're a pvpwhore:D

Of course, merely being a Phantom at some point in time and running a Wild faction condemned me to a life of PvPwhorery, forever and ever.

Too late to turn back now, so I kill people on FL 8-)

What is a pvpwhore? - nakitu - 05-13-2011

pvpwhore? hmm why not pvplayer, maybe his RP is to be PvP?
so some people who like to RP more than PvP, why they don't call them selfs a RPwhore.
i like PvP because is basic part of RP, more or less :rolleyes:

What is a pvpwhore? - MystacX - 05-13-2011

Okay, from what I understand there's two three kinds of players here:

Roleplayers (or RP Noobs)
Pvp'ers (or PVPWhores)
Lolwuts (or Lolwuts)

Now, I think most people hate the lolwuts, because they just go "Omg you're a target for my faction, you are now hostile. pewpew". That doesn't make them a PVP'er, tough yes they are pvp'ing, you get my drift.

So, at the end, the negative term is Lolwut and the opposite of the rp'ers is the pvpwhore, although you can just as easily leave out the whore part.

What is a pvpwhore? - Akura - 05-13-2011

People seem to have this delusion that PvP is something different to RP, and not a part of it.

What is a pvpwhore? - michiyl - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:People seem to have this delusion that PvP is something different to RP, and not a part of it.
But being here JUST for the PvP part is not the intention of this roleplaying server, right? ;)

What is a pvpwhore? - Hone - 05-13-2011

A term used by those too lazy or stupid to phrase their thoughts intelligently. See "Lolwut"

What is a pvpwhore? - Ryummel - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:

wtf, I spend the whole day cybering 8-|

What is a pvpwhore? - Junes - 05-13-2011

A PvP-Whore is a person who prefers to solve inRP conflicts by guns than by words and who is to boot friggin' good at it.

What is a pvpwhore? - Akura - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:But being here JUST for the PvP part is not the intention of this roleplaying server, right? ;)

I don't know of anyone who sticks around just for the PvP. Because the PvP of Freelancer is quite bad.