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I AM BACK! - Dab - 02-01-2006

Take a look at the Faction status post. I have said Hostile to them its been that way for 2 weeks now. Think before you post.

I AM BACK! - marauder - 02-02-2006

Wow, he's in one hell of a mood.

I was answering Titus's question ok?

Sorry I worded it how I did, I tried to make sure it was clear. If I knew how to do links I would have put one in instead.

Forcing someone to leave a system is, to me, throwing them out. Which you will admit you've failed to do a few times.

Besides which what I said was true, depending on your point of view. The truth always depends on your own point of view.

I AM BACK! - Dab - 02-02-2006

Well if some new pirate gets on server I will let him in Gamma unless he attacks us, so don't say I kick pirates out of Gamma. I kick Phantoms out of Gamma.

I AM BACK! - The Damned - 02-02-2006

The Damned,Feb 1 2006, 03:46 PM Wrote:Dab...I don't know what to say to will always turn the things just as you like 'em. But I'll start from somewhere. First the game you play here is called FREElancer. Not battlefield, not WoW , Not lineage , not starwars .... Trying to rule everything ... I think its not right. In SP of any game you can be the top Ruler , but when you are playing along with other people being the best is detirmined by only one thing - the people. ONLY they can say If you are the best or not. Discovery server is all about Freelancer and THAT-the people. You can call your self the best only after every1 admits it. I admit that Korrd is a great pilot , I admit that Angel is great pilot and a person to play with , I admit that Kane is , I admit that Lancer is , Maruder , Sid , Micro , Met , Firebird  ... Every1 are... I maybe an enemy as Rp or charachter ( or just because I want to be bad , and I have tried to be good in previous life ) I still respect them. I respect you aswell. I admit you are a good pilot. But your attetude really starts to bug me. There isn't THE BEST. Even the best make mistakes and when you fall from high it hurts much more than falling from low. And with your attetude you're falling from high right about now. And it hurts. And you know it. And now you are trying to stop falling. But thats not the way.
When I first came here, I must confess, I didn't have any experience in MP OF ANY GAME at all. And everytime I entered a combat with another player I could feel my hands  shaking , as I tried to aim. And then the sudden releif when i read XXXX died , or click at respawn. Yeah it took me a lot of nerves to get use to fighting real people ( maybe something similar is happening to a soldier who is ordered to fire upon another human being ). And then my first victory... sry Lancer. And so on... I began to get use to it. You were talking on the forums stuff that you have always did - you are the best you are no#1 , and sh*t. And then I fought you in one A vs C battle. And you lost. Your osiris first , your eagle second. I felt very good then. And was regaining my nerves for minutes after the battle.

...And now with your annoyance and stuff... I kill you without even blinking. You see the difference? I'll let you figure yourself what has changed...

You are loosing respect. So stop falling and act like a MAN.

P.S. And there really is no other AW attcking us ( me and the Phantoms ) when we are in Gamma, Alpha ..etc., even if he is in the same system with the AW.

Read and think about it...

"With the ignorance from your cross as the witness
The truth of your tragedy make you justice
In your mirror the high spirit of kindness
Looks like malice..."
Dimmu Borgir - Blessings Upon The Throne Of Tyranny


I see that Dab is conquering new treads with the Omicron Gamma stuff. So i'll post this here too with the hope that this will be the last of it.

I AM BACK! - Dab - 02-02-2006

Here he goes blaming me. We had stopped talking about it here. Also Marauder started it I was done with the whole thing. Also in case you didn't notice we resolved it. Marauder said he was sorry he was having trouble wording what he wanted to say, I accepted the apology. Now you are the one trying to continue it. LEAVE THE WHOLE TOPIC ALONE!

I AM BACK! - Wolfpack98 - 02-02-2006

Dab,Feb 1 2006, 04:53 PM Wrote:Take a look at the Faction status post. I have said Hostile to them its been that way for 2 weeks now. Think before you post.

Thank you very much for being a snot nosed prick, Dab...

Don't presume to tell me what to do, kid.. I don't like people who have this kind of attitude, and you have made an enemy out of me. Congratulations.

I check the faction status thread DAILY!

Hostile does not mean at war, Dab. There's a fine line and you seem to have confused the issue. That is all i will say about that.

I'm so frakkin' sick of this show of attitude... I've walked away from clans over crap like this.. Is this what you want? me to walk away, Dab?

I AM BACK! - Dab - 02-02-2006

Wolfpack98,Feb 1 2006, 10:18 PM Wrote:I'm so frakkin' sick of this show of attitude...  I've walked away from clans over crap like this.. Is this what you want?  me to walk away, Dab?

No, I want us to stop talking about this topic. It has been argued over and resolved why do we need to bring it up 8 or times?

I AM BACK! - Wolfpack98 - 02-02-2006

Dab,Feb 1 2006, 09:29 PM Wrote:No, I want us to stop talking about this topic. It has been argued over and resolved why do we need to bring it up 8 or times?

Resolved?! You're dreaming, bud.. THis was nowhere near resolved as no one was happy with me closing Gamma. The problem still exists and we have no solutions.

THAT is why it's still being brought up.

I AM BACK! - Dab - 02-02-2006

I said resolved because I have already said he is allowed in Gamma as long as he doesn't attack any of us. That is what he wanted anyway. But this is his only chance. If he attacks us again I won't let him back in without a fight.

I AM BACK! - Angel - 02-02-2006


(I need a Margarita)