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Corporate Bonuses - Printable Version

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Corporate Bonuses - Point_Blank - 11-30-2011

-=Opening connection=-

-=Securing communication tunnel=-

-=Astartes Tyler logged in=-

Greetings Bowex Adminstration, I have my infocard all setup and ready for review.

It can be found here.

Have a pleasant day further~

Corporate Bonuses - AshDent - 03-08-2012

To: Bowex Administration
Subject: Infocard

Here to inform HQ that my ships are now fully follow the requested InfoCard format.

The Rutherford
The Kakapo


Stew Wolfe.

Edit: Do also note that the spelling has been updated from that in the photos

Corporate Bonuses - Bowex - 03-16-2012

To: All Bowex employees.
From: Bowex Administration.
RE: Bonus reporting terminus.
This is a general call to all Bowex employees, to notify you that the reporting facility for corporate bonuses has been updated and moved to a new frequency. Bonus requests can be appended to the Bowex HQ Infosheet - the neural comm signature is not to be shared with external clients. For further enquiries, please direct questions to the Bowex realtime comm channel and ask for a Supervisor or Manager. Bonuses are to be paid at the end of each business month.