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A little message to our valiant defenders of justice - Printable Version

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A little message to our valiant defenders of justice - Toaster - 07-21-2011

[font=Agency FB]>>: Comm. ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Ensign Ferus Olin - Corona Battlegroup Combat Division, Azurite Wing
>>: Subject: You're no pirates?

Mister Blunderbuss. A group of Navy ships, mainly comprised of Corona Battlegroup vessles, entered Kansas again, just now, in order to shoo away several ToP ships. Again. That in fact worked without firing a single shot.

But what is important is the following: Two Liberty Rogues appeared, coming from Junction. So, you say that the accusations of your bunch being pirates is incorrect? Then why does Junction harbor them?

Ensign Olin

A little message to our valiant defenders of justice - Petitioner - 07-21-2011

Sender ID: Reggie Roberts
Sender Location: Junction Station

Regarding the incident which just occurred.
My attempts to be diplomatic and talk things out reasonably were met with constant interruptions from Lieutenant Cooper, who seemed unable to speak with proper grammar, and repeated statements that I am female, in a childish attempt to provoke me into insulting an officer of the Liberty Navy.
I believe I speak for the denizens of Junction when I say that we are done being diplomatic, at least when dealing with the Corona Battlegroup or Lieutenant Cooper, whom I might add ought to undergo a sobriety test.
I have attempted to speak for the few denizens of this humble station, and was met with insults and even gunfire. I hate to demand things of other people, but I am afraid I must demand that Corona Battlegroup explain themselves.

A little message to our valiant defenders of justice - sadtranslation - 07-21-2011

[Image: aleeshastr.png]

COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Lieutenant Aleesha Cooper
DIVISION: 36th Soaring Ducks

I hope that a Liberty Rogue and an associate of him who you left talking to us in your attempt to be diplomatic were just some random passersby, not the members of your group claiming control over Junction, since it makes your actions even more questionable. Not like you are in the position to demand anything - especially when it came to lasers and plasma bubbles landing all over the place.

That's only the Liberty Navy that demands explanations now.

And keep in mind that you got only yourselves to blame for making things more complicated and less entertaining for all of us and yourselves especially. Talking of the legal context, I can't recall such a precedent before, so it would take more time and more nerves to resolve this certain case. But Commodore Robinson is a much better person to clarify it for you.
[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

A little message to our valiant defenders of justice - Tailsdoll - 07-21-2011

Incoming transmission...
From: ToP Public Relations Liaison
To: Liberty Navy High Command
Extremely High level of encryption detected...
Bypassing security procedures, executing Protocol C...
Message decrypted. Video uplink established

[Image: BigJoe.jpg]

Dear friends,

Liberty law clearly states that a vessel may open fire on another vessel should the third party initiate hostility. In fact, under Section One, clause 3 of the Liberty Law, one can clearly see written: "Self defence is permitted. That is the primary use for civilian weaponry in the house of Liberty". Seeing as the Corona gunboat opened fire on (and destroyed, might I add) one of our ships without physical provocation, anyone would agree we would have every right to return fire. I would expect the Navy (and all subdivisions), above all people, to keep a level head, instead of shooting hot plasma when they realise they aren't welcome.
As a side note, the scrap metal we were harvesting belonged to several uninhabited, long-destroyed parts of the station, which were more of a hindrance than anything useful. We have, in fact (according to our latest readings), further secured the station's integrity, seeing as we removed several unused, potentially dangerous sections of the wreck.
For my gracious friend in the Corona: this pinstripe suit belonged to my grandfather. He died in Sugarland after some maniac framed him for murder. The Navy took a bit too long to figure it out. Five years, to be precise. And my mother also told me something interesting: "Never trust anyone you can't see face to face".
Secondly: the Junction base wreck was there long before any official Liberty operations in the Kansas system. Though I do recognise your authority over the system (as it IS directly adjacent to a Liberty-owned system), you cannot, I'm afraid, claim a station as yours without any kind of proof of ownership. In that case, I could claim the New York star. No one claimed it before, am I right? Basically, that's what you are doing. You accuse Junction's current denizens of claiming a station on the basis of "no one was there before". Didn't you do the same? No one claimed Junction, so you "claimed" it "before anyone else". Rephrase it how you want, it's the truth. You are the Liberty Navy, yes, but semantics will never be your ally.
Thirdly: There is no need for veiled threats, nor passive-aggressive statements. The decompression of living space is "unavoidable"? Will you proceed with it even if there are people within those areas? I had no idea the Navy had become so Machiavellian, as of late.
Fourth and final: You cannot assume that, simply because you have a large fleet, or the direct sponsorship of the Liberty government, that everyone else will accept that 2 + 2 = 5 when you say it. You claim ownership of a station without any regard for people living there for far longer than any of you have probably even had this idea in the first place. And you proceed with a overhaul reconstruction without even considering there are human beings living inside. Do not expect them to roll over. Nor expect their neighbours to watch on as you murder them. This is NOT a threat, I can't stress this enough. I'm merely giving you a friendly advice. Liberty law allows for it's citizens to defend themselves. Check the handbook.
As a side note: dear citizens of Junction. The Navy proves its hostility towards you as well. Do you still wish to remain neutral? Do you wish to stand by and watch your brethren be killed? I think not!

With utmost respect,


Video uplink terminated....
Connection lost

A little message to our valiant defenders of justice - Sonja - 07-21-2011

Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Planet Manhattan, Fort Bragg
Encryption: Secure

Reggie Roberts et al;

' Wrote:
Sender ID: Reggie Roberts
Sender Location: Junction Station

"Note, this is not a territorial claim to the referenced independent systems, which are widely recognised as neutral space."
Kansas isn't ours. It never was ours. Junction is ours, and it would be open to all who came with a smile on their faces and the intelligence to think of bringing their own oxygen. I find it interesting that a house named "Liberty" fails to recognize the fact that people outside of its tax system do indeed have the natural rights and, ahem, "liberties," to have property the same way those inside of it do.
We don't take kindly to those whom would threaten our liberty, Commodore. We do what we do out of necessity. This is no different. Good day to you.

Given that Kansas is in the same list as New York, California, Texas and Colorado, and not the same list as the independent systems such as Magellan and Hudson, are you going to contend that the centre of Liberty space is an independent system? I don't think so. Just because you think a system is independent, that does not mean it is the case.

I'm fairly sure you can read, which leads me to the conclusion that your arguments are totally semantic and totally pathetic. Kansas is a part of Liberty. That's all that needs to be said.

However, you have highlighted an interesting loophole, that you have only attempted to use due to your lack of common sense. Since this deficiency seems to be endemic, I will be bringing the matter up with the relevant members of the Republic with a view towards clarifying the independent systems that we patrol but do not lay claim to.

As for the rest of you, there wouldn't be an issue if you were to obtain proper legal title. Since you don't have it, you fit every legal definition of the word "squatter". You don't need to take me at my word if it hurts your ears, simply check the dictionary.

The fact that the station was a wreck is besides the point; it is property that belongs to the Republic by default due to its location and the lack of a tenable legal claim by a third party. "Returning a station to working order" is inconsequential if you had no right to be there in the first place. Besides, the system would still belong to the Republic regardless of ownership, just as the space in the Colorado system belongs to the Republic.

You would like to, and have quoted your right to bear arms in defense. That's all well and good, but if you use those arms to break the law, as it says elsewhere, you forfeit all the protection that the law provides. You taking up arms against the forces of Liberty is such an action. If you truly wanted to protect your station, you would have pursued legal means to obtain rights to the station. I imagine that the process of obtaining property deeds would have been quite easy, given your remote location and lack of political will to industrialise the area.

That has totally changed now, unfortunately, since you've made yourself a security hazard.

Transmission Terminated

A little message to our valiant defenders of justice - Petitioner - 07-21-2011

Sender ID: Reggie Roberts
Sender Location: Junction Station

As I have said, many of the former residents of Junction Station have no legal status in any House, rendering any such legal claimancy practically impossible to achieve.

All we're trying to do is live our lives on a station that we have built. Have we not the right to enjoy the fruits of our labors, Commodore Robinson? We'd be more than glad to work something out with the Corona Battlegroup, but they fired upon us when we attempted to do nothing other than negotiate with them. For trying to live peacefully, we've become a "security risk?" I am tempted to agree with Mr. Joe in this situation, as we seem to have the unifying factor of acting against the Navy only in self-defense, attempting to perform actions which harm none and being put in mortal danger because of it.

We have no wish for conflict, but these seven individuals can make your life hell if you push us. Take a look at the history books. The Greek Wars of Independence, the Polish exiles in Siberia, the Battle of Blair Mountain, the Carnation Revolution... all caused by people who were doing nothing but living their lives, being oppressed by those who unjustly sought to put them under their thumb, using the same reasoning you use to claim that we are little more than terrorists and thugs.

We realize we have little chance against the might of all of Liberty. We'll be damned if we don't die fighting. Good day to you.

A little message to our valiant defenders of justice - iron6266 - 07-22-2011

Incoming transmission...
From: Someone who lives in the Kansas system

Hey there

I'€™ve been living in Kansas all my life mining and selling iridium and I never, not once seen one LN patrol in the Kansas system. So my question is this, how can liberty claim a system that they don't even live in nor patrol? If it's a case that liberty discovered it claimed it then left (For a very long time whitch is the case here)
then in my opinion you abandoned the system leaving it open for others to come and make a living here... if you wanted to keep the system when you first discovered it the least you could have done is put a weapons platform at the jump hole.

On another note is Puerto Rico not right next to Texas? But is it owned by liberty. NO it's owned by the Junkers, always has and always will.

More to the point what you're doing to those who live at junction is wrong, it's like if the [LN] decide they want Newark Station base they just come in take it and kick everyone out and then justify it by waveing a pretty badge while saying ''I'm enforceing the law'', the only reason you don't do it is because there'd be uproar over it.

Connection lost.

A little message to our valiant defenders of justice - Tailsdoll - 07-22-2011

Incoming transmission...
From: ToP Public Relations Liaison
To: Liberty Navy High Command
Extremely high level of encryption detected...
Bypassing security protocols, executing Protocol C...
Message decrypted. Video uplink established

[Image: BigJoe.jpg]

Dear friends,

I must say, I agree with Mr. "Someone who lives in the Kansas system", here. You cannot claim a system as being entirely yours based on geographical convenience. Especially when you completely ignore anything and everything that happens inside. Your attittude towards Kansas is puzzling, to say the least. You mapped it, sent in a few ships to further chart it, then left. No second thoughts. No patrols, no stations, colonies, no presence at all. And you claim it as your own because it's next to one of your systems. In that case, I will repeat what my friend here just said: go knock on the Junker's doors in Puerto Rico, see how THEY like it. See, there's a reason you wouldn't want that: it isn't convenient.
The only reason you are making such a fuss over this system is simple: no single force inside can withstand the full assault of the Liberty Navy, so you believe you can waltz in and say "Military, OUT!". Well, here's a small nod towards you, my friend: there is no "single force" in Kansas, anymore. If you still wish to "claim" a system based on nothing more than a self-created sense of grandeur, by all means, try it. Be warned though: you have pretty much antangonized everyone inside Kansas. Do not expect a welcome mat.
I cannot stress THIS enough: a diplomatic, and friendly resolution is still welcome. IF, however, you do choose to continue to act aggressively, we will be forced, unfortunately, to respond in kind.

My best wishes,


Connection lost...
Video uplink terminated

A little message to our valiant defenders of justice - Ingenious - 07-22-2011


it's carlos ortiz here. anyway, whatever ends up happening, if any o' y'all need supplies to junction station, call us junkers and we'll work something out. we'll acquire and ship you whatever you need for a fair price.

that is, if anyone's still alive by the time we get there . . .

red beans and ricely yours
carlos ortiz
the [collectors]

A little message to our valiant defenders of justice - shemkel - 07-26-2011

[Image: trans_bar_mike_oneal.png]

As this conversation became plain, we decided to start negotiations with each side separately.
There's no doubt that Corona Battlegroup will reconstruct Junction.
There is also no doubt that Corona Battlegroup will never cooperate with murderers or terrorists so there will be no mercy for individuals like NTF members which recently showed up in Kansas.
However, we are willing to talk to any Kansas inhabitants as long as they act lawful.
I'm sure we will come to understanding that will satisfy all interested.

<div align="right][Image: sig_oneal.png]