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BHG| recruitment - Fallon - 01-21-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Neve--
-Ship Details: Manta 2 Debs 4 Prometheus Mini Razor AU-VIII Nukes

Well the Hawk Days were edgy, not the most powerful bird in Sirius and I was making my own way working for the houses freelance and buying what I could as I went along. I prefered scouting for traders as oppossed to escorting them because the liberty Rogues had started employing a lot more very Heavies Bombers and GB's so my little Hawk was always outgunned.
I didn't always escape the wrath of the pirates, three Liberty Rogues in particular got very annoyed when they realized I had diverted a pair of tankers hauling gold ore out of their grasp. In the battle that followed I barely escaped. Not a bot CM or mine left to throw at them as I watched their last Hornet missile sail past my port side and inexplicably miss. Well we all get a lucky break sometime I guess. I landed what was left of my ship (which wasn't much) and headed for the bar to calm my nerves. Thats when the contracter found me. My rep was very good with the Bounty Hunters it was about to get better!
Gregory Chapel was his name, A retired Bounty Hunter and an old friend of my fathers he had come to take me to Sheffield Station on board what had to be the most heavily armed pelican I had ever seen.
'€œ Your Dad tells me you fly a Hawk'€ he said
'€œThats right!'€ I said, feeling quite defensive even though there was nothing in his tone to indicate I was being mocked.
'€œNot any more'€ he said grinning broadly.
At Sheffield Chapel did all the work. He knew everyone and he was well liked. He got me signed up as an independent Bounty Hunter introduced me to some good people that would keep work coming in and finally led me to the hangar. The Manta stood under a long strobe light. It bristled with guns some of which I'd never seen before.
'€œ My old ship!'€ he said lovingly '€œShe always brought me home no matter what I did to her'€ his hand patted the hull, his gaze drifted, his mind wandered away then snapped back '€œThose prometheus guns cost me more than I care to remember'€ he said, motioning at the weapons that I had failed to recognize. '€œAnd now mr Neve she's yours. Treat her well and she'll keep you well kid!'€
I was speechless.
'€œBefore I hand her over to you lets go break a bottle at the bar kid I wanna say bye to her properly'€



-End of Transmission-
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BHG| recruitment - St.Elmo - 01-27-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--Name: Desmond_miller --
-Ship Details:currently flying a manta-
-Skype Details: reece.merrett -

Greetings, my name is Desmond i was born on free-port 1, but if you had to put me in an ethnicity i'd be kusariberty as these were the houses of my parents. as navy pilots they taut me to fly with honor. that is until i fell in with the wrong sorts at Rochester and eventually was forced into rehabilitation for my cardamine addiction. i was thrown out after that and traveled in search of work, eventually finding Rostock i settled down making a reputation among the hunters there for my freelance work. this allowed me entree to the guild.

I am applying now because i feel i would work better as part of the well oiled machine that is BHG| , that and i am intrested in the support that it can offer with contracts as well as general quality of life, however long(or short) it may be.

i have credits available for my own setup and naming etc.


Desmond_Miller (also known as St.Elmo)

-End of Transmission-
--Data Connection Lost--

BHG| recruitment - themikeruler - 02-23-2012

A holographic letter is received from a sender by the name of Darrel Kromwell. The letter appears to be from a prison, as a unique stamp is embedded onto the hologram.

*Hologram opens, starts*

I'll try to make it short and sweet. As a Bretonia boy, I was raised well in a somewhat wealthy family, my father being in the Police, and my mother working as a trader. After I graduated from college with a master's degree in the medical field, I started off as a traveling doctor, meeting people of all kinds, treating passengers with flesh wounds.

Eventually I came across the Mollys. However, instead of attacking me, they came to me for help; 2 of their pilots were bleeding to death from a dogfight that had happened earlier.

I didn't want to help them, but I had to; no matter what they did, who they were... I had to help them.

I recalled reciting an excerpt the Doctor's Oath: "I will not evade my responsibilities to heal."

I took the men upon my ship, and treated them. They both recovered and got back to their men.

To celebrate, they invited me to come to their bar and toast. I felt obligated, so I accepted.

That may have been the worst decision I've made in my life.

Upon dock and entry to the bar, every man cheered for me. They asked me for my name, and I gave it.

And so they toasted, to the prosperity of Darrel Kromwell. After hours of them celebrating, I had to get back into space.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded; the Armed Forces were approaching the base and threatened to attack. The Mollys boarded their ships and undocked to fight. I was left stumbling, panicking. If I was caught, I could lose my degree for aiding and abetting these criminals.

During the battle, I tried to sneak out of the base. Not even seconds after I undocked, the Armed Forces began firing upon me. I tried fleeing, but their weapons were too much. The last thing I remember that night was hearing a thunderous crack. I blacked out.

So. Here I am, in prison, classified as a convict. I received a letter from your team, on the topic of amnesty release. I guess this is my chance to get out of this hell-hole, and join the Guild. Hopefully, my degree wasn't for nothing, and I'd be able to assist the team with field medic capabilities and such.


Darrel Kromwell

*Hologram ends, closes*

-Ship Details: Bottlenose, possibly Manta.

SKYP3 ID: TheMikeRuler

BHG| recruitment - eikooc101 - 02-25-2012

Firewall Status...[color=#33CC00] Online
Verify Encryption Keys... Ok
Conform Identity... Reno Ashford Recognized
Initialise Video Uplink... Established

[Image: ITransmission-1.png]

--CommID: Reno.Ashford--
-Ship Details: Currently fly a Bottlenose

Where to begin... For starters I'm an ex =LSF= agent, been out of commission for sometime now, just now getting back into the business of space flying. I'm currently unemployed and do not wish to be initiated back into the LSF. Being an ex-agent, I'm used to deep space surroundings, and received special op training, I know how to survive. I could go on with being an ex-agent, but the majority of it is still classified, if I share any intel I fear for my own life. There aint much else to my life so far, just the regular trying to make it in this world kind of life. Start off small, and work your way up. I was born and raised on Planet New London, New London. As a child everything came easy to me and I pretty much got everything I wanted as my parents were noblemen, father was a Margrave for the Royal Bretonian Army.
I've been currently doing freelancer bounty work, but it hasn't been working out so far for me, so I wish to become an official Bounty Hunter. I already have a fully outfitted Bottlenose at my disposal. I thank you for your consideration.

Raynaldus V. Ashford ~Reno

[color=#CC0000]Enabling Feedback Loop...
Closing Transmission...
Signal Lost...

BHG| recruitment - Dashiell - 02-25-2012

All applications up to this point have been or are being processed

Laura Lovelace

BHG| recruitment - OEF-86|Archangel - 03-01-2012


Name: Seraphin Ailes
Birthplace: West Point Acadamy, NY System/Raised in California Minor.
Next of Kin: Zaphiel Ailes(Brother), Harriet Ailes(Mother), Ivan Ailes(Father)
Current Occupation: Entrepreneur, Freelance.

*A womans appears on the screen to speak of the man in question, appearing to be submitting information to the Bounty Hunters*

Bio: Seraphin Ailes, youngest pilot in the Liberty Navy. His mother, Harriet Ailes was en route to Manhatten with her husband Ivan Ailes, former polititian and VIP on the Liberty Counsil when she began to go into labor on the liner. Lacking the resources, they docked at West Point Academy where she gave birth to Seraphin. The family since moved to California to commit to being full time parents and 4 years later, had their second child, Zaphiel Ailes. Seraphin excelled at mathmatics, science, political science, and his favorite subject; modern warfare. Seraphin graduated highschool at the age of 14, and despite earning a full ride scholarship to the Manhatten University, decided to join the Liberty Navy. He graduated with the rank of Lieutenant at the age of 16 and began service as a Liberty Heavy Fighter Pilot. After serving 4 years, and completing 5000 sorties, he's received numerous awards for his valor and battle tactics on the field and also writting the book on "no end scenarios". By the end of his forth year, he was approached by an unknown division in claims of special training beyond Liberty Guard, which was Seraphin's ultimate goal and him along with 4 other pilots were sent on an assignment to Omircon-99. 5 people went in, but 2 people came out alive; Seraphin and his brother Zaphiel. They were both accepted into the Order. Since then, he was approved by the heads of the Order Elite Forces as an Ace Fighter pilot and strategist for the Order, and displayed even more heightened skills on the field of combat, willingly joining battles where for normal pilots is a lost battle and proving he could turn a battle around. During the attack at Toledo however, the first of many Marduk's appeared to destroy anything that left the planet and Seraphin disobeyed a direct Order to leave at once. Him and Zaphiel stayed behind to make their last defense and aid escaping ships. It was at this moment the first Marduk took it's shot at a group of transports and Seraphin willingly sacrificed himself by flying in front of the shot and taking it for his friends and brother. Several weeks later, by twist of fate, his escape pod was found with its life support systems fully functioning. After spending months in rehab, he was released and since then made it his goal to do some good all around Sirius. He believes the experience gave him new perspective as the Order despite being down, still hold a formittable defense against the nomads and prefers his services be used around Sirius and affect all parties and house militaries.

In Reality
Name: Dan Alvarado
Birthplace: Travis Airforce Base, Bakersfield California.
Bio: Ive always wanted to do some good around in FL and play regularly. I really was a member of the Order at one point, but it's been my goal to do good for people that has real, lasting affects. Im not a fan of pirates or pirating what so ever, and without pride or ego, I am a good pilot. I want to see people be confident about going out to trade or mine. I want people to feel like they are free to go out in space and not get held up for millions or die. There's real good out there in people they just need inspiration. King Arthur once said "Peace can only come on the other end of war. If that war must come, then I will fight it!" If you'll have me...i'll gladly fight it.

BHG| recruitment - Sava - 03-02-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Philip Morris
-Ship Details: BHG very heavy fighter

*smiling young man appears on the screen*

Good day! BHG recruitment office? Yes, i wish to join the Guild. Let me tell my story.

It all started from that conky bastard Billy Bob. Me and my friends from college often arranged weekend events at Dublin racecourse. So, once in the Hood's bar i saw that upstart Billy. He was telling a story about his adventures in remote pirate systems, and all the chicks were hanging on him. He was a bounty hunter. I envied.

After graduating from college started to beg my dad, <strike>a corrupt government official</strike> rich and respected person, to buy me a hunter licence and a space ship. He -so easily- approved my choice; but i suspect he just want to get rid of me.
Few following months have passed for me in dilligent trainings.

I, sure of my power, decided to go into the enemies jaws and overshadow Billy.
It turned out not like i wanted.
Something shorted out in the cockpit and i burned *pulls his pants and shows a small scar on his left buttock*. I was lucky to survive AND I WILL HAVE REVENGE.
My ship suffered, but i think repairers will cope with this.

I've got the lesson and want to fly in a team from now on. I hope you will find my experience and skills useful.

-End of Transmission-
--Data Connection Lost--

Name: <strike>Yevgeniy Savenkov</strike> Sava
Age: 19
From: Ukraine, GMT+2
Skype: Savujkee

BHG| recruitment - Dashiell - 03-02-2012

All applications up to this point have been or are being processed

And mr Morris, with an ass like that, i'm sure we can fit you in somewhere.

Laura Lovelace

BHG| recruitment - Exiledcors - 03-07-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Jackson Flint--
-Ship Details: Manta

*A man whose soft features are masked by his unkempt hair and scraggly beard appears on-screen*

Well, if you must know my backstory...

Growing up in Baltimore was hard, not because I was an orphan, or some poor kid forced to lie about his age to work in the shipyards for money; no it was quite the opposite for me. Both of my parents were mid level Deep Space Engineering employees, not quite executive, but a few steps above peon. My parents made just enough money for me to have just enough free time to get into fights after school.

A street fight, if you can really call it that in the corridors of a station, is a funny thing. All of that build up, the adrenaline rush (and subsequent dump), the lead up to that one moment...That one moment where that punk from the industrial section lays into your jaw with a left hook and your face slams into an unfinished bulkhead on a transport. It was in that moment, with my face bloody and, lets face it, snotty with tears that I changed.

Life had been so surgical up until then. Go to school, study, get a job with DSE...I had been playing out a script that I was only vaguely aware of. Nowhere in my parents plan was there a scene, nay, even a mention of getting my face bloodied and bruised. I had gone off script, I had missed my cue.

I didn't win that fight, it wasn't even close. I limped back to my family's quarters with the aforementioned bloody face, and a few cracked ribs. But the real fight was just beginning, I had to face my parents and tell them why I had missed the most important interview of my life.

Now I don't know how many of you have had families, or actually cared about them, but facing down loved ones who are disappointed in you is one of the hardest things to do. And I couldn't do it, I couldn't bear facing my Mother and Father after I had ruined my life in their eyes, so I ran. I was on the next shuttle out to Manhattan.

A few odd jobs here and there, but the real thrill came when I bought my first ship. It was (is) a piece of junk, but it got me through my first encounter with pirates (barely). On a routine trade run through Bretonia I was ambushed. They asked for, or rather, demanded my money and cargo. Being young(er) and stupid(er) than I am today I refused, and just before my sorry but was about to become slag, a pair of hunters dropped out of the lane behind me.

It was quick, and ruthless. It must have been, because I was almost out of air at that point. They towed me back to Sheffield, told me my ship was scrap and that I was lucky to be alive. Needless to say I stopped trading. A hunter loaned me a ship, and taught me how to dogfight. He became my first real friend since grade school. We took missions together, and he showed me everything he knew. I paid him back eventually, returned the ship and bought my own, but I was addicted to the life. The last time I saw him, I remember he told me " Join the Guild. The insurance is crappy, but the drinks are cheap."

Look at me, I've rambled quite a bit. I guess that's the unfinished University education seeping through. Anyways, I would be honored to join your ranks, and equally as importantly, drink on the cheap.


Jackson Flint

-End of Transmission-
--Data Connection Lost--

BHG| recruitment - Stefan - 03-18-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Jedo Soran--
-Ship Details: Flying a Kingfisher, will change to a Hammerhead or Bottlenose if needed.
Good morning, guildmaster. The name's Jedo, aboard the Iron Stingray. Since the reason for my contact is obvious, I'll get into the info you need.

The origins are libertonian. I've lived on Planet Manchester since birth and worked here during all this time. My family is a small one, and although tight is already fading. I'm currently on my thirties and already lost my father to old age, all that left is my mother and I don't get to mantain that contact very often because she needs constant medical care. Why am I applying? Quite simply 'cause I have no income. I never graduated, and got kicked out of police forces about a year ago for "misbehaving", if you can call killing a suspect that. I don't have any decent background to work on companies of sorts and I don't want to spend the rest of my life behind a counter serving coffee to the LPI.

I need action, and I've heard flying as BH works fine for that sort of desire. Any questions?


Jedo Soran

-End of Transmission-
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