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Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - Printable Version

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Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - Price_ - 08-27-2011

It looks cool, have some things I wanna discuss with you on skype though (sun)

Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - Zelot - 08-27-2011

WIll you be using civilian ships, since Samura and the FA make the ships for the Hogosha and I can't imagine them making ships for people who are hostile to them?

Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - Omicron - 08-27-2011

' Wrote:Ships:
Kusari Civilian.

Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - Friday - 08-27-2011

My thoughts on this concept:

- I can see here how some Hogosha would have grievance against Samura over Artifacts - but is the motivation for this group ideological, or more mercenary?

- One thing I would suggest is not to go straight to hostility with Samura, but rather decrease relations by degree.

- Maybe there is concern with Samura moving in on the Artifact trade and turning unwelcome attention to it. This could actually be a form of catharsis for a Hogosha group, given that their enemies in the GMG went through something similar.

A group such as this could stand in special contrast to the AFA and Dragons/GC- who are perhaps more ideologically motivated. There isnt really a mercenary faction in Kusari - EVERYONE is a patriot/ideologue.

- There is also a possibility that if this group develops a neutral attitude to the GMG (and it is reciprocated), then GMG space could be a region where both Junker and Hogosha can properly fight over 'turf'. Same with Gallia, and even other Houses. Reduced privileges in Kusari, in exchange for larger ZOI and more encounters with Junkers outside Kusari space?

Just some food for thought...

Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - Dane Summers - 08-28-2011

I actually really dig this idea, and, interestingly, I'd like to be a part of it.

If thats at all cool, lemme know on Skype.

Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - sadtranslation - 08-29-2011

I'm sorry, I couldn't ponder over it lately, but here I am.

Dane, I'll add you to contacts once the dinner I just ate makes itself comfortable in my stomach.

Friday, well, it's complex. You can see from the write up that the idea behind Hogosha allowing such splinter cell to exist is more or less rational, yet there is no better fighter than one who believes in what he fights for. Hogosha are less than any other faction limited to a single political attitude, though, they are usually demonstrating only the official one. My Hogosha character couldn't give a borscht about the Emperor and the Council before, but what's up with her now? Who knows?

Zelot, those are not some random mercenary guys, those are the Hogosha who picked up the alternative way.

Aside from that, thanks to everyone and my full gratitude to Markus for giving me the necessary clarification of some points.

Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - Zelot - 08-29-2011

Expect to be outlawed in Kusari with the first hostile act against Samura.

Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - sadtranslation - 08-29-2011


That's how it should work anyway.

Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - Zelot - 08-30-2011

' Wrote:Deal.

That's how it should work anyway.

For lack of a thumbs up emoticon I give you this. :yu: