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To: All Nomad War Veterans - Printable Version

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To: All Nomad War Veterans - Frank McLynn - 09-02-2011


COMM ID: Frank McLynn - Locksmith's Torch.
ENCRYPTION: Eyes only.
TARGET ID: Sarah McFarlen
SUBJECT: 800 A.S war.

- - - - -
[Image: coffee5.jpg]
- - - - -
Evenin' Miss MacFarlen, don't recognise the name, but that ain't an issue. The name's McLynn, Frank McLynn.

Once upon a time I used to run a private security company. McLynn Security Inc. original, eh? Got a good deal of work in Bretonia before the war you're talking about. Dealing with the odd Molly issue, and holding off the occasional Corsair incursion.

So when the fighting kicked off, we operated on behalf of the Bretonian government fighting off a few Rheinland ships. Little bit of clearing up in the Taus after that... Lost a good few men on that deal. Company collapsed after that.

If you're after information, I can talk about what I saw 'round that time, but age is the devil, and drink's the whore. Memories best put to rest in some cases... There's a lot of folks who want to know 'bout that little conflict, and some of 'em ain't people to talk to, if you catch my drift. Governments ain't too keen on talking either.


To: All Nomad War Veterans - ronald245 - 09-02-2011

... Incoming transmission...
... Comm ID: Ronald philipsen
... Location: -failed to track transmission-

Afternoon mrs Mc Farlen,

i've flown troughout the galaxy, i've had my encounters with the nomads... strange things, my great great grandfather told me they were the ones who destroyed sol in the first place, well about my run ins with them

[Image: NomBships.jpg]
dont mind the scanner, never been the same after i tried to "upgrade" its recognition core...
it might be the tinker-toy i bought... a artifact, it took some fiddling but i managed to make a cruise disruptor out of it, and it doesnt take up ammo, just a shorte pulse and it "fires"

ever since i bought that thing they've been after me like crazy....

well, i "lost" it after the nomad wars, quite odd these rheinland millitary guys wanted it, ah well atleast they are gone now
... Connection lost...

To: All Nomad War Veterans - Commissar - 09-05-2011

[Image: YepSarahsanArse.png]

To:Buro Der MarineIntelligenz

As the sandwich said to the dog, bite me.

Oh, and you're not the only one with high contrast cameras. They're not that scary. Really, they're not. It just makes you look cheap.

Have a nice day.

...[color=#CC0000]Signal Lost...

To: All Nomad War Veterans - Commissar - 09-05-2011

[Image: TransmissionSarah.png]

To: Jeremy Hunter Recognised


I've run into a few problems getting this place up and going again. Turns out welding without an atmosphere doesn't work so well. So, er, if you've got any suggestions as to where we could meet, go for it.

Thanks again.

To: Trent Arty Recognised
To: 'Arty' Recognised

Trent? I'm sure I've heard that name.

No offense here, but I've got a lot of warnings so far. Thanks for caring, but I'm still going to go after this. Some people have to fight for their house or whatever, I have to do this.

As to being found... Well. I've got a few plans of my own. Possibly.

Good luck!

To: Trent Recognised

Trent? I'm sure I've heard that name.

No offense here, but I've got a lot of warnings so far. Thanks for caring, but I'm still going to go after this. Some people have to fight for their house or whatever, I have to do this. So, sorry, but... Well, steady on. Hey, you might have a point on encryption. That's boring though. Maybe later.

If there is any help you could offer, I'd appreciate it.

As to being found... Well. I've got a few plans of my own. Possibly.

Bye for now.

To: Unknown Unrecognised

Hey, thanks for the heads-up.

Sorry about your team, do you remember where you met the bad guys? You know, doesn't sound like a really fun place to visit. Maybe the size of the Cruiser scared them? It sounds like something they'd do.

I'll get back to you.

To: Frank McLynn Recognised

Hey, nice to hear from you.

Think I'll have to take you up on that offer. I didn't know Bretonia fought in the war, what was it, just fighters or the heavies too?

Sorry, I'm running a little low on power.

I'll be back once this thing starts working again...
...[color=#CC0000]Signal Lost...

To: All Nomad War Veterans - sirlagsalot - 09-05-2011

SOURCE: ████████
SUBJECT: Your urge to look for employees.

[Image: 32917026.png]

Dear Hey You, why won't you try contacting the guys who are supposed to be in charge of alike things directly, instead of asking some random bypassers? Your current approach does not exactly look very effective to me. I highly doubt it will give you any valuable data but one relative to boredom and maybe to attracting lots of unwanted attention, which is quite irrelevant to your concerns in whatsoever.
Ex altera parte, those aforementioned guys in charge can be useful. They're actually really quite useful.

Not quite truly yours, another random bypasser in tattered hat.


To: All Nomad War Veterans - Username removed - 09-05-2011

[Image: 2wn8hgn.jpg]
You really want to make contact with these beings, don't you ?
I can bring some to you, or you to them for a price, mpfh.
[Image: 97mc20.jpg]

To: All Nomad War Veterans - Mobius-One - 09-06-2011

To: [color=#009900]Sarah Mcfarlen
From: Unknown
Subject: Nomad conflict
-----------------------------------BEGIN TRANSMISSION------------------------------------------------

Hmmm. *Starts to think about the mission brefing* If i can remember correctly. The Scout Cruiser was only supposed to Scout an Unknown System. It's at the Edge of the Omicron Delta System. *Sigh* Years later i come to find out it's Actual name. The name of the Jump Hole is called Omicron Iota...... if i only knew what i know now.. *Sigh* Atleast there deaths weren't meaning less thats all i care for. I hope you never have to experence what i have. Please fly safe Ms Mcfarlen. Oh, and by the way, the names Tim, can't tell you that last name Ma'am *Sigh* I would be at risk if i did that. If you need more info, just ask and i'll tell you what i know. I'm still able to pilot, and my ship is near or around a certain area of space thats start with an O and ends with a 7

End Message

To: All Nomad War Veterans - r3vange - 09-06-2011

[Image: sAM-1.png]

[color=#FFCCCC]Who's Kress? A man who tried tried to kill a God. And
you know what happens to men who try to kill the gods? The either become ones themselves or become forgotten.
Since you don't know about him guess which of the two happened.Let it stay that way.

Now if you have any enquiries about something else ask away. Just make sure it doesn't concern ghosts...

To: All Nomad War Veterans - Jeremy Hunter - 09-06-2011

[Image: 2aep304.jpg]

Beumont. Tell me when you're there.

[Image: 35jxwet.png]

To: All Nomad War Veterans - Lennox - 09-08-2011

::::Incomming Transmission::::
::::Encryption: For McClaren only::::
::::Identity: Unknown::::
::::Location: Error::::
::::Subject: undefined::::


If there is something you want to know what you are talking about meet me in Kansas 50k above the gas giant, if you are interested. I will be there. Just contact me via secure comms about the time, in case you are interested.

A proposal: If you decide to meet me come with a well armored and armed ship. You will need it.


::::Destroying message::::
::::Transmission interrupted::::