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Official Factions' logos needed! - Printable Version

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Official Factions' logos needed! - Omicron Supply Industries - 10-12-2011

Yes, there are indeed easy fixes. The problem is, I shouldn't have to be fixing anything. The images were fine as I had them. His edit broke over a dozen links. All of which I had to manually edit to fix.

I could have just reversed what he did, but as his intent was good I didn't see a reason. All I am asking is that in the future he does not touch a faction's wiki page nor their media without permission.

I don't think that is asking very much, seeing as it is only common courtesy.

Official Factions' logos needed! - Echo 7-7 - 10-12-2011

It would appear that the links to the LSF icon and the IC icon ( lol, irony ) are still broken.

Edit: Also Bowex, AGS, AFA, Samura, SCRA, Cryer, and (]o[).

Edit 2: They're 50x50 pixel images. I really don't think there was a problem with their quality in the first place considering that they've all been shrunk down from bigger images anyway.

Official Factions' logos needed! - Ipuvaepe - 10-12-2011

The point is to universally name the logos, Acronym_Logo.png.

His edits, while not an original idea, were necessary for the long term organization of the wiki.

Tough **** that you had to rename some links. Frankly, that's what you get when you use the image off the wiki. Forever changing.

As for image quality, the higher quality the better. They will shrink down cleaner.

Official Factions' logos needed! - Daedric - 10-12-2011

The images belong to OSI. Not to the wiki, you, or Arthur.

His edits were not necessarily for the long term organization. Our images are not required to be used anywhere but on our wiki pages. If you want to use them elsewhere, you use them as we put them there.

All that I asked was that images that I had created not be altered without permission from the leadership of OSI.

It is called common courtesy. Something you evidently have no notion of. Since you don't I'll be very clear.

Do not touch anything the OSI wiki page or our images hosted there without asking either Stygian or myself. Period.

Edit: Remove the rather mean bit.

Official Factions' logos needed! - fencore - 10-13-2011

Yeah, D, I think that's stepping over the line a bit. Sandwich Rule that. This entire line probably could stand to be dropped before it escalates further, and that goes for both sides.

Point is, let's be careful with the images. I'm sure there's an alternate solution.

Official Factions' logos needed! - Snak5 - 10-13-2011

Wiki is open content. It is not yours. When you upload files it becomes open content.

I really don't give a crap after such post as yours.

One inconvenience for the sake of long term conveniance. I see it as not important sacrifice, for the sake of better tomorrow.

There are 3rd party image sharing centers such as, but not limited to, services.

Deal with it.

Bloody moron.


There is alternate solution. Make Igiss give "secretary" rights to Blodo.
Then he might decide on who is worth additional admin rights, so it would be easier than to PM him all the stuff I would wish to be done.





Next time ask nicely and I would have fixed it in no time.
Or just ask. Instead of trying to do what you did.

Official Factions' logos needed! - arvg - 10-13-2011

SCRA image needs an update

Official Factions' logos needed! - Snak5 - 10-13-2011


Edit: Though it seems Coalition (NPC faction) logo is missing or it was not present. Any file you wish to be used, or you want the same you have just provided to be used for NPC page?

Official Factions' logos needed! - Daedric - 10-13-2011

I've reverted your changes. I will continue to revert your changes to my media.

I didn't tell you not to do it, I asked that you contact the faction whose stuff you are messing with and let them know. It is called common courtesy.

The images belong to OSI. They are not open content. We had them made, they are on the wiki at our allowance.

Edit: I was the one on the OSI account.

Official Factions' logos needed! - Snak5 - 10-13-2011

You could have just asked me to fix it. Way easier and more calm solutuion.

Please, look for compromises and co-work if something is wrong.

Love ya.