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Glad To See Nothings Changed - Printable Version

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Glad To See Nothings Changed - DBoy1612 - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:What Ed said.

Hello sir.

And yes, it was quite terrible.

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Jeremy Hunter - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:Wow I'm Legendary? AWESOME!:D
You're from before the entire Order HC. Yes, you are "legendary."

Also, Zelot.

I am.

I am.

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Tanker - 10-14-2011

Good evening DBoy,
While we didn't run in the same circles then, It is good to see an old face again.


Glad To See Nothings Changed - SMGSterlin - 10-14-2011

Zelot, no impersonating an admin! :rtfm:

Glad To See Nothings Changed - DBoy1612 - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:Good evening DBoy,
While we didn't run in the same circles then, It is good to see an old face again.


Thanks Tanker. ^_^

And wow... I just looked at my forum account. I made it five years ago as of yesterday... o.O

...Thats Creepy.

Glad To See Nothings Changed - gafwmn - 10-14-2011

Hey there.
And yes,I still blow-up ships in z21......

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Jeremy Hunter - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:Thanks Tanker. ^_^

And wow... I just looked at my forum account. I made it five years ago as of yesterday... o.O

...Thats Creepy.




I don't believe in coincidence (bandit)

Glad To See Nothings Changed - DBoy1612 - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:Zelot, no impersonating an admin! :rtfm:

Why not? It's fun. ^_^

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Jeremy Hunter - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:Why not? It's fun. ^_^
Its all fun and games until the Admins beat you with a two by four...

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Craig Ferguson - 10-14-2011

Oh hey it's Dustin.

Your sig's too big.