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Are game reviewers idiotic? - Printable Version

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Are game reviewers idiotic? - Syrus - 10-21-2011

Simple answer: Just way too much corruption going on.
Even if it isn't just money...

Are game reviewers idiotic? - Torch Rose - 10-24-2011

Disregard reviewers and play the game yourself. Rent it first, decide if you like it or not, then go buy it.

And what Cabby said, I watch Yahtzee on a weekly basis for the comedy:P

Are game reviewers idiotic? - NixOlympica - 10-24-2011

I quite enjoy the MW serie SP, it's really nice adrenaline rush and the story keeps spinning. I don't expect from shooter to be a deep story game as I don't excpect from Witcher 2 to be a rush shooter.

About reviews I usually look at our biggest czech reviewer But then again, some games people rate 9/10 I find boring and not appealing and vice versa, review can never make everyone happy. We've all got different tastes.

PS: There is a very few things that piss me more than BF 3 is better than MW3 and vice versa...
PPS: Maybe Skyrim is better than MW 3 that I personally love

Are game reviewers idiotic? - Thexare - 10-24-2011

' Wrote:I know its a matter of opinion, but I am seriously considering that most reviewers these days are all bribed buggers, or the game companies keep focusing on three words in a sentence and mock the rest up.:rtfm:
Advertising does play a part in it, but remember the sheer number of games many of them have to review. They can't spend as much time with any one game as those of us who aren't required by our jobs to play them.

As for shooters, give me Perfect Dark or Doom.