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Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - DarkRupture - 06-29-2008

Incoming Message***
Comm ID: Trainee Erik Blauvelt

Today i start my service to the great nation of Rhienland. My IFF papers are being authorized as i speak and i have been to nearly all the systems in Rhienland. In time i will finally reach patrolman and will be able to serve the Chancellor to my best ability.


Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Zasalamel - 06-30-2008

===Inkoming Transmission===
From: Patrolman Katy
To: Rheinland Federal Police Blotter
Subject: Das Retarde.

Today, I caught se man smuggling sings from Liberty to Rheinhardt. I asked him to drop sem, he docked at Das Ring. Vhen he sought I left, he came out. Bat, I vas still sere! So I opened fire on him! He escaped to Frankfurt, sen Munich. He sought he had escaped. He vent into se dead end! He sneaked back to Frankfurt, he had no idea vat he vas in for. Sere vas an armed Military man. He pursued and destroyed. Sat man vas Edmund Schiffer. Danke, Schiffer. ::Winks, tosses beer:: Sen, he somehow got his ship back. He came out of Das Ring. He vas fully armed vith Corsair veapons! Ve asked das man to drop sem, he did not respond. Ve gave him 10 seconds to comply, he still did not respond. Ve blew him sky high! Sat vas his second offense. His access to Rheinhardt is now intensely monitored. Ve asked him to leave, he vent at 4 meters per second, and he said he vas leaving. Ve asked him to go faster, he did not comply. Ve blew him out of se air over and over again! Sat man never learns. He finally learnt his lesson and quickly retreated to Sigma 13.

Fraulein Lebowitz, out.


Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Zasalamel - 06-30-2008

===Inkomingh Transmission===
From: Patrolman Lebowitz
To: RHeinanjdgdf
Subject: =Unrecognisable=

Se Liberty is here! He has opened fire! ::Electric Shock Sound:: This is all I can give you!


=Image File found=
=Unnamed File=

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Monk - 07-01-2008

Incoming Announcement
Comm ID: Inspekteur Hans Dominik
Subject: Promotions

All current Trainees now have full rank of Hauptwachtmeister.

Hauptwachtmeister Alois Gottlieb is now promoted to the rank of Kommissar.

Congratulations officers.

-Inspekteur Hans Dominik

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - old.steel - 07-25-2008

Message incoming: Federal Police Headquarters...
Comm ID: Patrolman Stahl
Location: Baden-Baden
Subject: Missing leave pass

Guten Tag!

I'm currenty doing some vacation at Baden-Baden enjoying it very much. [Image: happy-holidays-030.gif]
But i received word that i'm listed as AWOL?!
What the heck happend with my leave pass? I'm sure i have send it to dispatch.:unsure:

-Patrolman Stahl

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - old.steel - 08-09-2008

Message incoming: Federal Police Headquarters...
Comm ID: Patrolman Stahl
Location: New Berlin
Subject: Patrol report

My patrol today was a very quiet one.
I have scanned several legal traders and performed a system wide patrol without any sign of hostilities.
The only mentionable encounter was a Bountyhunter callsign *BH* who was eger to 'clear the space from pirates'.

-Patrolman Stahl

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Monk - 09-06-2008

Incoming Report
Comm ID: Inspekteur Hans Dominik
Subject: New Weapons Test and Patrol

With the new shipment of Adv. Flashpoints arriving I was able to test their effectiveness in conjunction with our Hornviper Mk II. I must say I am fairly pleased with the results. Their speed goes well with the agility of our craft and they compliment the Hornviper with some much needed hull damage. However, any pilot that is adept with the Firekiss will still find themselves on the top side of a fight. It is just a matter of hitting with those slow moving blobs.

After clearing some minor criminal reports that came in to Brandenburg I went about a trade lane sweep. Upon passing New Berlin I spotted an Odin class Hessian vessel marked Dark_Avenger. Either my instruments are bugged or this fellow had some hack b/c the vessel kept showing up as a neutral ship. Upon closer inspection I saw that this pilot was flying civilian colors. While attempting to communicate with the pilot he opened fired on me. I fully engaged the vessel and dispatched him. Unfortunately I could not retrieve his escape pod for questioning and detention. During the conflict, another vessel marked Gstayton flying a Spatial engaged me. After finishing the first craft I took a closer look at this vessel and saw that another amount of hacking had been done to fool my radar into reporting it as a Police vessel, however, the ship was flying with Pirate colors so I engaged him. After sufficiently damaging the ship it retreated into Hessian space.

It would appear by these events that a there could be a number of terrorists on New Berlin providing aid to criminals. Since the hacking was so clean, not even the dock gunner fired on the vessels. I want all civilians whose passes were scanned at the space dock within the last 24 hours to be detained and brought to the Ministry of Thought for a more thorough investigation.

-Inspekteur Hans Dominik

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Sassafras - 09-25-2008

Comm ID: Officer Christian Reinboth


While on security patrol near Brandenburg Border Station, base defense systems detected two Phantom terrorists in the vicinity. I responded immediately to apprehend these vile criminals.

I located Phantoms Gloom and Nightsmoke in the trade lane between Brandenburg and Planet New Berlin. Powering up the weapon systems in the light fighter, I engaged the Phantoms who had just destroyed a transport.

After a brief skirmish, the combined onslaught of the Phantoms was too much. Both engines tumbled from the ship as the engine mounts were severed. The main fuel cell was ruptured and the ship started to burn. I ejected just seconds before the ship exploded.

Im currently recovering in the New Berlin hospital under the careful ministrations of Nurse Olga. She says Ill be released to active duty tomorrow.


Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Monk - 09-25-2008

Incoming Message...
Comm ID: Inspekteur Hans Dominik
Subject: RE: Officer Reinboth's Report

You made a good stand out there officer. From what I have heard you are lucky they didn't find your ejection pod to do whatever it is those things do to people.

These events trouble me greatly as recent incursions by the Wilde further worsen our position especially now with Phantoms entering our space. These are dangerous foes and you should contact the RM for support. Soon we will have a new ship to add to our service to help answer these threats, but, until then, we must do all we can with what we have.

-Inspekteur Hans Dominik

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Sassafras - 09-27-2008

Case Number: RFP0012

Incident: Corsair spotted in Frankfurt System

Reporting: Offizier Christian Reinboth

At about 13:00 hours on 27 September 2008, I was returning from a patrol of Planet Nuremburg when I spotted OPG ClearDark going in the opposite direction in the tradelane between Planet Holstein and the Munich jumpgate.

I made an emergency exit of the tradelane and commenced pursuit of the dreaded Corsair. I opened a system wide communications channel and ordered the troublemaker to halt citing he was in violation of Rheinland law and deemed an enemy of the state.

Exiting the end of the tradelane at the Munich jumpgate, OPG ClearDark was 8 clicks away and fleeing with increasing speed through open space. I then received a system message from him saying that he was leaving the system and didnt want any trouble. I acknowledged his message and broke off pursuit. I must admit, with the great distance between the fleeing ship and not having a cruise disrupter, apprehending the criminal would have been impossible.

I made a quick sweep of the Frankfurt system looking for any civilian vessels that might have been damaged by the Corsair, but all were safe. Any Offiziers who spot this possible spy are to arrest him at once and detain him at the Ministry of Thought for further interrogation.

Lang lebe GottKanzler Rheinhardt.

Christian Reinboth
Rheinland Federal Police