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Hyena LF - Bass_masta992 - 03-19-2008

From my short experience with the LR, i can tell you that the werewolf is by far the WORST faction used ship i've flown. It is known to me as the rogues lobster-fishing boat. its got the looks, the turning, and the usefulness as one in a war.

I didn't touch the hyena thank god. i could see it was crap just by looking at it.

The barghest, could be better. i got my fair share of kills with it, but in comparison to falcata for instance, it holds no chance.

Hyena LF - chopper - 03-19-2008

Yes, weird no one mentioned Werewolf for a boost yet..
I haven't seen anyone using it.
It needs more guns and more hull if we want it to be what it needs to be.
It's hopeless as it is.. I haven't tried it, but I plan to try it soon..

Hyena LF - McNeo - 03-19-2008

The Werewolf has its plus points, but it will never compete with other fighters of higher maneuverability. Perhaps a good match for a Titan or Templar, though I would still doubt that. Its a target, but at least its wings dont hold guns. But then again, the wings are so small, that they barely get hit anyway.

I must admit, it looks good though. Love the sharpness on it.

Hyena LF - Quigs - 03-19-2008

The advantage of the rogue ships is totally lost in a game where people have millions of credits in the bank. They're weak and slow, but they hold more cargo than other peoples' ships (so they can carry away their booty).

The decision needs to be made whether rogue ships should be competitive for game balance, or whether they should be trash in keeping with their storyline. Hackers are the rich kids with all the toys. Rogues are the trailer park trash who take their vacations at Sugarland.

Furthermore, by rebalancing Bloodhounds (and upward) for multiplayer play, what does that do to them as enemy ships in single player aspects of the game? Bloodhounds are designed to be Freelancer's punching bag for a reason.

I know this is the last train of thought LR players want to ride on, but in an environment where staying in character is so important I don't think it can be overlooked.


Hyena LF - Rogue63 - 03-19-2008

In resonse to post about LR ships being punching bags.....being in char is important, but nobody will RP for long in a game when you know you are going to get blown away 90% of the time, let's face it, it gets old I can attest to that. Have to remember this is a game for enjoyment of all, including those who RP the Liberty Rogues. Back to the Hyena topic, what was said before about adding a torp slot would make all the difference. The best LF and the only one I know of with a torp slot is the Red Hessian LF (forget name). That ship was a pure joy to fly, and I can say I have smoked several players in VHF's, and on one occaision got a player in 2 passes. The torp slot gives the LF that extra muscle it needs. LF are weaker than other ships as they should be in hull, power plants, weopons capability (less guns). IMO most LF's are severely handi-capped and unless you are a really good pilot your chance of survival is not to promisimg. The Hyena, which I did fly briefly is a poor LF, probably the worst of the improved LF's and needs help.

Hyena LF - mjolnir - 03-19-2008

' Wrote:Furthermore, by rebalancing Bloodhounds (and upward) for multiplayer play, what does that do to them as enemy ships in single player aspects of the game? Bloodhounds are designed to be Freelancer's punching bag for a reason.

NPCs use different ships than players(different stats).. and believe it or not... all NPC ships are much more agile than player ones as far as I know.

Hyena LF - pipsqueak - 03-19-2008

oh hush...

If people were so worried about single player, they would not have put in Rogue GB's in patrols in Manhatten.
I ran into one with my starflyer.

Let's just say it was a story worth forgetting.:angry:

Hyena LF - Othman - 03-19-2008

Raw stats :

Gun/Turret Mounts: 3/1
Armor: 7200
Cargo Space: 60
Max Batteries/NanoBots: 45/45
Optimal Weapon Class: 8
Max. Weapon Class: 9
Additional Equipment: M, CM, CD
Agility : 1.2667
Power supply : 8000

Well this still has a better armor than most of the other light fighters available. A hull nearly matching of a heavy fighter. If the agility is too low, boosting the power supply could work better instead of adding a gun mount for compensation.

Hyena LF - Varyag - 03-20-2008

I have a bloodhound I use sometimes, it is slow and crappy. It really is only good for RP. From what I have seen about the hyena, it is the same. It would be nice to see it upped a little to make using them more fun. To solve the balance problem you could do the same thing that they did with the Wild wraiths, just the opposite. Keep the NPC ships worthless and the player ship nice.

On a tangent, there is a Kaldesh LF that has a torp. slot as well but the ship is horrible with a bad camera angle and doesnt have the power for a Mini.