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Farewell - dodike - 01-01-2012


Farewell - dodike - 01-01-2012

' Wrote:Also, quitting after one day is not meant seriously, because you will be curious in a few months, how things became finally balanced, or?
See Dubstep's post on the first page.

Farewell - Ursus - 01-01-2012

move to flood or lock please, this is the wrong place for personal QQ thread

Farewell - Avalanche - 01-01-2012

See you Tenacity. I do agree with what you said, tempting to follow but I can't do that to my faction. Who knows, we'll see how this all turns out. But I'm defiantly taking a back seat on my time here. I'm continuing my forumlancing.

Also, when I was reading your OP, iTunes had "Requiem for a Dream" on shuffle, made reading it a billion times more powerful. :lol:

Farewell - Rodriguez - 01-01-2012

Later dude

Gonna shoot some Order guys with my underpowered Magma sabre (devil)

Farewell - valen - 01-01-2012

That time of the year already?

Farewell - Govedo13 - 01-01-2012

' Wrote:What bothers me is the direction the mod's "balance" is taking, they're homogenizing the entire game in a vain attempt to create a level playing field for pvp purposes while taking away everything unique.
You are such a lolwut really- they do exactly the opposite right now. Giving you all "unique" combinations to use while in 4.85 you were not able to while nerfing its PvP potencial in order to enable people to RP is exactly the opposite..... Having all PvP whoring and tex mixing factions crying on 30-40 page topics around...
Well the Devs do outstanding good job actually.
So ye farewell :lol:

Farewell - Rummelsnuff - 01-01-2012

Tenacity. you ask why the options like jumping an cloaking arent easy and efficient to use for everyone. I think the answer is obvious: so that everyone doesnt use them every time, and that they are only effective in certain situations and if applied skillfully. I personnally think that it is a good sign that you werent able to use with eraet success after your first day, because if you did every player would be doing so soon and then we wont see any player at all anyone more because everyone will be jumping and cloaking.

I'm sure the bugs will be removed and ballance issues adapted.

Its only one day since it was released after all.

The "uniqueness" that you say will disappear through "IRP-tech compatabiliting"... that was not uniqueness when it still existed... it was a major flaw in the game mechanic. You were suposed to RP something that didnt exist back then in the mod, with the exception of certain "good" players for whom all of a sudden this stuff didtn count anymore so that certain people could get an advantage and be "unique". They were not "unique". They were unfair abusers with a ticket given to them to do it. Those "unique" players were only "unique" in their own eyes. To other people they were just privileged spoiled children that acted like privileged spoiled children tend to act. If you want to be unique, you can stand out and impress people with the quality of your role play, just not anymore with a ticket that you managed to aquire through your contacts in the right places.

Farewell - Linkus - 01-01-2012

Would you like some cheese with your whine?

The only 2 things that will affect you, with or without you wanting them to, are the tech nerf and capital ship turret splitting. It's not a real stretch to see it's the tech nerf you have trouble with.

Quote:. I dont think it will come as a surprise to anyone here that a faction dedicated to -real- roleplay fails while dozens of factions based on nothing but pure pvp prosper.

Yes. Clearly. I mean, who would a cross-tech nerf hurt more?
Quote:factions based on nothing but pure pvp
or the
Quote: faction dedicated to -real- roleplay

Definitely the roleplay people.

The pvp people would not at all care that their loadout makes their ships far worse at pvp and the people engaging in -real- (Please note the real) roleplay would be crying their eyes out because their awful science orientated roleplay is harmed beyond belief by...not being able to pvp as easily.

Please obtain some while outside of that cocoon, then come back.

Farewell - FraserTE - 01-01-2012

All will be fixed in good time.

The auto remove your power core regardless of rp involved is complete bullshi*t the rp between the order and the taz is compltely good but a reduction in 25% of the core due to the bad id im not liking.