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Remove Connecticut - Printable Version

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Remove Connecticut - Hone - 01-06-2012

oted remove, cos you can pvp with no rp on different servers. But I dont use it much, so I dont really know.

Remove Connecticut - Durandal - 01-06-2012

Let's remove flood too and see how that goes over. I don't feel like going to another server and having to set a new ship up every time I want to screw around with something different just because I can't do it on the main server.

Remove Connecticut - Glis - 01-06-2012

I agree with Tycho, even though I don't use Connecticut, Tycho is right, yes its faster to setup on Disco of Disco, but people seem to be lazy to do it, when they can just fly to Conn and do it all there.. (All the way from Rheinland/Omi Alpha etc..)

Remove Connecticut - schlurbi - 01-06-2012

Connecticut is for People who want to practice with their Ships they've got on that Server. They also want to try out a new Load-Out or a complete new Ship and they want to do all of that in Connecticut so that wont have to worry about Rule and Role Play Consequences. Admins are already having an Eye on Connecticut and kicking them out if there are too many People in the System, no Reason to remove a Chill Out System.

Not only do you have to set up a Character on a different Server, you'll have to save the Account and keep it active as well.

Remove Connecticut - Lennox - 01-06-2012

A clear no here. It's always nice to have some PvP in a system where you can't get a 4 hours restriction by being killed. Especially for newer players this system can be important. Though, you can train with some friends elsewhere but you never will have the full offer of players you can fight with. As for me I like that system for trying new things out or something similar. I don't see a reason why it should be removed.

Remove Connecticut - Jack_Henderson - 01-06-2012

I voted "remove" because I think that guard systems are perfect places to practise pvp. Also no one cares when 20 k over a base some people do pvp practise. No need to travel 10 minutes to one place to pew and to hurry back when there is an emergency in your normal system.

Remove Connecticut - Zahas - 01-06-2012

Conn must stay.

Remove Connecticut - Jihadjoe - 01-06-2012

I'd rather not remove conneticut. It's a useful thing to have.

I would rather we closed off the jumphole though, to prevent random people wandering their way through liberty yelling "// GOING TO CONN, NO SHOOT PLISS".

Replace the jumphole with an FLhook command "/conn" or something, which just beams you to conneticut, provided you have no cargo in your hold, then a "/home" command, which only works in conn, and takes you to a base which belongs to your faction ID.

That would be the ideal situation. Removing conneticut would not "free up slots". Those same people would just go somewhere else and shoot one another for oorp practice instead. Except by removing conn, you'd force them to do so somewhere in the RP environment.

Remove Connecticut - hollowpoint - 01-06-2012

i Saw someone making money in conn once.. scooping up the spoils of pvp :crazy:

Remove Connecticut - pitockm - 01-06-2012

as you can see, pvp rules are not for conn, and if someone want to test gun mixture its a good place to do and pvp in other systems cannot be done! Imagine a oc wants to pvp training with a liberty gurdian, so they must go near the roachester or rogues base. Which takes alot time and sum it up with npc's that shoot you too! And explain how 2 battleship can pvp in other systems whit ZOI rules?
I mean a nomad Bs and a lib Bs? After the fight is it possible for nomad bs to come to Ny in 1 min?