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Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Printable Version

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Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Boss - 03-25-2008

I do patrol the gates on occasion, but I rarely go through them.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Reverend Del - 03-25-2008

' Wrote:yeah right grav, the birmingham was ganged by one of your minions in a gunboat and another gunboat plus a falcata in NY last night.
they decided to restrict access to the California Jumpgate
Unlikely, the only LR gunboat is the Gunboat.Diplomat and I fly that, given I wasn't on last night, it's highly incredible that I was there. Secondly the LR tagged fellow you saw was the Kiss.This.Then who is a werewolf, becasue he hasn't asked me or submitted forum RP for a gunboat, thirdly none of our members fly falcata's no-one has passed the rank necessary to use borderworlds vessels, with the excepion of Niezck, Corrupted and myself and only Corrupted flys a borderworlds vessel and that's a Sabre. Finally in the future if you feel you have any grievance against the LR or the DPL could you please PM it to either myself or Niezck and we will deal with it according to the evidence provided.

There is no need for any other LR memebr to respond to this post.

Sorry for that.

Back on the subject, the SA/LSF/LPI could do a lot for their own inactivity, when you have four people all in caps, get three of them to downgrade to fighters for the interim, until caps are needed then head out and patrol the other systems, if New York gets attacked, you can dock and log onto another chracter back in New York, should support be needed, or you can return with the fighters you have if caps are not required, saying that it's dull is one thing if you have not got the will to change that it willr emain dull and New York will remain a cesspool.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Ayem - 03-25-2008

I was the Falcata pilot in question, assisting the rogues 'Kiss-This-etc.' and U-171 who were being chased around New York by the Birmingham. We locked down the trade lane between the California jump gate and West Point (by the Rogue Destroyer, it wasn't a random placement) in order to lure the capital ship into combat. It happened to vanish for a while, but when it returned we engaged and destroyed the vessel. At this point, our purpose concluded, we broke up to pursue other goals.

I can confirm that both Kiss This and U-171 were in gunboats.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - SimonBlack - 03-25-2008

I also dont believe that its lack of numbers. Its lack of political will.

If you have 5 people online, get one Cruiser and two fighters to patrol NY, get another Cruise to stand by California with one fighter escort (that fighter could also patrol).

If you divide your forces, one troop can hold strategical positions and other can run patrols.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Reverend Del - 03-25-2008

' Wrote:I was the Falcata pilot in question, assisting the rogues 'Kiss-This-etc.' and U-171 who were being chased around New York by the Birmingham. We locked down the trade lane between the California jump gate and West Point (by the Rogue Destroyer, it wasn't a random placement) in order to lure the capital ship into combat. It happened to vanish for a while, but when it returned we engaged and destroyed the vessel. At this point, our purpose concluded, we broke up to pursue other goals.

I can confirm that both Kiss This and U-171 were in gunboats.
I would like screenshot proof of the LR-Kiss.This.Then-D I have requested them of the pilot, I now request them off you. If indeed the Kiss This is flying a Rogue Gunboat, there will be hell to pay.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Ayem - 03-25-2008

Afraid I'm not all that picture happy, haven't taken a single screenshot. If I see him again, I shall do my utmost to make sure he says cheese.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Vape - 03-25-2008

Yeah, i was hunting them down.
More accurately i was hunting Kiss.This.Then.
I learned something, dont take on the rogues without backup.
Btw, Ayem, you aint that bad of a bomber pilot. But a word of advice when facing Lib BCs.
Dont try to fly directly below the part between the bow and the stern. the hitbox there will result in you ramming the ship.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Etaphreven - 03-25-2008

Wut? Kiss This Then was a Hyena LF.. I know, 'cause he attacked my Armoured Transport and I killed him.:(

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - SimonBlack - 03-25-2008

No, man, I killed him in my Repair Ship:P

(we still argue about this)

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - BaconSoda - 03-25-2008

I don't know if the topic is still on SA/LSF/LPI, but, they're sitting in New York, all the time....

For gods sake, there are twelve of them (yes, I counted) sitting outside Manhattan, and when I asked them why none of them were policing the 5 people in California, or the 6 people in Colorado, or the 4 people in Texas, I received no reply. Honestly, now, I can't even keep a steady connection in New York due to the stuff that goes on there (there are 44 people in New York as of 4:44pm ET)....

Please, SA/LSF/LPI, diversify your forces. Instead of all twelve of you blowing up one person with a Nomad Weapon outside Manhattan, go elsewhere as well. SA doesn't even have to stay in Liberty, they can patrol the trade lanes in the independent worlds too....

Edit: My mistake, there are 14 Liberty Police Officers in New York....