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sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - Printable Version

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sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - Jack_Henderson - 01-17-2012


**** SENDER: [color=#FFCC99]Stephen Schwerdtfeger, IMG Guildmaster

**** TO: [color=#FFCC99]Channel Participants


** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G **

[Image: stephen_schwerdtfeger.jpg]


[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]

Dear Sirs or Madams,

the picture shown by Kruger shows a pilot that does not even fly for the IMG|. The ICMG is a communist group, an independent branch that operates completely seeperate from the Guild. What their leadership does is nothing the IMG| can control. This is why the claims that IMG| had anything to do with the surge in mercenary attacks were dismissed, if you remember correctly.

I will not go into Tau diplomacy, as Kruger - operating on the other side of Sirius, separated by the Kusari house - can of course not be well enough informed about the multifacetted post-invasion political structure to make any potentially correct statement. Oh, or do the Vigilantes also report on their incredibly profound knowledge of the IMG's Tau diplomacy? Just a joke, my most sincere apologies.

But to return to the topic: My advisors gave me an option that might be acceptable and that eluded me, although it is rather easy:

The IMG suggests that §5 does not apply for the bases and their surrounding perimeters (as it would lead to complicated situations and lots of exceptions), but to the mining fields only. Bases do not need protection, if we are honest. They are nearly indestructible and the last time DHC attacked Freistadt, the damage would have been completely negligible if a torpedo had not hit the hangar emergency airlock. Subsequent agreements hopefully ensured that attacks like this will never happen again and I hope this treaty will ban violence like that forever.

The IMG can accept to declare the mining fields No Fly Zones. This would make the treaty much sleeker, as all the exceptions (that would render the NFZ useless anyways) could be avoided. The mining grounds are outside of most routes. Furthermore they can need some formal protection.

The IMG| can only accept this compromise if Kruger and DHC accept that in case of criminals fleeing into this zone, the IMG| does not feel bound by the NFZ. As I said, there can be no safe havens for criminals as miners are often the target of violence. The IMG| will not use extreme means of securing its fields in case defense forces of the other signing parties chase criminals through their fields.

Furthermore, every intrusion into the NFZ have to be reported by the intruding party. The questions "who was chased", "why was he chased" and "when did the incident happen" must be answered, in order to properly inform the owner of the NFZ about the incident. This keeps tensions low and encourages defense forces to communicate.

Of course, greatest discretion and care is needed for these operations. I think you and I can see easily how fast this can get out of hand.

This is how far the IMG| can move. Now it's DHC and Kruger's term to move, as we will not approach your position any further.

Yours sincerely,

Stephen Schwertfeger
Guildmaster of the IMG

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#CCFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION STANDBY FOR ANSWER ***

sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - Kanzler Schulte - 01-17-2012


[font=Century Gothic]My friends, the IMG, Kruger, and Duamann,

I have felt it prudent to let this conversation run its current course for some time. Government policies that focus on regulation inter industry matters tend to be bulky and obstructing.

Commenting on what I have seen out of these talk thus far; it has been reassuring. It is indeed good to see men such as yourselves sorting out our problems through words, not violence. Lately however, it seems as though talks are running aground. This must not be allowed to happen.

I implore all parties to seek compromise. We have our differences but we must set them aside for the good of the Omegas, the good of Rheinland, and the good of our people.

I will continue to monitor these conversations, and I hope my stepping into them once more will not be necessary.

In hope of a peaceful solution, the Rheinland State.

[color=#33FF33]Nikolaus Rheinhardt, Kanzler


sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - Jack_Henderson - 01-24-2012


**** SENDER: [color=#FFCC99]Stephen Schwerdtfeger, IMG Guildmaster

**** TO: [color=#FFCC99]Channel Participants


** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G **

[Image: stephen_schwerdtfeger.jpg]


[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]

Dear Sirs or Madams,

I think the Chancellor's words have been understood and the IMG would like to make sure that the initiated process is not stalled by the inter-corporation fighting into which the discussion shortly drifted.

The IMG would like to see the treaty signed. Better sooner than later.

To return to the subject that was hotly discussed:

The IMG suggests the following change to §5:
  • The NFZ does not apply to bases
  • There are NFZs around the mining areas. We suggest a 10 k radius around the mining zones.
  • NFZs can be entered if criminals try to abuse them for their purposes (documentation and a report is necessary. A standardized form can be drawn up by the IMG.)
  • Bases are well-protected and can hardly be damaged by the forces that the signing parties field.
  • The fields (and the miners/haulers working in them) have a real need for protection, as they are soft targets.
  • Including the bases into the NFZ would mean opening a catalogue of exceptions and would disrupt standard flight patterns (Freistadt is in the very center at the lane) and would likely result in many incidents.
If this reduction of the NFZ to the mining zones is accepted, the IMG can accept that the IMG addiation in §4.2 part b) is deleted.

Quote:§4.2: Unaffiliated and non-union employees are defined as such:

a) [...]

<strike>b) Ships that have the IFF-transponder of the signing parties followed by - Version 3

b1) Freelancer ID
b2) Freelancer Mercenary ID
b3) Freelancer Miner ID
b4) Vigilante ID
b5) Freelancer Researcher ID</strike>

The IMG asks Daumann and Kruger, whether that compromise is acceptable and hopes that it is.

Yours sincerely,

Stephen Schwertfeger
Guildmaster of the IMG

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#CCFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION STANDBY FOR ANSWER ***

sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - Kruger - 01-24-2012

* * * Incoming Transmission * * *
[Image: 2vvs308.png]
ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Kruger Board Of Directors
To: Rheinland Bundestag, Rheinland Military, Rheinland Federal Police, Kruger, DHC, IMG

Mein herr's we were very clear about this treaty we already stated our red lines we whont cross.
We can accept Dauman Anex proposal to be implemented in the treaty but we whont step down from our requests. We whant this treaty signed as much as you do.
Think about it atleast once more.

Mika Koenig
Public Relations advisor
Kruger Minerals Management Department

sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - AeternusDoleo - 01-25-2012

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Guildmaster Johnathan Sanders
To: Channel participants
Subject: Omega 7 treaty, revised proposal
Encryption: Low


Mr. Schwerdtfeger has informed me that the Omega 7 treaty discussions are not proceeding smoothly. It would appear that we are getting hung up on details. The basic message of this treaty to each and every of our company employees (who, I may remind you, are miners, not politicians or law enforcement) should be simple, and to the point. I believe that message is "Stay on your own grounds, and don't cause unneccesary trouble." Anything in this treaty falling outside the scope of that message is pointless, since I suspect most of the folks down in the fields that this will affect, won't be able to grasp it. Having analysed the previous proposals and proposed amendments, I've tried to condense all this into what I hope will be an acceptable compromise for all involved parties. It takes into account many of the proposals and requests by both Kruger and Daumann. I have commented the various sections to motivate any changes. It often helps to see the thought behind it if something appears out of place.

With that in mind, let us condense the points we all agree on to something your average miner can grasp, and re-touch the points we do not agree on, and see if we can come to some sort of compromise.

Quote:§1: Determining Employment
The term employer, as used in this document, refers to the organization that any given vessel uses the public transponder signal (IFF) or the registration of the involved party (ID) of.

§1.1: Ranking employees of the parties involved are defined as all vessels with the following codes in identification transponders.
IMG| : Independent Miners Guild
Kruger| : Kruger Mineralien
DHC- : Daumann Heavy Construction
These transponder signals signify the member as being fully informed of this treaty and all of it's clauses, and consequences.

Ranking members are expected to act responsibly and guide the remainder of their companies. It should become the responsibility of the companies involved to ensure that at least their ranking members are informed. This is the only discernment between ranking and nonranking that I believe should be made. I will insist on the public transponders being included as a means for identification - if only to ensure that those who associate through affiliation, can also be required to vacate areas they have no business being in.

§2: Resource Distribution and spheres of influence
Every mining Corporation (DHC, Kruger, IMG) limits their activities of their employees to the fields that are defined in the map below. Failure to do so results in consequences defined in paragraph 3.

[Image: Omega7Tr.png]

The spheres of influence for the concerning parties are defined as follows:
§2.1: DHC influenced: The ore-rich asteroid field southwest of Briesen in the coordinates E/F 7. Space extending roughly 10KM from the Briesen mining facility.
§2.2: Kruger influenced: The ore-rich asteroid field northeast of Elbich in the coordinates F/G 2/3. Space extending roughly 10KM from the Elbich mining facility.
§2.3: IMG influenced: The ore-rich asteroid field northwest of Freistadt in the coordinates C/D 2/3. Space extending roughly 10KM from the Freistadt mining facility.

I propose to simply combine the old paragraph 1 and 2. The old paragraph 1 serves no purpose other then a forward reference. Kruger's suggestion of a sphere of influence extending around the bases seems a good idea, although there must be exceptions to it, if only to allow the free flow of trade, and to prevent any base from becoming a haven which attacks are launched out of. The wording "property" should not be used here - the sovereignty of the system is not being drawn into question by any of us.

§3: Treatment of violators
The following consequences apply for parties who fail to comply with the restrictions set in paragraph 2. These consequences are agreed on by all signing parties. These measures aim at discouraging ore theft and other forms of provocation that endanger the premises set by the Bundestag, and reduce overall tensions between the corporations expoiting the resources of the Omega 7 system. All signing parties agree to the use of diplomacy as the perferred means of solving disputes.

§3.1: Verbal methods of resolving violations
Violators must be informed of the existance of this treaty and the consequences of their violation of this treaty. They must then be given the chance to make reparations:
- They may be ordered to drop the contents of it's cargo bay and vacate the area.
- They may be offered to keep the illegally mined ore but compensate the owner. The height of the compensation payment depends on the amount and type of ore, and is to be payed by the offending vessel. If the offending vessel is unwilling to pay the compensation, it must drop the contents of it's cargo bay and vacate the area.
- Finally, they must be offered an armed escort out of the respective faction's claim. The offending vessel is required to vacate the area it is infringing on.

§3.2: Non verbal methods of resolving violations
Non verbal method's are considered as use of force, and as a last resort lethal force, against violators of this treaty and its clauses. Nonverbal methods of defending against intrusions may be applied only when the follow conditions are met:
- The offender(s) were informed of the existance of this treaty and all consequences that come with violating this treaty.
And any one of the following:
- The offender refuses to compensate the party being infringed on, either by surrendering it's cargo or paying a sum of credits, to be determined by the party being infringed on, in compensation.
- The offender refuses to vacate an area claimed by the party being infringed on, as set in paragraph 2.
- They refuse to give any response to the communication signals by any of involved parties.

The intent of these paragraphs is clearly stated in the header. This will eliminate anyone's ability to bend the letter of the treaty to their own purposes, and ignore the spirit of it. As you might notice I have eliminated the discernment between ranking and nonranking employees. Frankly, I feel it is unneccesary. The subparagraphs follow the intent of "talk first, try to resolve incidents without violence, and resort to violence only as a last resort". Making the offender personally liable also eliminates the need to reference specific companies. Basically, "you do the crime, you pay the fine."

§3.3: Exceptions to the spheres of influence
Vessels may enter another faction's spheres of influence under the following circumstances:
- For the purpose of escorting a vessel to a mining zone or facility belonging to the escortee's faction.
- For the purpose of reaching another facility, such as trading traffic passing between the trade lanes near Freistadt. Vessels are required to pass through without interruption, or delay.
- For the purpose of pursuing or engaging a known, or immediate threat. Each participant may make available a list of vessels or groups it considers known threats.

Again, common sense. It's in nobody's interest to block mercantile traffic. Daumann and Kruger will quite frequently need to pass by Freistadt, seeing as it's situated on the main trade artery between Rheinland and Bretonia. To my knowledge, Daumann has signed quite a lucrative contract with Bretonia, supplying it with Aluminium. The most direct route from the IMG claimed mining grounds (in case it is unsafe to use the trade lanes) to the Stuttgart system also passes the vicinity of Elbich. Such traffic should not be restricted. Pursuing known threats eliminates the possibility for any of the defined zones to become havens for specific unlawfuls, whomever they may be affiliated with. Most of this is reworded from the Daumann annex proposal, with one exception: To not unify the list of known threats. The motivation for this is simple: we have no interest in being drawn into Daumann and Kruger's conflict with the Hessian movement, but we have no intention of harboring Hessians either. Doing either would not only threaten the safety of Freistadt, but Aland as well.

§4: Reaffirmation and revocation of this treaty
Periodic reaffirmation of this treaty is neccesary to ensure that all factions are still in agreement on the goals set forth within.

§4.1: Reaffirmation needs to take place on the following occasions:
- A periodic quarterly (3 month) reaffirmation. Any faction may request amendments at these times. Two out of three parties must choose to reaffirm the existing treaty for it to remain valid, all three parties are required to affirm any alterations.
- A drastic alteration in the availability of resources, be it positively or negatively affecting any or all of the parties involved.

§4.2: Revocation of this treaty can occur on the following occasions:
- The disbandment of any one of the parties involved in this treaty.
- A concensus by at least two of the three involved parties, that the treaty has failed.

I've tried to simplify this part. Should any of the signees cease to exist (due to bankrupcy, merger or otherwise) the treaty would no longer consist of all of the signing parties, and be voided. When two of three see this treaty has failed, then it in essence has, and a new one will need to be negotiated. Should the availability of resources change - as it undoubtedly will, at some point, when the current claims are mined out - then a new agreement covering potential new sites will need to be negotiated. The Walker nebula is vast however, I doubt we'll need to step on eachother's toes. The quarterly reaffirmation seems a good idea, but should not be misused by any single party to get out from under it. Hence the continuation of the existing treaty would require a concensus of two. The 14 day standoff is pointless - if parties have already signified they will no longer adhere to the treaty, the 14 day standoff clause itself becomes void. Ask yourselves, who will enforce it at that point?

I would welcome comments and reactions to this simplified version.

Kind regards,
- Guildmaster Johnathan Sanders, on behalf of the Independent Miners Guild

**** Transmission closed ****

sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - Jack_Henderson - 01-28-2012

==== Message retransmitted ====

sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - Daumann Heavy Construction - 01-29-2012

***Incoming Transmission***

From: Walter Daumann, CEO, DHC.
To: Channel Participants
Subject: Omega 7 treaty

Guten tag, we had not answered to the transmission expecting Kruger's answer first, however as it seems their board must be still discussing about it we find this time the right one to answer.

We agree with Herr Sanders that the message here is for each party to stay on each other's ground, and we agree to the treaty as proposed by the IMG; as a show of both good faith, and common sense. The treaty should be as simple as possible, as a matter of fact, as more clauses get added to the treaty, more potential loopholes will be found. Let's use common sense, and get rid of this paranoia for good, we are here to sign a deal, not to accuse each other of actions that have not even happened.

We will not answer to this channel anymore until Kruger and IMG finally meet an agreement and put their mistrust aside. However you can be sure we will keep a close eye on it, hopefully it wont be for too long.

***Transmission Terminated***

sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - Kruger - 01-29-2012

* * * Incoming Transmission * * *
[Image: 2vvs308.png]
ID:Kruger Board Of Directors
[color=#33FF33]To: [color=#FFFFFF]Rheinland Bundestag, Rheinland Military, Rheinland Federal Police, Kruger, DHC, IMG

§1: Determining Employment
The term employer, as used in this document, refers to the organization that any given vessel uses the public transponder signal (IFF) or the registration of the involved party (ID) of.

§1.1: Ranking employees of the parties involved are defined as all vessels with the following codes in identification transponders.
IMG| : Independent Miners Guild
Kruger| : Kruger Mineralien
DHC- : Daumann Heavy Construction
These transponder signals signify the member as being fully informed of this treaty and all of it's clauses, and consequences.

§2: Resource Distribution and spheres of influence
Every mining Corporation (DHC, Kruger, IMG) limits their activities of their employees to the fields that are defined in the map below. Failure to do so results in consequences defined in paragraph 3.

[Image: Omega7Tr.png]

The spheres of influence for the concerning parties are defined as follows:
§2.1: DHC influenced: The ore-rich asteroid field southwest of Briesen in the coordinates E/F 7. Space extending roughly 10KM from the Briesen mining facility.
§2.2: Kruger influenced: The ore-rich asteroid field northeast of Elbich in the coordinates F/G 2/3. Space extending roughly 10KM from the Elbich mining facility.
§2.3: IMG influenced: The ore-rich asteroid field northwest of Freistadt in the coordinates C/D 2/3. Space extending roughly 10KM from the Freistadt mining facility.

§3: Treatment of violators
The following consequences apply for parties who fail to comply with the restrictions set in paragraph 2. These consequences are agreed on by all signing parties. These measures aim at discouraging ore theft and other forms of provocation that endanger the premises set by the Bundestag, and reduce overall tensions between the corporations expoiting the resources of the Omega 7 system. All signing parties agree to the use of diplomacy as the perferred means of solving disputes.

§3.1: Verbal methods of resolving violations
Violators must be informed of the existance of this treaty and the consequences of their violation of this treaty. They must then be given the chance to make reparations:
- They may be ordered to drop the contents of it's cargo bay and vacate the area.
- They may be offered to keep the illegally mined ore but compensate the owner. The height of the compensation payment depends on the amount and type of ore, and is to be payed by the offending vessel. If the offending vessel is unwilling to pay the compensation, it must drop the contents of it's cargo bay and vacate the area.
- Finally, they must be offered an armed escort out of the respective faction's claim. The offending vessel is required to vacate the area it is infringing on.

§3.2: Non verbal methods of resolving violations
Non verbal method's are considered as use of force, and as a last resort lethal force, against violators of this treaty and its clauses. Nonverbal methods of defending against intrusions may be applied only when the follow conditions are met:
- The offender(s) were informed of the existance of this treaty and all consequences that come with violating this treaty.
And any one of the following:
- The offender refuses to compensate the party being infringed on, either by surrendering it's cargo or paying a sum of credits, to be determined by the party being infringed on, in compensation.
- The offender refuses to vacate an area claimed by the party being infringed on, as set in paragraph 2.
- They refuse to give any response to the communication signals by any of involved parties.

§3.3: Exceptions to the spheres of influence
Vessels may enter another faction's spheres of influence under the following circumstances:
- For the purpose of escorting a vessel to a mining zone or facility belonging to the escortee's faction.
- For the purpose of reaching another facility, such as trading traffic passing between the trade lanes near Freistadt. Vessels are required to pass through without interruption, or delay.
- For the purpose of pursuing or engaging a known, or immediate threat. Each participant may make available a list of vessels or groups it considers known threats.

§4: Reaffirmation and revocation of this treaty
Periodic reaffirmation of this treaty is neccesary to ensure that all factions are still in agreement on the goals set forth within.

§4.1: Reaffirmation needs to take place on the following occasions:
- A periodic quarterly (3 month) reaffirmation. Any faction may request amendments at these times. Two out of three parties must choose to reaffirm the existing treaty for it to remain valid, all three parties are required to affirm any alterations.
- A drastic alteration in the availability of resources, be it positively or negatively affecting any or all of the parties involved.

§4.2: Revocation of this treaty can occur on the following occasions:
- The disbandment of any one of the parties involved in this treaty.
- A concensus by at least two of the three involved parties, that the treaty has failed.

This is the treaty you proposed herr Sanders very god job it is similar version Kruger proposed.

However there is few small details we wish to change we need to define official and unoficcial-nonunion employes there is a big diference there companies can not be responsible for action's of non official employed personal so we have to implement clause wich will clearly state that companies can not be responsible for non official personel violations of this treaty.
Second we would like to define more precisly what is official employe and what defines them.
Just an ID or just an IFF of involving parties can not be enough for determing theyr employment. Please try to understand this anibody can fabricate an IFF transponder and use it wit another identification paper.
We whant to avoid unnecesery problems with it.
I'm sure you are aware of the known Vigilante group wich uses Kruger affiliation transpoder i do not know how the hell they get theyr hands on it or maybe they fabricate that transpoder on theyr own, but that's not the issue here.
The point is Kruger Minerals dosen't agree with theyr actions we do not recognize theyr goals and we are totaly against it.
Now we are aware that they are using our transpoder signals however the affiliation transpoders can not be considered as evidence of determing emoployment and our corporations can not be responsible for actions of such groups.
Therefore we propose small adition to be implemented.

Official employes of the folowing parties DHC-, IMG|, Kruger| are defined as such:
a)All vessels with the following codes in identification transponders
a1) IMG|
a2) Kruger|
a3) DHC-

b) (ID)identification card and registration of the vessel in the involved party rooster ownership list.

Unaffiliated and non-union employees are defined as such:
a) All vessels lacking the following codes in their identification transponders:
a1) IMG|
a2) Kruger|
a3) DHC-

In case of any violation's comitted by the non official or non-union employes, administration of the official parties will not be considered as responsible.

We would also like to define more clearly about zones of influence and how far they can be from the stations.

Vorsitzender Hans Wesritter
Kruger Minerals Management Department

sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - AeternusDoleo - 01-29-2012

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Guildmaster Johnathan Sanders
To: Channel participants
Subject: Re: Omega 7 treaty, revised proposal
Encryption: Low


First, let me respond to mr. Daumann. It appears indeed the case that the Guild and Kruger seem the most troubled to resolve these difficulties. However, their latter response suggests we're close to resolving them, and I hope we can do so within the coming week.

To the Kruger board of directors, let me address each point you voiced concerns about:
- Not wishing to be held responsible for the non-ranking employees violations as a company. I can very much understand this, and in the existing proposal this is already implemented. The treaty is geared in such a way that the violators rather then the employing entity are held personally liable for their violations. You'll notice I use the word "ranking" rather then "official" - having "unofficial" employees (or in the Guild's case, members) in and of itself sounds odd and shady. The change you request there, is not needed. It was the specific intent to make -any- violator directly liable for it's own infractions.

- On the public identifier signal, commonly referred as IFF: Yes, these are easily fabricated, and easily removed as well. I see no issue with treating someone who has chosen to brandish the identifier of one of the parties involved in this treaty, as a member of such (and as listed above, personally liable for infractions). Ask yourselves, does any vessel with an IMG identifier belong near the Kruger mineral claims, or vice-versa? Including these, as above, to be personally liable for the infractions they would cause would allow for more flexibility in being able to remove potential troublemakers more assertively.
The first identifier seen by pilots is the IFF signal. In the interests of keeping things simple, including this as a valid identifier seems sensible.

- The zones of influence. I'm not sure where the confusion comes from, but the first paragraph suggests 10 KM from each station, and the entire smaller asteroid field that contains the mineral deposits claimed, although in space there are no clearly defined borders. Unless you propose to deploy a large number of marker buoys (which given the nature of the Omega 7 system, would take some doing to maintain). The map provided is fairly accurate for this purpose.

As to the issue of the vigilantes, we recognize that they don't serve Kruger's interest, and are essentially nothing more then terrorists. The IMG will add those individuals to the list of known threats, referenced in paragraph 3.3, meaning we -will- pursue them into Kruger claimed space if they choose to flee into it. But given your statement that you disagree with their actions, I suspect they're as welcome on Elbich as they are on Freistadt, so this is likely to be a non-issue. Similar scenarios involving either Guild, or Daumann identified craft should expect similar treatment.
Make no misstake, we're expecting the occasional incident - history has shown it's unrealistic to believe a treaty would put a stop to all those with ill intent. However, we do want this treaty to prevent escalation of these.

- Johnathan Sanders, on behalf of the Independent Miners Guild

**** Transmission Closed ****

sender: IMG - Topic: Omega 7 Treaty - Draft 1 - Kruger - 01-30-2012

* * * Incoming Transmission * * *
[Image: 2vvs308.png]
ID:Kruger Board Of Directors
[color=#33FF33]To: [color=#FFFFFF]Rheinland Bundestag, Rheinland Military, Rheinland Federal Police, Kruger, DHC, IMG

§1: Determining Employment
The term employer, as used in this document, refers to the organization that any given vessel uses the public transponder signal (IFF) or the registration of the involved party (ID) of.

Mein herr this is the thing wich should be changed

Vessels with both public transponder signal and Identification card of involved party should be considered as ranking employe of the folowing corporation including registration in the corporation rooster owner list.

Vorsitzender Hans Wesritter
Kruger Minerals Management Department