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VHF vs. Bomber - Printable Version

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VHF vs. Bomber - Veygaar - 01-11-2012

Answer: Patience/Practice.

And that means varied practice, don't practice against the same bomber pilot again and again. The more you play the better you get.

VHF vs. Bomber - Ninefour - 01-11-2012

' Wrote:Three words: Sliding, sliding, sliding.

Problem solved.

THIS. When sliding slow bomber guns can hardly hit you.

VHF vs. Bomber - Camtheman - 01-11-2012

It's rather hard, which is one of the main reasons I gave up flying fighters.

You're chance goes up as your fighter gets smaller I find.

Light Fighters = best anti bomber
Heavy Fighters = Better anti bomber

VHF vs. Bomber - Ceoran - 01-11-2012

' Wrote:It's rather hard, which is one of the main reasons I gave up flying fighters.

You're chance goes up as your fighter gets smaller I find.

Light Fighters = best anti bomber
Heavy Fighters = Better anti bomber

This is partially correct.
The smaller the fighter, the easier it is to evade and stay behind the bomber. But beware of mines, a single nuke can ruin your day if your shields go down on a LF.
However, smaller fighters do less damage, so you'll need more patience until you've taken your target down. With growing experience larger fighters will be more effective.

VHF vs. Bomber - Tachyon - 01-11-2012

' Wrote:<strike>HF</strike>Bayonet ftw...


Also, I fully agree. HFs got the balance of firepower, agility and energy to kill bombers. Light fighters are a bit tedious to fight against bombers, since they lack the firepower you need to take down a BmB in less then 9000 hours. VHFs are a bit dangerous, expecially when fighting skilled bomber pilots.