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Leaving the fight, fighters vs caps - Reverend Del - 03-26-2008

' Wrote:What would be wrong with just changeing the rules to if you die/dock(with station or Jump gate) you lost. Otherwise we kind of have a super tight space to fight in removeing much possible manuvering from the battle and, manuvering is 90% parcent of real battle. I know it s a game but we are trying to simulate as much realism as possible aren't we or do we need crayon graphics?

Just want to see whats wrong with haveing such manuvering besides "the rules" which, can be changed if we can reach concensus?

Is it people would be like the battle would take to long. There has got to be a way for there to be a draw.

In fact the only definate draw I've encountered is when Shane and I simo killed each other.

And in that case we just decided to stay away from each other.
It's about a fight taking six days to win, if you can cruise away you can regen your shields and then turn round and fight, in the interests of fairness and lengths of fights not being akin to Rip Van Winkles sleep cycle, no running away and then re-engaging.

Leaving the fight, fighters vs caps - ScornStar - 03-27-2008

Then in the case of six day battle.........I'd call in to work for an epic struggle like that. The first to log off loses. I already see a hole in what I wrote. But I'm just saying battle is not convienently packaged for expedency and if we remove those restriction it would make some one think do I really want to get into that right now? He could have allies on the way, he could be this he could be that.

For example I get in a fight with a skinny dude. I'm stomping on him but he just won't stay down. Now some of his more burly friends arraive and I think "oh crap" and run. They chase me but I'm faster. Now I really need to kick the crap out of that skinny dude so I watch. and watch. and watch. Now the big dudes wont leave his side but they appear to be getting more comforable. So, sneak back and beat one big dude in the head with a brick. now the others turn on me and I think "oh crap" and run. I get into an ally and when they get close the next big dude takes a pipe in the head. Now my main target is mine.

Now by disco rules this would be a big reengagement sanction but (going back to example) I didnt jump in a cab and split (JG) and I didn't check into a flop house to lay low (dock on station). But I criused and reengaged and then won takeing alot longer than 5 minutes of Jet Lee fighting but effective any way. You cannot widdle your enemy down in disco and everything has to be solved right then.

If there are any who see what Im trying to say and can see the add RP it would give to combat (think of all the crap you could talk while playing cat and mouse) then please say so if you see b ut still disagree thats fair but please explain.

BTW I'd love a truely epic battle that could last for days. Unfortunately Im not great at PVP.

Leaving the fight, fighters vs caps - SovietDiplomacy - 03-28-2008

"YOU are the one attacking manhattan, one of the most heavily guarded places in sirius, " thsi was said on the last page and i felt i had to comment XD

where were you win the outcasts invaded and took over Manhattan for a good 2 hours or so, it was a great day, free smuggling and law breaking for all was allowed XD.

i haven't seen a battle report tho sadly.

and might i add this is a game based on shooting things first, so its only natural for peopeln who play to want to get intoa bit of a fight, and besides what do some pirates go out and do? pick random fights with somone, why? becaus their pirates XD

but anyway i belive in the origanl post, you should be able to just withdraw when your totally out classed.

Leaving the fight, fighters vs caps - MrCynical - 04-01-2008

It is less OORP for Liberty to defend its capital system with a fleet of ships than it is for you to attack Planet Manhattan in a light fighter. Patrols of capital ships are done both in SP and by NPCs in Discovery - if it wasn't for the fact that NPC capital ships are borderline-useless you wouldn't even last long enough for the independents to arrive. Individual pirates should stick to the lawless border worlds - if you attack a house's capital planet then you are GOING to get outclassed. You don't get to set the rules of engagement to your liking when you invade someone's territory.

Leaving the fight, fighters vs caps - Malinka - 04-02-2008

I say that the problem is all the independents flying in new york with capitals ships.
Sadly, we (LSF and SA leaders) have tried to counter such situation, but our efforts where proven worthless.
They should have a license for cruisers and destroyers, think it might help.

I also need to agree with Carzor Stelatis

But i also have to add that some people in fighters do try to attack caps in new york, it seem pointless to do soo in the face of such overwhelming odds, but they do attack without an rp story to support such an action.
In the end, they get zapped really quickly as im able to witness or execute myself quite often.

We need a viable solution to decrease the numbers of independents cpas in new york.

=LSF=Thewise (Liberty dreadnaught)
=LSF=Thewise. (Raven claw)
=LSF=Black&Decker (Ageira bomber)

Leaving the fight, fighters vs caps - Xing - 04-02-2008

we need
all npc capship patrols to have shields
manhatten defence npc replaced with VHF and ultra light equivalent, with eqivalent weapons
over boosted station turrets.

and there we go. No more pirates invading a capital planet with a small fleet of 3 bomber and 1 lf.

Leaving the fight, fighters vs caps - timmychen - 04-02-2008

' Wrote:we need
all npc capship patrols to have shields
manhatten defence npc replaced with VHF and ultra light equivalent, with eqivalent weapons
over boosted station turrets.

and there we go. No more pirates invading a capital planet with a small fleet of 3 bomber and 1 lf.

Is this also april fools? I really hope so.

And.. questions:

1) If you boost away, and the person you were fighting doesn't follow (enemy isn't engaged with anyone else, just not following), does it count as a retreat once you are 10+ km away from them?

2) Wait, I remember. If two people fighting agree to call it a "draw" and go their seperate ways without formally "losing" or "retreating", do they both have to leave the system? Of course, both sides need to consent.. SS taken in case one side complains

Leaving the fight, fighters vs caps - Xing - 04-02-2008

by boosting the above sugested things, we'd fix the following bunch of problems:

-Won't see a pathetic rogue fleet claiming Manhattan. This is OORP at extreme. And not funny, nor realist.
-NPCs will actually serves to SOMETHING rather than being background decoration that makes server lag when you fight
-They wont be some random stupid targets for all to kill easy shot
-Pirate ships won't camp near a station to pirate traders. Unrealistic. Especially alone. Not suposed to happen.
-Station turrets finally get their realistic output. It's a big, station. It's sometime LARGER than a BATTLESHIP. And it fires like a harmless freighter with immense decoration guns? uh uh.

-Won't see oorp indie capship capwhoring a pirate station
-No farming npc near stations anymore
-Your stations are hence safe
-You can finally get in your real role: pirate those damned trade lane

In general;
-You get more realistic encounters
-We eliminate the problem of player camping an enemy station

The only problem left, is too many indie capship in New York.

Leaving the fight, fighters vs caps - timmychen - 04-02-2008

' Wrote:by boosting the above sugested things, we'd fix the following bunch of problems:

-Won't see a pathetic rogue fleet claiming Manhattan. This is OORP at extreme. And not funny, nor realist.
-NPCs will actually serves to SOMETHING rather than being background decoration that makes server lag when you fight
-They wont be some random stupid targets for all to kill easy shot
-Pirate ships won't camp near a station to pirate traders. Unrealistic. Especially alone. Not suposed to happen.
-Station turrets finally get their realistic output. It's a big, station. It's sometime LARGER than a BATTLESHIP. And it fires like a harmless freighter with immense decoration guns? uh uh.

-Won't see oorp indie capship capwhoring a pirate station
-No farming npc near stations anymore
-Your stations are hence safe
-You can finally get in your real role: pirate those damned trade lane

In general;
-You get more realistic encounters
-We eliminate the problem of player camping an enemy station

The only problem left, is too many indie capship in New York.

The above are all good points. Yes. But these are the problems I see with it:
-Accidentally shooting allied Navy in a battle with a criminal (happens a lot, especially when they're 10+ patriots swarming around everywhere) = death.
-More when I think of them. I'm having such a bad mental block right now.

Leaving the fight, fighters vs caps - Jihadjoe - 04-02-2008

Ok, I know this is gunna get flamed like crazy, so I'm going to put on my flame retardant posting suit and go ahead anyway, please don't all shoot me at once, it only needs one person to tell me I'm stupid.

*takes deep breath*

I don't think we should leave the system if we run from a fight.

The simple reason is, it makes no RP sence. I mean, if you are in a town and someone punches you in the face and you run away, you don't leave town to the duration of four hours. Instead you patch youself up, and continue with your day... (not that this happnes to me that often, or ever for that matter)

If you get killed then thats another matter, the four hours you have to observe in this case is about the amount of time it takes for you to get another ship prepared or the wreckage of your one repaired, four hours is a bit unrealistic in this, but its a game, so we can live with that.

I like the idea of people running from a fight then trying to lose the pursuer in (insert nasty sounding place here) playing cat and mouse... If you get away, kudos, start pirating again I say, and wait for the cops to come looking again.

(For the record I do play by the rules but I just don't much like doing so in this instance)