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141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 02-04-2012

[Image: w3dacfzdo2ie.png]

Davids hier.

I just want to supplement Commander Dawn's and Ensign Masa's latest combat reports.

Zhe incursion of the 77th Bounty Hunters Group came to us as ein surprise, as I was attending some training
set up by zhe primary fleet. As I was short an ammunition some of us rearmed at Akabat while Johann Lennox
holded zhem off long enough. After zhat we engaged zhe Bounty Hunters, with more of us joining zhe battle.
Sadly to say, we have lost at least two of our fighters during zhat fight, at leas one agent could be rescued.
Zhe oter one...most probably dead, but I am not sure about zhat.
In zhe end zhe attack was repelled by zhe combined effort of our taskforce and zhe primary fleet agents:
* * * * * * *

Right after zhe attack, taskforce Horus started ein recon mission into Omicron Iota. Commander Dawn
already feared it would end worse so I had to supervise zhe communications in case of ein emergency.
And zhat one came. Horus was ambushed in Iota by ein considereable nomad group. Zhe OR-S Atroxia was
downed, several snub crafts were in bad shape.
I ordered Tyrael Johnson from Horus to retreat to Omicron Zeta, myself and another agent from
Order Elite force hurried into Iota to keep zhe door to our home open. Anyway, it became ein heated
discussion as not all agents of zhe taskforce Horus agreed to zhat. Zhey rathered prefered to stay in Iota
and kill zhe nomads, not realising zhat they were outnumbered by ein battleship and three nomad morphs of
gunboat size!
Anyway, finally I was able to convince at least ein part of zhem to head back, but not all of zhem, one of zhem
even insulted me! Commander Dawn, I have already forwarded all necessary data about zhis issue to you
therefore I see no need to send zhe files again with zhis report.

Back at Meskhenet station I took a break from zhe fights, but about 2 hours later, I received messages about
ein new incursion by zhe Guild Core. Mein bomber was repaird so agent Outer and me launched into space
to assisst our forces. When arriving on zhe scene I did not see a fight, but a mere massacre. Zhe Core had
somehow activated three to four Mako battleships zhat engaged all forces in Omicron Zeta near Delta
With such an overwhelming enemy force and agent Outer already disabled by zhe enemy fire, I ordered ein
hasty retreat into Omicron Mu, as to mein opinion zhe mine field at zhe entrance to Zeta was our best chance
to fight off zhese capital ships.
* * *

I don't know why but zhis fleet never entered Mu again. Meanwhile one member of zhe Interceptor-wing
forwarded to me some rather interesting information. I think I will let zhe guncam pictures speak for
* * *

After all zhese fights, I went to Omicron 100. There I have received some rather disturbing news, but mein
source is dubious at most. Zherefore I cannot go into detail until I have more proof.
But if zhe story I have listened to, is true, zhen zhe Order might have bigger problems zhen just zhe
Guild Core or zhe nomads.

Zhe last incident for mein report deals with an Outcast Ranseur intruding Omicron 100. At first I was just
amazed to see such ein ship within our own backyard. In zhe next moment I called in reinforcements.
Bella Corzelli assisted me in attacking zhe Outcast battleship. It was a tough fight, and after some minutes
some more agents of primary fleet showed up. In zhe end we were able to take down zhat Outcast.
* * * * *

Our own taskforce had no casualties from zhat fight, although one primary fleet agent was forced to eject.
Nun, I think she was a bit too overconfident with her attack. But hey, I was not surprised of here behavior
zhat at all. Too mein mind zhe arrival of Lennox in his bomber would have been sufficent to take out zhat
capital ship.

Agent Masa, I don't know how Commander Dawn thinks about your latest reported situation, but to mein
mind, you did nothing wrong. To be honest, I would blame zhe agent from zhe primary fleet. She was
able to disrupt zhe trespasser from fleeing, zhere are clear rules concerning Omicron 100. Instead
she decided otherwise and let zhe battlecruiser go. Ein battlecruiser! If we receive any complaint about zhis
isse you can be sure I will blame zhe said agent for zhis. To be sure, bitte send us some guncam shots of zhis

Colonel Davids out

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

141| Internal Channel - Lucky Luke - 02-04-2012

***Accessing 141 Task Force reporting channel***
***Entering access code***

***Access granted***

[Image: magicmike.png]
Sender ID: Ensign Nicolo Masa

[color=#FFCC33]Today was a busy day. First we had an intruder in Omicron 100, LNS-Razorback. After a little hide and seek, he was finally hunted down and destroyed by 141 forces in Omicron Minor. Shortly after, a new contact appeared on long range scanners, indication that a ship named Vergo|Research was in Minor. We spread out and tried to locate it. The contact jumped to Omicron 92, where we caught up with it. It turned out to be a Zoner vessel that had gotten lost, so we escorted it back to Taba Border station.

Shortly after this incident, long range scanners again indicated an unknown contact in Omicron 100. When I entered the system from Mu, I immediately stumbled across a Corsair gunboat named SpaceGent, who was in the process of docking at Evora. I ordered him to stop, but it was too late. I therefore requested backup, and ordered him to undock again. To my surprise, he did. I explained to him that this was a restricted system, and that he had to leave his ship and come with me for questioning. He then began docking procedures again, and I ordered him to stop. He taunted me by saying that I'd have to make him stop. Since I was in an Onuris, I had no possibility to do this before he had docked. Oddly enough, the base didn't seem to mind him docking... From what I can tell, he must have had a friend there to assist him, otherwise he'd never be able to dock. I have asked higher authorities to investigate this.

Evidence of the incident

[color=#990000]Submitted by Ensign Nicolo Masa

[color=#990000]***Interface terminated***

141| Internal Channel - Savi - 02-04-2012

***Accessing 141 Task Force reporting channel***
***Entering access code***
***Access granted***

[Image: freud.jpg]

Agent John Freud reporting in.

Good evening gentlemen. Today we managed to intercept a preparing Core fleet ready to invade Order's territories. Me, aboard the Interceptor number 7 scouted behind the enemy lines and provided great intel for our forces to strike fast and hard.
Later on, after we managed to split them up, the remaining of the hunter fleet was really spread out, a fact that made our job easier. We soon managed taking down, in total, 3 treshers and 1 mako. I landed in Delta at the Freeport, and to my surprise, when I got out I meet 3 core bombers claiming that this is their home. I immediately took measures, and with the aid of more Order troops as well as 141 agents, I took down 2 bombers, before we were overrun by many Core capital ships and had to pull out.

John Freud[color=#66FFFF]
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141| Internal Channel - PsychO1381 - 02-04-2012

[Image: Dawn-1.png]

Dawn here.

Today i was contacted by Corzelli , that a OEF agent is insulting our force , on a regular basis.
After speaking to the said agent, I learned that the OEF are working against us.
In their opinion we don't deserve the right to be called Order, That we are backdrops.
If they think that fighting the Liberty navy, showing them we are still alive,
And playing with the safety of what's left of the order, is bravery. It's their problem.
I'll leave it to each individual member of this force, as to how to react to this.

Should the libertonians retaliate and launch an assault on Mu. We will be ready.

On a brighter note , I am pleased to see such activity from our youngest recruit.
Nicolo Masa , You are hereby promoted to the rank of ''Special Operative''.
You earned it.

And agent Freud. Pulling out was a good call.
We don't have the resources to fight off multiple core capital ships , yet.
I'll see what we can do with our bomber presence near the Delta system.
For now , keep a covert presence near the last known location of said capitals.
If those ships go anywhere near our Bases.
Alert every agent you can.

Dawn out.

[Image: End.png]

141| Internal Channel - Data Minion - 02-06-2012


***Incoming Transmission***

***Encryption Level: Very High***

***Subject: CLASSIFIED***

***Opening Communication Links***

***Balancing Frequency***


***Transmission active. Proceed.***


Greetings, agents of the One Four One task force. This is captain Sirrus Kado of the Shining Wisp freelancing vessel. You may not know me, but I have heard of you.

I am in good relations with one of the Order Secondary Fleet's agents, but I must not leave his name here, since the process he is involved in will be kept undercover. Only the leaders of the task force will be informed about the agent's name. The name will be delivered to commander Marcus Dawn, and colonel Enrico Davids on a more secure frequency.

He talked to Davids a few days ago, and has received a recommendation to join your force. Until your confirmation to join, he will remain in silence, because the transfer can cause certain conflicts. More detailed information will be sent to the leaders of One Four One.

I wish you the best of luck in regulating the Omicrons, and keeping the humanity safe.

Best wishes, Cpt. Sirrus Kado. Signing out.

***Transmission Finished***


***Transmission Delivered***

***Disabling Frequency***


141| Internal Channel - Johnathan Nox Carter - 02-06-2012

[Image: openchanneltyrael141.png]

Greetings, agents.
This is Ensign Tyrael Johnson speaking.
I am reporting from Meskhenet station as my escape pod has just been tractored.
First of all, the most important news. A team of 141 agents, lead by Bella Corzelli, along with Aleksander Salmin is now in Omicron Delta, near the Kappa Jump hole are fighting against the FACE group from the Bounty hunters guild. We initially saw one Mako and two Threshers so we engaged and easily shot down the first Mako.
Unfortunately another one appeared so we began changing target to it. We were almost done making it in a hundred pieces when i ran out of Nova torpedoes and tried to divert the thresers from the rest of the bombers. Unfortunately my ship was destroyed.
As i said, the fight is still ongoing so more information can be gained if you contact the agents there, although they must focus on shooting the enemies down.

Back to the beginning, i initially started the day by finding a pirate transport with freelancer credentials in Zeta. He claimed to be friend of the Omicroners and Golanski but i made him leave. After this i regrouped with agent Kabo and we we met our supervisor, agent Maximus.
Soon he had to leave and we met agent Corzelli and a few others. We saw some Liberty in Zeta which said they were in an "expedition" to Iota. But we couldn't stop them.

Soon, agent Corzelli saw the FACE contacts and proposed for us to go after them. Soon we reached them in Delta and the rest is explained above.
I sincerely hope they will win the battle. I don't want to know i lost a ship for nothing.

Tyrael, out.

[Image: closechanneltyrael141.png]

141| Internal Channel - PsychO1381 - 02-09-2012

[Image: Dawn-1.png]

Dawn here.
I'm announcing that we will host a training session at Evora shipyard in Omicron 100
At 2100 hours , February 9, Sirius global time.

I expect to see the recruits in this session , as they still have a lot to work on.

Dawn out.

[Image: End.png]

141| Internal Channel - Johnathan Nox Carter - 02-11-2012

[Image: openchanneltyrael141.png][Image: 14ahaap.jpg]

Greetings, agents.
This is Ensign Tyrael Johnson speaking.
I have two reports to do for now.
First, i am honestly wondering what are Gaians doing in the Omicrons?
Last night i encountered a gaian vessel which said that it's in a exploration operation or something. Nonetheless, we first encountered it in Zeta, it later proved to be a Roc bomber. *
Then, i met with a few OEF agents and we ended up tracking it in Mu. It also reached around Akabat. * *
But... then we made it into following it. An OEF agent used CD and we were able to run after it... unfortunately it proved to be a waste of time as the vessel kept avoiding us, after just engaging an agent for short time. It ran continuously until we finally made it run to O-92 from where we left it, as it was no point in chasing a vessel which could not be caught. It seems it had pretty good evasive skills and was continuously running.
I don't know what to believe of this...

Second thing. Just an hour ago, i've seen a foreign vessel in Omicron Mu. After tracking around i found it near Akabat. It seems it was a corsair Gunboat... without proper communication systems. It seemed to have unorganized credentials and the pilot may have been a bit idiot, i might say. Nonetheless, the problem is this should be forwarded to someone in the high command. * *
Though, Amon.Re and I have dealt with the gunboat and destroyed it right after it docked out from Akabat, since it clearly did not understand it should not land and did dock two times.
I hope this will be resolved.

Tyrael, out.

[Image: closechanneltyrael141.png]

141| Internal Channel - Lucky Luke - 02-12-2012

***Accessing 141 Task Force reporting channel***
***Entering access code***

***Access granted***

[Image: magicmike.png]
Sender ID: Special Operative Nicolo Masa

[color=#FFCC33]I was called to respond to a Bounty Hunter intrusion in Omicron Mu. Two BH bombers, August Aspaas and Robin Idland, and one Bottlenose, Josh"Redwing"McCoy, were present near the Zeta jumphole. Just when I arrived, the battle broke loose. These hunters seemed very well coordinated, while we were not. Order|Johan.Lennox, insisted on giving counterorders to our group, which confused us. The battle soon went south for us, losing several ships. Only three ships managed to make it out of there in one piece. Lennox pulled out early, while me and Alexander Salmin stayed on. After that, Alex also pulled out, while I stayed to cover his retreat. When he was at safe distance, I also retreated. Since I was in a light fighter, it was the obvious way to go. I had no trouble dodging their incoming fire, and in the end they got tired of even trying.

We also managed to pick up the escape pods, from the downed ships, so fortunately there were no casualties. A salvage team was dispatched after we'd made sure the area was safe. They managed to retreive all downed ships, and started restoring them immediately. The early reports from the repair crew indicated that the ships would be back to full strenght shortly.

[color=#990000]Submitted by Special Operative Nicolo Masa

[color=#990000]***Interface terminated***

141| Internal Channel - Lucky Luke - 02-14-2012

***Accessing 141 Task Force reporting channel***
***Entering access code***

***Access granted***

[Image: magicmike.png]
Sender ID: Special Operative Nicolo Masa

[color=#FFCC33]A Liberty Gunboat, callsign Razorback, entered Omicron Mu at approx 13:20 SMT. I had gotten intel that an unknown contact had breached our perimeter in Zeta, I was therefore camping the Zeta jumphole in Mu. Pretty soon this contact jumped to Mu, and turned out to be Razorback. It had Bounty Hunter IFF. I never got close enough to scan him properly at this time. I was currently in my Nephtys, and would have had trouble taking out the GB myself. He turned around almost immediately, however, when I declared that he was trespassing.

After this brief encounter, I decided to switch to my Sekhmet, to be able to add some more punch to the equation. I went back to Zeta jumphole, since long range scans still indicated Razorback'€™s presence in Zeta. And what do you know? He soon emerged again in Mu, but left as soon as his jumpdrive would allow him. This behaviour semmed strange to me, so I decided to get a closer look at him. He headed straight for the Delta jumphole. At this point Finley from Horus also engaged in the hunt. Razorback went straight to Freeport 11, and just sat outside it. Hiding behind the Zoner NFZ. He was rambling about how he had lost his career, and this lead me to believe that this was the same boat as LNS-Razorback, which breached in to Minor some time ago.

Upon scanning him, I found 7 Order pilots in his hold. Naturally, I requested that he'€™d hand them over to me. He refused, and set course for Kappa jumphole, and Finley, who had arrived at the scene, started saying that Razorback was infested. This may explain why he was so cautious when entering Mu. He may have been there to sneak up on our rookies, and bring them back for infestation. I decided to show no mercy, and immediately went after him. Finley seemed reluctant to follow, but came along eventually. I managed to stop Razorback in Omicron 74, and immediately opened fire. Finley showed up too in his Osiris. When we started to wear the gunboat down, some kind of space anomaly came and swept it away from under our noses. Both Finley and myself were unaffected. I believe it was a, so called Lag Vortex, that swept him off. He seemed to be totally helpless. Since we could no longer pinpoint his location, we headed back home.

Communications from the incident

[color=#990000]Submitted by Special Operative Nicolo Masa

[color=#990000]***Interface terminated***