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Reduce the server limit please - Printable Version

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Reduce the server limit please - Camtheman - 01-23-2012

Q_Q I dont have any lag at all with even a full server, my ping rests at ~150ms at all times, no lag or loss...

What are peoples issues?

My internet downloads at a max of 161 kb/s for christs sakes.

Don't blame the server, blame you.

Reduce the server limit please - Loken - 01-23-2012

' Wrote:Q_Q I dont have any lag at all with even a full server, my ping rests at ~150ms at all times, no lag or loss...

What are peoples issues?

My internet downloads at a max of 161 kb/s for christs sakes.

Don't blame the server, blame you.
What this guy said.

Reduce the server limit please - Swallow - 01-23-2012

well I noticed it as well.
when server is full any pvp idea seems crazy.
Not sure why, but it was not caused by my connection with server, ping shows 60 ms, which is normal for me, so I think it all goes to server performance. But again it is only thoughts, and as soon as we got 225 slots, there is no turning back - only developing and progress, so I belive everything well be alright.

Reduce the server limit please - Crackpunch - 01-23-2012

No lag in Tauranga.

Reduce the server limit please - AeternusDoleo - 01-23-2012

People. You are confusing lag (overloaded connection) with excessive server load (server needing to calculate too much at the same time). The server load issue is being addressed, most likely making some hitboxes less complex will sort a lot of this out. It will mean less complex and therefor less accurate hitboxes here and there, but it should help immensely with the load. Working on this, but it'll take time.

Reduce the server limit please - Loken - 01-23-2012

So one of the big features of 4.86 has broke it and is being undone as we speak. Awesome.

Reduce the server limit please - Berny - 01-23-2012

' Wrote:Are you sure the problem isn't your connection?
If it was my connection, I would lag always. Now I don't see any lag issues when server load is small - MRs don't crosshair and do damage when those hit, CDs track, Mines explode when these hit (most funny part - server was under 215 load, LF hits 4 nuce mines with hull - sound effect works, no explosion, Hawhaws in the space). For the ping part - it varies from 40 to 60. When server Load is low - fluct/loss/lag is 0-2/0/0.

But another post explained the situation from science point of view: calculations and complexity of hitboxes influencing these and attempt to fix this:

' Wrote:People. You are confusing lag (overloaded connection) with excessive server load (server needing to calculate too much at the same time). The server load issue is being addressed, most likely making some hitboxes less complex will sort a lot of this out. It will mean less complex and therefor less accurate hitboxes here and there, but it should help immensely with the load. Working on this, but it'll take time.

My problem is: as server gets loaded with high numbers of "capship dodgefighters" I find hard time aiming to hit a jumping target - rather just making random hits while chain-firing. Note - i don't use capital ships, which influences my gaming experience a lot more then capital ship users - those just need to hit huge slow things.

Anyways, let's hope attempt to reduce number of calculations works. But until then, reducing limit down to 200 again would help a lot in matter of performance.

Reduce the server limit please - Lonely_Ghost - 01-24-2012

Quote:as server gets loaded with high numbers of "capship dodgefighters" I find hard time aiming to hit a jumping target
Jeah, there is such problem... when 4 and more Legates entering into snubfight, and shooting with their turrets, trying to hit... may be even friendly targets, everyone got laggs and all fun goes somewere in direction of toilet.
Dunno about number of players, but today server died twice, and there wasnt 225 peole, or Im mistaking.