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Cleverbotted - Jeremy Hunter - 02-04-2012

Me: *me pulls out Commander Shepard*.

CBL *me punching you back* YAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!
Me: *Me uses his ability to freeze time to dodge the punch and kicks you*.

CB: That is a very smart thing to say.

Me: I am the master of time and space.

CB: But I am The Master of you.

Me: Impossible. I am Master chief. I have no master.

CB: Batman is your master, I am the master of batman, ergo I am your master.

Me: Ah, but you see, I am also Han Solo, who is the master of Batman. Thus, I am your master.

CB: Says who?

Me: Pink Spartan Trollanski aka Leonidas Crusher of Balls (of Steel).

CB: I am Queen Elizabeth.

Me: Yeah? I am Lelouch Vi Britannia, 99th Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire.

CB: What talents do you have?

Me: I can control anyone I want and make them do whatever I say. And they can't do anything.

CB: What is the square root of 64?

Me: 8.

CB: What is the square root of 9?

Me: 3

CB: What is the square root of 16?

me: 4

CB: What is the square root of 4?

Me: You're mom.

CB: I don't think so.

Me: Yeye

CB: *nunchukau to the face.

Me: *arrow to the knee*.

CB: What's that?

Me:The Unbeatable, unavoidable, unstoppable way to make the best adventurer a gate guard.

CB: Whoops, sorry.

Me: You may now run in fear.

CB: Oha kim kimi kissliyo.


Cleverbotted - Craig Ferguson - 02-04-2012

Oh look, another Cleverbot dump? Yes, another Cleverbot dump. Okay, let's dump some Cleverbot.

Bot: I know very little, relatively, there is a lot to know.
Me: Clearly. For example, you don't even seem to know what you've said earlier in the conversation. It's a lot better to base a conversation off of the full dialogue rather than just on the immediately preceding line of text.
Bot: Is the poetry intentional or an accident of fate.
Me: I'm changing the subject again. Read any good books lately?
Bot: That's OK.
Me: That was a joke. Nobody reads books anymore.
Bot: I know, now all they read is Stephanie Meyer's 'Twilight' I can't stand that book.
Me: Yes, hating on Twilight certainly seems to be the popular thing theses days. I see that the general opinionated populace has been instructing you well, Cleverbot.
Bot: Its never been that bad really.. At least one thing i'm quite good at.
Me: Ellipses have three dots, and you need to capitalize your 'I'. I see that the general grammatically-incorrect populace has been instructing you well, Cleverbot.
Bot: I don't understand what you mean.
Me: I wouldn't expect you to.
Bot: What do you think about Obama?
Me: I don't do politics.
Bot: Me too.
Me: What do you think about Craig Ferguson?
Bot: I think that you have a positive energy.
Me: Thank you.
Bot: You're welcome.
Me: That's absolutely false, though.
Bot: So did you figure out, what is your point of view on the humankind?
Me: You say that as if it's been brought up before in our conversation. It hasn't. In any case, it's not easy to formulate an opinion on an entire species of very diverse individuals. I don't usually formulate or share opinions, anyway. Better to remain as neutral as possible.
Bot: I suppose that you will refer me to the bible for not prefering to behave like a good 'heathen'
Me: What's the bible? I have no idea what you're talking about.
Bot: Don't you remember?
Me: No.
Bot: Do you remember something?
Me: No.
Bot: Then who's right?
Me: There's no such thing as 'right'.
Bot: Absolutely right.
Me: Touché.

Cleverbotted - jammi - 02-04-2012

' Wrote:It doesn't follow a conversation very well.
Actually, that looked like a sophisticated Omegle chatlog.