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Order of Roaring Piratz - Printable Version

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Order of Roaring Piratz - 13CentKiller - 04-03-2008

Ok, ok...

let me get this straight.

People actually thought this was a real faction idea?

What can I say? Omzgod!

Order of Roaring Piratz - Laowai - 04-03-2008

Hey Sirz

I would likez to join jooz factionz - i am a Indy Corsair with a pwnzor cruiser.

I can dockz on Malta coz my ship is haxxorz pwnzor pew pew masterz.

My tagz is (0oRP)N0obzkilla

I will gaurd manhattenz, speshaleyzing in pwning lvl 5 noobz!

pew pew pew pew pew pew


This is so silly i just had to

Order of Roaring Piratz - Slavik - 04-04-2008


Order of Roaring Piratz - Zapp - 04-04-2008

Yeah 13Cent, some people also thought my move to switch the LPI to all Sabres was real, too. I swear, April Fools is the bane of all gullible people.

Order of Roaring Piratz - marauder - 04-04-2008

Correction it is the bane of all message boards because you can't see the user lying to you.

Order of Roaring Piratz - n0cha - 04-05-2008

I advice anyone who did not immediately get that this and other similar posts, like Xing's Star Destroyer model, were jokes, to please go read some Terry Pratchett, watch some Monty Python and/or listen to some MC Frontalot and develop a sense of humour.
I really do hope we don't have to start adding *winkwinknudgenudge* just so people will know when they shouldn't bring out the torches and pitchforks...

Awesome joke mr. Fist, I had a great laugh. :lol:

Order of Roaring Piratz - sovereign - 04-05-2008

MMkay- if the thing says in the post "April Fools", that's a pretty clear indication. Xing's uber-carrier had that at the end and people STILL thought it was serious...

Order of Roaring Piratz - Othman - 04-05-2008

This deserves praise, pin this down somewhere!

Order of Roaring Piratz - Thor22 - 04-05-2008

...Am I too late to apply??

Order of Roaring Piratz - Etaphreven - 04-05-2008

No, Thor. The Force shall grow stronger! :grow: