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To Faction Leaders/HCs - Pancakes - 02-16-2012

Welp, last bump for eternity, speak now or stay silent forever 8-|

To Faction Leaders/HCs - Jansen - 02-16-2012

LWB Infocard

Red Hessians, Unioners, Mollies

Synth Foods, Rheinland Police, Rheinland Military, Bounty Hunters, Kruger

The LWB, or Landwirtrechtbewegung (Farmers' Rights Movement), is believed to be engaged in attacks on Synth Foods operations and sympathetic government officials in retaliation for Rheinland concessions to the Liberty Food conglomerate. This faction is a faithful ally of the Hessians and depends heavily on their assistance, which has led to some degree of conflict with the Corsairs though they have tried to avoid outright hostility. In recent years, the LWB has also become involved in combating slavery in Sirius.

To Faction Leaders/HCs - Miaou - 02-16-2012

Allies: GRN, Gallic Corporations
Enemies: Council, Maquis, Bretonian Armed Forces, Bretonian Corporations

Description: Same, unless I think to type up a new one.

To Faction Leaders/HCs - Echo 7-7 - 02-17-2012

Ageira Technologies

Allies: LPI, Liberty Navy, LSF, Liberty Corporations.

Enemies: Lane Hackers, Liberty Rogues, Xenos, Criminals.

Description: Ageira Technologies is one of Liberty's Big Three corporations, operating research labs and production facilities throughout Liberty. They are responsible for the development of Jump Gate, Trade Lane, and Docking Ring technology, which has revolutionised travel throughout Sirius. Additionally, Ageira manufactures a wide range of technologically sophisticated products such as Superconductors, Nanocapacitors and Bio-Neural Processors. Through Detroit Munitions, the corporation maintains an influential position as a high-quality provider on the Sirian arms market. To this day, Ageira's products continue to be in great demand throughout Sirius.

To Faction Leaders/HCs - Ceoran - 02-18-2012

Samura Industries

Kusari Police, Kusari Naval Forces

Blood Dragons, Golden C., Xenos, Criminals

Samura Industries is the larger of the great Kusari keiretsu -- sprawling, vertically integrated companies that control whole industries. Contrary to its biggest competitor, Samura has a reputation of being the more conservative force in Kusari and opposes the recent development towards more democratic structures in Kusari. Furthermore, rumors are that Samura Industries would not refrain from bribery or even working with criminals to achieve its goals. Others claim that recently a lot of this company's surplus food production, caused by the influx of Synth Paste on the Kusari market, has been dumped to unknown contacts in the edge worlds.

To Faction Leaders/HCs - ProwlerPC - 02-19-2012

Could you add CR as an ally of GMG. Not much ingame stuff concerning CR let alone us being allied. Best get this in here before I forget (I believe CR already mentioned their end)

I'm also not sure why Kruger got removed from the enemy list last mod version. Actually the RM and RFP had gotten removed to without explanation while all the in-game lore still had us as enemies. Well as players we worked this suggested neutrality by spending months in debate and then opening the border between GMG and Rheinland........but........we still do not allow Kruger in our space on penalty of death. Rheinland's Kanzler agreed to keep Kruger out and this still stands to this very day. When we are on and find one, the Kruger has to turn back or it goes kaboom. There is a fantastic little piece of in-game lore just begging to used as a hook for Kruger to RP out this problem but until then we are still enemies and they should have never been removed from our ID's enemy list.

To Faction Leaders/HCs - mwerte - 02-19-2012

Republican Shipping

Allies: Rheinland Military, Rheinland Federal Police, Daumann
Enemies: Unioners, Hessians, criminals

Description: Republican Shipping is one of the largest corporations in Rheinland. They perform most shipping runs inside Rheinland, enforcing a near monopoly via their government mandated checkpoints at Mainz, Freiburg, and Altona. Republican's long and checkered past has resulted in the formation of a terrorist group, the Unioners, who plauge Republican and Rheinland to this day. The war with Liberty has been a boon to Republican, and Alster Shipyard has been working at full capacity for several months.


The Wild

Allies: Nomads
Enemies: Non-allied humans

Description: After the Nomad War, the Nomad-infested portions of the Rheinland fleet retreated to the far reaches of space as they were hounded by The Order, backed by the Liberty Navy and Rheinland Military. Desperate, they jumped through an unstable jumphole, which sealed them off from humanity. Forever.

Or so the humans thought. Secretly, the infested humans built up their strength, operating from a remote Omega system and the Heaven's Gate fortress. When the time was right they, struck back, attacking shipping convoys, remote outposts, and corporate bases. With several spies in Rheinland corporations, government, criminal elements, and military, they were able to misdirect human response efforts, sabotage peace processes, and incite violence among allies. They infest whomever would be useful to that process, using humans as covert and overt weapons.