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EVE Roster - Printable Version

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EVE Roster - Alley - 04-02-2012

Still in noobland :@@@

EVE Roster - Pacific - 04-02-2012

' Wrote:Still in noobland :@@@

Same here this calls to make a EvE channel lets do it ?

EVE Roster - Mímir - 04-02-2012

I made a /restart :-) Please add 'Haruki Yanumano' to the chat.

EVE Roster - Dab - 04-02-2012

' Wrote:Same here this calls to make a EvE channel lets do it ?
Already one.

EVE Roster - Ortog - 04-03-2012

Channel name or invite me to it: Melliar

EVE Roster - frozen - 04-03-2012

' Wrote:This is the reason why I don't like to fit expensive things on my ship, lol. Unless Im doing Incursions of course.

What is the time you usually log in, (Eve Time)?

Now-a-days, Im logging in between 18:00 - 3:30 Eve time.

didnt have a choice, carrier had jumped all my stuff apart from the mach and some deadspace stuff. still, not too big a loss, my other mach was worth 8bill and it broke through a gatecamp fine.:P

my sub ran out, and i didnt resubbing yet simply cuz i didnt have people to play with during the times that i can come online... so unless that changes i doubt imma be resubbing for a while. :/

EVE Roster - Dab - 04-03-2012

' Wrote:Alright its no problem with me but as long as we can call each other whether or not we are in game or not.
Some people have problems with Skype when running games. Skype will occasionally start eating 50% of the computer's CPU until it is restarted, slowing down games rather heavily. Until that is fixed, I prefer to use Teamspeak for talking during games. My corp has a teamspeak server that is open to guests and which I'm on 90% of the time I'm on EVE. I can add you to that if you want to be able to speak through a mic and not text.

As for a chat to talk to people who aren't in-game, we might, depending on how many people are playing EVE and are interested. But I usually turn off Skype when I'm in-game due to the above-mentioned problem that Skype has yet to fix.

' Wrote:didnt have a choice, carrier had jumped all my stuff apart from the mach and some deadspace stuff. still, not too big a loss, my other mach was worth 8bill and it broke through a gatecamp fine.:P

my sub ran out, and i didnt resubbing yet simply cuz i didnt have people to play with during the times that i can come online... so unless that changes i doubt imma be resubbing for a while. :/
Well, I'm on! D:

But there are a few of us, and some of my old EVE buddies, as well as the corp I'm in that averages 20 people on at any given time, if you're looking for a highsec corp to join. So there are plenty of people online, most of us in Gallente space (because everywhere else is gay), if you're looking for people to play with.

Shameless advertising

EVE Roster - Luis - 04-03-2012

' Wrote:(because everywhere else is gay)

Respect the Amarrians / Caldaries, will you:P

EVE Roster - Dab - 04-03-2012

' Wrote:*coughs*

Respect the Amarrians / Caldaries, will you:P
Uhhh, no?

EVE Roster - Dab - 04-04-2012

Note; There is now a Skype channel.