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[Mollys] License/Access Authorization & Request - Printable Version

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[Mollys] License/Access Authorization & Request - Vulkhard Muller - 08-28-2012

***signal boost***

[Mollys] License/Access Authorization & Request - Mira Ferro - 08-29-2012

Good day to you, dear Mollys. This is captain George Sekehat, aboard the ship Spirit.Of.The.Orion. Im peaceful Zoner traveller, who delivers tea and similar non-military goods across Sirius. I will be glad if I will be cleared to use jump hole to Omega 49. I will send payment as soon as I will know where to adress it.
personal details here
Thank you.

[Mollys] License/Access Authorization & Request - Tigger - 08-31-2012

[Image: cduncantbar.png]

Time to get to work and making the replies to these individuals and groups.


To Varcona of the S.E.F~,

The transponder tag for your group has been added to the green list for the Goldern Coin. The blockade platforms should not be shooting your people now. Make sure of course that you're not caught supplying the Corsairs or the access will be revoked.

Carrie Duncan
Communications Director


To John Maverick,

We are revolutionary insurgents hell bent on making Dublin a free state sir. Though we do commit acts of interdiction of our enemy supply lines, we don't do it just for profit. Thus, Mollys and most pirates tend not to get along so well. In fact, we've had to deny docking on our bases because of this, and pirates are bountied within our territory.

Having a pirate wanting to work about cordial relations is unusual for us. This has been discussed and mulled over quite a bit since your original transmission. We'll make an exception for you for access through the jump hole on the following conditions:

1. Provide the exact ship name

2. Provide the ship type and loadout

3. Provide proof of Molly reputation

4. Show proof of payment to Casino in the amount of 10 million credits for one month's access.

Carrie Duncan
Communications Director


To George Sekehat,

Your ship, Spirit.Of.The.Orion has been added to the green list at the Goldern Coin. You and your whale should be able to pass freely. Be advised that while not charged funds, the terms of the access remain in effect. Do not attempt any acts against the Mollys or be caught carrying supplies to the Corsairs.

Carrie Duncan
Communications Director


Well, that's done and done. Time for some whiskey.

[Image: cynthiabttm.png]

[Mollys] License/Access Authorization & Request - Vulkhard Muller - 08-31-2012

1. Provide the exact ship name: John Maverik

2. Provide the ship type and loadout:

Ship Tyep: Ravens Talon

Weps: 4 Excalibers 2 imp.Debs MK1

3. Provide proof of Molly reputation:


4. Show proof of payment to Casino in the amount of 10 million credits for one month's access.


I believe that cover it all? any more Info Im free to be contacted

Yours truly

John Maverik

PS: I assure you I would Never touch another unlawful BHG want me just as bad as they want me so why work against each other?

I mean you know what they say the Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend *winks*

[Mollys] License/Access Authorization & Request - Casper - 09-01-2012

Greetings mollys! it's is capitan Casper Jones aboard the ship To|Infinity|And|Beyond . I am a zoner treader . Most of my as Colegio I do not drive military cargo .... just food and some senseless thing . I can get permission to free transit in omega-49 ? (Trading only between zoner base)I can send money to the correct account !
My Ship status

[Mollys] License/Access Authorization & Request - Toan Varcona - 09-02-2012

To Varcona of the S.E.F~,

The transponder tag for your group has been added to the green list for the Goldern Coin. The blockade platforms should not be shooting your people now. Make sure of course that you're not caught supplying the Corsairs or the access will be revoked.

Carrie Duncan
Communications Director

:Responding to above message:

Thank you and understood
kind regards

Toan Varcona

[Mollys] License/Access Authorization & Request - Tigger - 09-06-2012

[Image: cduncantbar.png]

Carrie transcribes the individual communications parcels and begins their transmissions

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

John Maverik,

Your access has been granted. Be aware that we don't normally care for independent pirates. Consider the next month or two as an experiment. Keep your piracy out of Dublin and don't interfere with Molly operations and we should get along fine.

Carrie Duncan
Communications Director

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Casper Jones,

As a Zoner we wont' be charging you for your access through the blockade. Your ship, To|Infinity|And|Beyond has been added to the access database. Do not be caught supplying Corsairs or using BMM for ore, or your access will be revoked. Otherwise, enjoy the benefits of your passage.

Carrie Duncan
Communications Director

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Her work completed, Carrie logs out of her console and heads to the pub for a pint and some time with her fiddle.

[Image: cynthiabttm.png]

[Mollys] License/Access Authorization & Request - Wraga - 09-15-2012

[Image: TBup.png]
ID: [color=#000000]Wichita, captain of the Horny.Cacodaemon
Location: Planet Gran Canaria
Subject: Transit application

Good day, dancers of Dublin.

Yesterday me and my crew tried to enter Dublin system, but we had to realise a new monument on the other side of the hole. Since we had a long term vacation, this was so new for us. One of my guys, who tried to read the flashing name of the base, lost his plastic teddy there, so please return it if you find it.

But the most important part. After a long investigation in my favourite bar on Canaria, a drunk molly miner told us your adress. The Sirius Inquiry gave us your name by that, so we hereby would like to sign on your "approved individuals" list and enter Dublin system to continue our formal route.

Thank you in advance.



[Image: TBdn.png]

[Mollys] License/Access Authorization & Request - Tigger - 09-19-2012

[Image: cduncantbar.png]

[color=#FFFF00][font=Century Gothic]G'day captain Wichita!

Your Zoner ship has been entered into the "green list" for save passage through the blockade.

Carrie Duncan
Communications Director

[Image: cynthiabttm.png]

[Mollys] License/Access Authorization & Request - Psymple - 09-24-2012

[Image: 1f9f69f4.png]

Greetings Once Again.

I recently made an attempt to bribe our way past
your blockade with offers of technology and a means
to supply you with a commodity. I am sorry if this last
offer was offensive and recent events have caused me
to re-evaluate my means of diplomacy.

I will be honest: my people have offered to assist the
Bretonian Government by extracting refugees from
Leeds and out of the path of the Gallic advances.

I would be very grateful if you would allow the convoy to pass
through your home without issue. Our goal is primarily to extract
those who are in vulnerable places and take them to a safer place
they can call home.

Colin O'hanna

[Image: ZYr3Z.png]