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Possible Trader "Event" - BaconSoda - 04-16-2008

' Wrote:I wrote a possible RP explanation (humiliating isn't it? I'm with Bowex also) to HGLs message dump
and it's easily extendable to explain in more detail the Bowex's predicament. :(

I was thinking Bowex for the exact reason you mentioned. They are the main suppliers of BPA and military, but since there is no active Bowex faction one need to look elsewhere, eh?

That's the dilemma with decent profits. To finance this thing I really need someone to receive the shipments and to sell them in Bretonia. I'd gladly pay the fee out of my own pocket if it'd have that deep pockets. Currently I've got 14mio to my name. The quantities will have to pretty sizable for this to be meaningful (there are some 6 players in HGL) and the sheer volume makes it pretty hard act to balance. To cover the buying costs is the bare minimum fee-wise. I need help.

Seven, mate, setup another Percheron today.

' Wrote:Hmmm, suddenly it looks like there's no talk of anyone other than the factions mentioned being involved.

That was addressed on the first page because of the hodgepodge of IFFs and IDs that a group of indies would have. Sorry, mate....

Possible Trader "Event" - DarkSaber - 04-16-2008

Group of traders maybe, but it's not like I suddenly and surprisingly jumped in at the last minute wanting to be involved here. Just look at the 4th post of this entire topic, before your steal. (I'll say no more though, not looking to flame, I just felt I had to express my disappointment at being shut out)

Possible Trader "Event" - gauliez - 04-17-2008

Then DarkSaber, maybe you should contact directly the HGL and ask them if they need any manpower ?
For this, have a look at our message dump, and leave us some great in-RP message, and I am sure we will agree on some deal satisfying both of us.

Moreover, we WILL need some indies trader as I understood, as we will need to get the Optronics from Kusari and we can't go there for example. So I guess it doesn't exclude the indies trader, but just restrict to the ones who will want to RP with us (and I am sure you definitely enter in the RPing category).
See, there always are satisfying solutions, the only limit is your imagination.

See you in space soon then I guess

Possible Trader "Event" - DarkSaber - 04-17-2008

That's great for me! I just got the impression this wouldn't be the case with people saying things about your company having enough people to be able to do this!

I guess I'm just a little over-eager to cut my teeth on a proper rp-event! It's great chatting to people as you pass and all, but now I'd like to take what I've been learning about RP and be involved with something bigger to see how I do!

Possible Trader "Event" - beander2 - 04-17-2008

I'm concerned about a few things, so I just want to mention them here:

1. HGL has no desire to dominate this event or to crowd out other traders, indies or otherwise. If they can be organized for it, by all means, participate. We would love to get to know you, and by no means do we need to be the "star of the show"; that's for all of us together, in fact, Bretonia in general. HGL is fairly new, has a great group of players, and would appreciate a chance to participate in something like this.

2. HGL doesn't ship primarily for the "war effort"; peace is preferable for both the welfare of Bretonia and for trading interests. Moreover, neither the military nor the police - even in a time of war - necessarily dominate the needs of a government to import supplies. I would hope we could expand things a bit beyond this narrow area. That said, if BowEx would like to do light arms and other supplies for BPA/QCR, we could handle the other items. I would imagine some items could be shipped by both of us, as long as we work together on who does how much.

3. I'm not sure about the storyline including Bretonian authorities "disliking" Gateway/HGL; I think it's a mixed bag, and we're certainly in a better position with the government than others. In-game, we have an excellent relationship with BPA, and I think that needs to be taken into account.

PS: As of today, we have eight traders, including Sir Alisdair, who flies a Firefly.

Possible Trader "Event" - Unseelie - 04-17-2008

Government doesn't dislike, Bowex, the government supplier dislikes. There's an anti Gateway lobby in the military. I'm sure there's a pro gateway lobby somewhere else.

Police, in my opinion, represents the civilian government..the planets aren't populated by police, they're subject to police jurisdiction.

Possible Trader "Event" - beander2 - 04-17-2008

' Wrote:Government doesn't dislike, Bowex, the government supplier dislikes. There's an anti Gateway lobby in the military. I'm sure there's a pro gateway lobby somewhere else.

Fine. I see now where you said that before; I read the sentence wrong.

' Wrote:Police, in my opinion, represents the civilian government..the planets aren't populated by police, they're subject to police jurisdiction.

I'm afraid I don't see your point here. I mentioned BPA because BowEx is supposed to be their supplier as well. Irregardless, there's no differentiation between "civilian" government and "military" government in Bretonia, so I don't understand the implied distinction. BAF handles the security of Bretonian borders and the projection of power outside of Bretonia, esp vis-a-vis Kusari and pirate systems; BPA handles security within Bretonia proper, calling on BAF as necessary. Could you clarify, and especially the second part - I don't recall anything being said about police populating planets...:unsure:

Btw, none of this should cause a problem for anyone appropriate participating in this event. I just wanted to clarify HGL's position.

Possible Trader "Event" - sovereign - 04-17-2008

The bit about police in planets is that if you check all the planets, they are considered bases of the police faction. However, I'm rather sure that New London is solid BPA, which was Unselie's point.

Possible Trader "Event" - looqas - 04-17-2008

Ok. Where to start.

What I had in mind about this event is that I set a few guidelines and the mission goals with pricing and stuff. And general organizing the paperwork here. I by no means want to or are even capable of micro-managing the whole event. Mainly I'm letting HGL take care of the details how they gonna fly stuff to Bretonia, they can and will need someone (DarkSaber seems to be in pole position here for the job) to get them the Optronics. HGL can decide by themselves about escorts and such. I really don't care how the HGL is going to handle this. But I WILL invite all the opposing factions to the party. To do that I'll price the stuff so that HGL sort of "needs" to fly (or hire someone to fly there if there's an RP problem for them to do that) to most of the systems thus giving pirates and terrorists chances to do nasty stuff.

I'm also thnking of cargo deliveries being made to as many systems in Bretonia as possible. This gives Mollys, Gaians and BPA/QCxx (most of the stuff is escortable anyway) something to think about.

Is this ok for everybody?

Since HGL is going up in numbers I suggest we shorten time available to make the deliveries. Maybe 4 days is enough? Like Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (the mad rush). That way the quantities and the final fee can be kept in some check. One day event IMO excludes too many possible players around the globe.

I still need help someone to receive the stuff to pay off this event. Or I need a loan in a range of 50mio.

I won't worry about too small details or nothing gets done ever about this. Any story can be RPed and made to fit. What I'm worrying about is that still some or most of the cargo runs will be un-eventful, but even the knowledge that there might be someones to specifically get me is a pulse quickener.

Remember this is only beta version of the trading event. We all can learn and improve on this in the future.

Possible Trader "Event" - beander2 - 04-17-2008

I think your ideas are very workable looqas (notice the spelling, btw) - we're flexible re: whatever requirements you need to attach to it. We'll just make sure everybody's on the same page before we get going.

Also, would it be possible to put it off a week? I think you had mentioned May 2-8 (or fewer days in that range) - could it be the next weekend or so?