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jumpgate bug - Printable Version

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jumpgate bug - Walker - 04-19-2008

Psh, I had to manuever a freighter out of a minefield... In Tatooine...
The odds of you being destroyed upon lagging out are very high...
I was 2K from being clear and I dinged a mine... Needless to say Freighter go boom!

But it is not advised at all to experiment in regular Freelancer with this.
Or end up like Kacijon.
Goodnews is after your killed you could kill time with it.


jumpgate bug - Baby Bonnie Hood - 04-19-2008

I didn't know jumping worked like that. I thought the game just made you invisible during the jump sequence and teleported you around, I had no idea that it worked like a sort of hyper trade lane.

What does space look like outside a system, anyway? All glitchy, maybe?

jumpgate bug - kacijon - 04-19-2008

empty you see border tau omega worlds intresting i thought too that is teleport now i see that is hyper tradelane