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Nomads "Mini Shredder" - Printable Version

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Nomads "Mini Shredder" - Lonely_Ghost - 06-13-2012

' Wrote:pointless idea as nomads arent huge faction to spend time on it and Im sure they arent capwhores.

Because nom-nom cap will be first target for attackers.

Nomads "Mini Shredder" - Nikita - 06-13-2012

' Wrote:pointless idea as nomads arent huge faction to spend time on it and Im sure they arent capwhores. can hardly see you Nikita flying that ship:)

PS nothing personal.

again - this is anti-cap ship with wing anti-shield ships.
But for you - i propose to go and paint some orcs-goblins desighn ships, for the atheist-communist movement, with the names of the gods of Norse mythology. Random contradiction is not it?

Yes, you're probably an expert I'm looking.

Nomads "Mini Shredder" - Snak6 - 06-13-2012

' Wrote:pointless idea as nomads arent huge faction to spend time on it and Im sure they arent capwhores. can hardly see you Nikita flying that ship:)

PS nothing personal.
Hessians did get BS out of nowhere, while other house pirates are still in stone age.

Then let's talk about unique ships as in only one of each in server: Necrosis, Satsuma and Persephone.

Then Phantoms with it's line, even a cap.

Nomads "Mini Shredder" - Lonely_Ghost - 06-13-2012

' Wrote:again - this is anti-cap ship with wing anti-shield ships.
But for you - i propose to go and paint some orcs-goblins desighn ships, for the atheist-communist movement, with the names of the gods of Norse mythology. Random contradiction is not it?

Yes, you're probably an expert I'm looking.

Nom-nom would rather evolve into advanced bomber with 4 CD slots, than into another type of cap ship. Dont forget, that jelly ships arent assembled at factory.
And primary role for nomad cap- mindshare and control. So BS general work is to process all those "signals" like: "Dady, Im hungry, dady, Im going for a walk, dady, Im scared!" comming from few dozen small ships around who would eat any threat to their main brain alive.

Quote:Then let's talk about unique ships as in only one of each in server: Necrosis, Satsuma and Persephone.

Every new OC player- Necrosis with CAU 6 and 2 LM guns for free!
I like that:yahoo:

Nomads "Mini Shredder" - Nikita - 06-13-2012

Quote:Nom-nom would rather evolve into advanced bomber with 4 CD slots, than into another type of cap ship. Dont forget, that jelly ships arent assembled at factory.
And primary role for nomad cap- mindshare and control. So BS general work is to process all those "signals" like: "Dady, Im hungry, dady, Im going for a walk, dady, Im scared!" comming from few dozen small ships around who would eat any threat to their main brain alive.
Remove BSs from factions which have no technology,resourse,humans base to build it and we will go back to balance,normal balance.
Or give to all factions in Sirius BSs,for balance (which balance i dont know,but all talking about some mythic balance)

Im talking about tactical unit in fight,if you know BSs as gank - this is your problem.I want that game must be balanced and interesting,for this im taking REAL ship from intro to game.
Hessian bs - this more idiotic thing (even cruiser in RH forces),than this real ship from intro in nomad fleet.
And even we will have 10 this type ships,they cant normal fight in open fight with other BSs (with bombers i mean).They have no guns for it,and their forward gun taking very many time and energy for shot.

Try to reread all what i wrote before.In the start of topic.

Nomads "Mini Shredder" - Lonely_Ghost - 06-13-2012

Quote:Im talking about tactical unit in fight,if you know BSs as gank - this is your problem.I want that game must be balanced and interesting,for this im taking REAL ship from intro to game.

Your idea better goes to RTS games, where you can realize all your tacktical ideas, tips. Try HW2 Complex mod.

And I doubt, that adding "to real" things into game will go along way with balance.

Quote:Hessian bs - this more idiotic thing (even cruiser in RH forces),than this real ship from intro in nomad fleet.

Arent this topic was discussed? Noone forsing you to buy those ships.

Nomads "Mini Shredder" - massdriver - 06-13-2012

Im not against any new ships ingame, but what's the point (from nomad pov) introducing another one huge breeded ship or organism, against dead Order? or other houses? ofcourse if they didnt plan ultra massive invasion-cleaning. I thought the only tactic nommies use is outnumbering and rush. better breed another 1000 labraids instead of one easy hit target, would be more useful.

Nomads "Mini Shredder" - Nikita - 06-13-2012

why not? OC + nomads,do that nomads cloaking device must using Cardamine or alien organisms for cloak,this is will only unite OC with Nomads...and invasion Nomads in Gallia by Lorraine system.
This is will be interesting now...and OC will have what to do and nomads will have RP in Gallia...or maybe history with Wild Gallics in future will take a lead.

Edit:but this is another story.Here we talk about ship and his unique side in battles.
Nomad Shredder vs Valor.

Nomads "Mini Shredder" - massdriver - 06-13-2012

' Wrote:Remove BSs from factions which have no technology,resourse,humans base to build it and we will go back to balance,normal balance.
Or give to all factions in Sirius BSs,for balance (which balance i dont know,but all talking about some mythic balance)

Im talking about tactical unit in fight,if you know BSs as gank - this is your problem.I want that game must be balanced and interesting,for this im taking REAL ship from intro to game.
Hessian bs - this more idiotic thing (even cruiser in RH forces),than this real ship from intro in nomad fleet.
And even we will have 10 this type ships,they cant normal fight in open fight with other BSs (with bombers i mean).They have no guns for it,and their forward gun taking very many time and energy for shot.

Try to reread all what i wrote before.In the start of topic.

"Remove BSs from factions which have no technology,resourse,humans base to build it and we will go back to balance,normal balance"
ok then it will be unbalanced in terms of firepower like it was before you here.

again, unlawfuls get their BSs because of firepower misbalance as they cant make any opposition with few number of bombers against cap spams, that's why most of them get BSs and cruisers.

Nomads "Mini Shredder" - Snak6 - 06-13-2012

' Wrote:"Remove BSs from factions which have no technology,resourse,humans base to build it and we will go back to balance,normal balance"
ok then it will be unbalanced in terms of firepower like it was before you here.

again, unlawfuls get their BSs because of firepower misbalance as they cant make any opposition with few number of bombers against cap spams, that's why most of them get BSs and cruisers.
4/19 NPC Criminal Factions can use Battleships. 2 of them had their home system with planet from the vanilla.

Do tell me who gets
' Wrote:their BSs because of firepower misbalance as they cant make any opposition with few number of bombers against cap spams, that's why most of them get BSs and cruisers.