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A meeting on Matsue base - Stuffz - 07-01-2012

He listened to Takahashi's little speech without showing emotion on his face.
The way how he lost to the dragon was quite shameful indeed and it was even worse to hear the Admiral talking about the incident.

He waited a few seconds before he talked when she had finished her speech, some hesitation showing in his voice.

"I .. would not like to be assigned to seperate patrols. Despite all of .. this."

He turned his head to Junko and looked at her, a bit worried.

"I'm not sure how Sanada-san does feel about this however..."

A meeting on Matsue base - Yaoquizque - 07-01-2012

She had the annoying feeling she stupidly over reacted when she replied his gaze.
Which added to her annoyment.

Taking some time to clear up her mind, she put her hands behind her.
She had the irritating feeling everyone was now looking at her.

Finally, keeping a neutral expression she said.
"Erh... I guess i don't mind to keep him in my wing."

Quickly followed by an half-soundful mumbling
"Even if he's a silly womanizer."

She didn't want to admit she may have been wrong. No way.
Junko then raised her head and tilted it a bit, adding
"I guess that means i will just need to be more cautious to ensure he isn't seduced by criminals."

Having now the irritating feeling she was blushing, she quickly added :
"Hm. We're done, i guess? Permission to return to duty?"

A meeting on Matsue base - Bakamono - 07-01-2012

'€œExcellent, hai. Thank you both, I am glad we can put that issue aside without resorting to legislation."
Mikako made a short bow, then stooped to set her face level with Yukis.
"Ayaka, I will have to consult with the Ministry before a decision can be made on how to proceed with you. I will speak with you later concerning what you may know and its extent, for now perhaps you should eat '€“ you will need stamina, the questioning will be long."

"Ishikawa, would you please escort Ms Ayaka to the mess and make sure she gets a clean meal? Arigatou.'€
She raised a hand into Junkos path, "A moment please Sanada, I have a matter I would prefer to discuss with you privately."
Takahashi saluted and waited for the pair to leave before sitting on her desk before Junko.

A meeting on Matsue base - Stuffz - 07-01-2012

A bit surprised, he looked at Takahashi and hesitated for a moment.
He was not too excited about spending more time with the Dragon, but it was an order after all.

"Hai. I will see to it..."

He bowed and turned around, glancing at Junko for a moment.
Then he turned to Ayaka and nodded towards the door.

"Let's go then, 'Miss' Ayaka."

They walked out of the office and Ishikawa closed the door behind them.

A meeting on Matsue base - Yaoquizque - 07-01-2012

She moved in the office to let the Dragon and Ishikawa go out, and being standing to attention, gave him a cold gaze that one could interpret as a warning.

She didn't like much to see him going with that annoying woman.
But... Not like she could do anything about it right now...

What did the Admiral want?

She was somewhat anticipating some lecture about her behaviour or something boring like that.
Standing up straight, she waited for Takahashi to begin...

A meeting on Matsue base - Bakamono - 07-02-2012

"At ease officer. Now, I realise you feel strongly about this whole situation, but you must realise: publicly, it appears that you insult Ishikawa with your accusations.
If you have suspicions about someone, I want you to come here and speak directly to myself or Nagata. Though I will say this: most of the men and women with us now have come through the Gallic offensive, and those who did not, have seen what we are up against and held fast. It would take a lot more than a pretty face and a pair of breasts to turn them.'€
The older woman let a calming breath loose '€œPublicly, you understand I will have to reprimand you. You know, you cannot let your heart get interfere on duty.
Personally, I am happy for you, it has hard to go through life alone: and he is a fine man, not exactly to my taste, but respectable nonetheless. Now, I suggest you start resisting your impulses to tease or punish him, until you are off-duty. That Ayaka, well: she has neither your fire nor your looks - i would not worry about her.

A meeting on Matsue base - Stuffz - 07-02-2012

"Do you have a dog bowl around?" She sighed as he closed the door behind them.

He gave her an annoyed look. "You will get a meal like everybody else. Don't think we treat our prisoners like dogs."

"It's easier to eat from a bowl with your hands shackled than from a plate" She grins at him.

They continued to walk through the narrow corridors, slowly approaching the stations mess.
"They'll be put off eventually, don't worry. But maybe I should leave them on, I'm sure it would be amusing."

She followed him watching the interior.
"I promise I will take off my clothes slowly this time."

He kept looking straight ahead, not showing any emotion.
"Your solution for everything, hmm?"

"How about we stop biting each other with witty remarks?"

She looked around again.
"It looks good for being over 700 years old."

"Fine. And why do you think this is over 700 years old? Where do you think you are anyway?"

They slowly approached the door leading to the mess.

"Battleship Myoko. It has artificial gravity but not strong enough for a station. Only Sekigahara's have this way shaped corridors and patterns like this.
You would hardly bring me to Yamaguchi as that one is now under Kogen's control. And we aren't on Sado either as we didn't do a jump.
But I probably shouldn't have known about that one right?"

He chuckled a bit as they enter the mess.
"Nice try, but quite wrong. I don't think I should tell you where we are though."

She just shruged.
"You don't have to. So, would you take that shackles off please? By wrists are starting to hurt."

"Right." He walked around her to take the hancuffs off. "I can trust you to not try anthing silly?"

"You have my word."

"I hope you don't break it."
He opened her shackles and took them with him.
"Now, get yourself something to eat."

She took a plate and got herself some food and something to drink before returning back to him.
They took a seat on one of the many tables in the mess. "Hmph. The admiral didn't say anything about what I should do with you afterwards."

She ate her foods slowly. "You could tell me about yourself, you are a bit in favor .. in more things" She smiled a little.

He arched an eyebrow. "How am I in your favor again?"

"You heard about me and you have seen me naked."

She chewed her sushi and watched him.

He watches her eat and thinks about that. "Your point being? That was your own fault."

"You gave me no other choice." She drank a bit of sake trying to ignore it's poor taste.

"I don't think there is much you need to know about me. And I guess there isn't much I'm willing to tell either."

"Fine, we will just look at each other quietly"
She looked to her food.

He looked at her in silence for a short while.
"Alright, what do you want to know?"

"You and Junko... " She left an open gap.

He frowned.
"I don't see why you should care about that.."

She chuckled.
"She wanted you to kill me. Which I actually forgot to thank you for not doing it."

"Would have saved me these questions at least..
Well, she is quite angry at you, but I doubt she would want to go that far."

"How long will you hold me here?" She finished her meal.

He shrugs.
"I really have no idea what they are going to do with you."

"Alright." She leaned on the table and watched him.

He looks up to the ceiling and thinks for a bit before looking at her again.
"I suppose I should put the shackles on again and bring you back to your cell."

"I can't wait" She muttered.

He got up and walked over to her side.
"Alright, get up and I'll put you in cuffs again."

She sighed and stood up.
He takes her arms and puts the shackles on them again.

"Don't complain now. This was all your own idea."

"Yeah, it looks better and better every minute" She stood there shackled.

He nodded towards the door.
"Let's get going. And well, you even had the chance to talk with the Admiral, so I guess this is going pretty well for you."

She shrugged on the way to the door. "It's not just her decision."

"She has a big say in it though."
They walked out of the mess and found themselves in the narrow corridors again.

"And what about you? What would be your decision about my fate?" She turned her head to him.

Surprised he stopped for a moment. "I.. can hardly decide that. I don't know you enough."

She stopped too and leaned on the wall. "Well, we will see if you will have a chance to do so sometime."

He turned his head to look at her. "Depends. If you really get that 'amnesty', what are you going to do?"

"I offered to serve under the Naval banner, if you mean things of less importance then check what happened with my estate. Have a chit chat with certain people..."

He raised an eyebrow. "The Naval Forces? Are you sure you want that? You won't be very popular.."

"Do you think I was popular between Dragons?" She raised an eyebrow back.

"I honestly have no idea."

"Well I led the Black Dragons, they don't have exactly good relationship with each other, right?"

"Hmm. I guess you're right." He smirked at her. "But can you deal with Junko?"

She chuckled. "She will calm down, buy her something nice, surprise her and so on. I am not the real problem here."

"She might forgive me. I hope she does. But she will probably still hate you."

"Forgive you what? That you didn't shoot me in the chest? In the end, you told her to shoot. She is angry on herself right now. And in love."

"Not really your business, right? Let's get moving again.." He sounded a bit annoyed. "Not really things I should discuss with a prisoner, hmm?"

"If you say so." She started to walk again. "I just speak from experience."

"Is that so? I doubt I'll need your advice though."
Walking deeper inside the station, they approached the small holding cell that had been prepared for her.

She looked inside and sighed. "Home sweet home!"

"I have the feeling you'll be out of here soon enough. So, enjoy it while you can."

"Why do you think so? Your GF will come and murder me?"

"My.. She won't do that. And now get inside."

"The handcuffs please."

"Right. Nearly forgot that."

He removed the handcuffs again and waited for her to step inside the cell.

"Arigatou." She moved around him inside the cell.

Standing at the door he looked at her. "Sayonara. Maybe we'll meet again."

"Can't wait." It isn't clear if she is serious or not.

He sighs quietly and closed the door and returns to the mess, not really sure where he should go now.

A meeting on Matsue base - Yaoquizque - 07-02-2012

And here we go, she thought.

She made the good/nice/obedient girl by listening to her till the end.
However, she couldn't help to roll her eyes when she heard her talking about 'letting her heart get interfere on duty'.

It wasn't about that at all!
Well... Now she was thinking about it... Maybe it was.
But it's not like she would have to admit it anyway...

She had prepared in her head some quite nice rhetorical speech about why she did such a thing and why it was actually within her duty to, but instead of starting with it, she actually asked suddenly to Takahashi :
"What do you mean by not exactly your taste?"

She then appeared to soliloquize for a short while, not seeming to study Takahashi's expression either way.
"Not that i care about it though. He's annoying and silly, always trying to convince me i should go out with him. If you think i'm that lucky, just take him for..."

Junko eventually glanced at the Admiral and finally appeared to get she was getting on her nerves somehow.
"Erh... Please accept my apologies. I was very silly - This won't happen again - And i will ignore the Dragon now - Not planning to do anything to the Ens... To Ishikawa off duty."

A meeting on Matsue base - Bakamono - 07-03-2012

Takahashi was about to explain Hideakis facial dimensions, but stopped short as she amusedly watched Junkos haphazard speech, unable to suppress her smile.
'€œVery well Junko, apology accepted. I had considered assigning you to political guard duty for a short time, but perhaps a stint in cartography would be better, or assigned to the quartermasters crew for a while...'€ she mused over the terribly boring suggestions, amused as Junko cringed. '€œ...that can wait though. I would see you at full strength first.'€ she assumed a more concerned visage '€œI value what you did at the Arch Junko and will never forget it.'€
She resumed a semi-formal tone '€œDismissed commander, perhaps get the medics to take another look at that arm '€“ and see to Ishikawas sidearm would you? Arigatou.'€ She gave an informal salute and paced back to her desk.
Seeming unmindful of whether Junko heard, The admiral patched herself through to security '€œThis is Takahashi, send a 'monk' down to Ayakas cell please, and raise the temperature by five degrees. Have him include the following....'€
Meanwhile in Cell block 'H'...
At Ayakas holding cell '€“ marines flanked the door and admitted a squat, bald man carrying a thick black case. The man entered the cell to see Ayaka apparently asleep on a tatami. The man knelt away from her, and began speaking in a whisper.
'€œYuki, Yuki, I want you to think back to your time with the dragons. Think back to when you fled the black dragon society. Remember what it was like '€“ remember Kayo Chiba and the society chased you, pursued you. Remember travelling deep into space, your heart hammering. Recall the desperation, as your mind raced for who to call...'€ he continued in this litany, sometimes concerning the black dragon society, sometimes the blood dragons, sometimes peaceful moments in her life. The marines outside listened to the soothing voice, seemingly immune to its sleepy dirge.
Eventually the prisoner stirred. The bald man opened the case, withdrew a bottle of water, and closed the case. He carefully set the bottle on the floor before him.
'€œHello Yuki, do not worry: you are still safe. I am called 'Monk' '€“ they call me that because I am concerned with...a persons resolve and...spirit.
Yuki, how long were you working for the blood dragons? who did you fly under? What base did you station at ? Where is Ryukku base? What were your operational orders? How many missions did you fly? Did you come into contact with Taiki Ono ? What were your primary targets? How many capital ships do they have?
How many capital ships did you see? How many shipyards did you see? How many do you know of? What is the approximate capacity of their shipbuilding facilities? Who leads dragon operations in Hokkaido?
Why did you leave the blood dragons? Why did you leave the black dragon society? What are the blood dragons plans for the Prime Minister? Who are the dragons currently gathering intelligence on? How many government officials are the blood dragons concerned with? Which government officials are the blood dragons concerned with?
The Monk went on and on, seeming to ignore her answers, the cell became more stifling. When Yuki answered the man would offer water, allowing her a little. Then begin repeating the questions again.

A meeting on Matsue base - NixOlympica - 07-03-2012

[font=Tahoma]Yuki felt her thoughts slipping away from her. She has been taught how to withstand a mental breaking but this was the first time she had to test her will for real. She concentrated her mind on an image of a rice field on her old estate, counting one plan after another, studying it's leafs, the dirt on the ground.

[color=#FF0000]How long were you working for the blood dragons?

"One and half year, Monk"
Who did you fly under?
"Teraku Oshiro, Monk"
What base did you station at?
"Kyoto, Monk"


Some questions were left unanswered, some were replied with "I don't have that knowledge". The questioning seemed unending, she repeated the same answers again and again and again. She let her thoughts slide to Shizen for a brief moment before reinforcing her mind again.

"Knocking on an iron gate ten thousand times Monk will not differ from doing it once, Monk"