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Eppy's Current Projects - Dopamino - 05-10-2008

I used to peek at his pictures all the time to see what he was cooking up. Then he password-protected his Photobucket:(

Eppy's Current Projects - kingvaillant - 05-10-2008

umm, The OC Dread need its shape to be optimized, some parts are not proportional and thus, make it look less appealing

The H4x0r Spyglass, just reduce the size (diameter) of the spiked central part and it will be perfect, and if you can, add some Hacker' features like antenna, dishes, ya know.

Phantom BS? Nice! I will be more than pleased to blow it up!:crazy:during fights:P( = good work, can't wait to fight it)

Keep up the good work, Your ships models are what I would like to see in disco, They all look 100% FL-ish, like if they were in the concept arts, not just some random ships coming out of nowhere.

Eppy's Current Projects - Unseelie - 05-10-2008

Obviously, Images are required.
[Image: Carina.jpg]

Eppy's Current Projects - sovereign - 05-10-2008

Pretty ship...


Eppy's Current Projects - Jinx - 05-10-2008

come to that, one cannot deny that epyons ships all look like swords. ancient broadswords up to laser swords:).

when its about the sketches - i like the phantom BB, allthough i m unclear about if the phantoms can get their own ships anyway - the bretonian BC looks......... not bretonian-ish. ( allright, it has "ribs" but thats about it )

its not a bad ship - allthough it has a little too many ribs - but i think it needs a serious revision to fit into the fleet. especially the general shape. - bretonian ships are ALL heavy in the front and end up thin in the end. ( from the cavalier over the gunboat up to the battleship ... ) - they tend to have - if they do have - wings rather in the front than in the rear. - so i think this ship needs the proportions to be fixed.

Eppy's Current Projects - Dopamino - 05-10-2008

Plus that BC looks like it would be twice as big as the Bretonian BS.

Eppy's Current Projects - AdamantineFist - 05-10-2008

' Wrote:fine.
Obviously, Images are required.
[Image: Carina.jpg]

I AM IN LOVE.:ylove::ylove::ylove:

' Wrote:come to that, one cannot deny that epyons ships all look like swords. ancient broadswords up to laser swords:).
So? It looks sexaaay. Just needs those back wings smoothed out, and have them curve back.

Eppy's Current Projects - Xoria - 05-10-2008

From what I can tell so far from flying it, the biggest problem with the current Spyglass is its absurd length. Fully half of the thing has to be beyond the "dock point" in order for it to dock with trade lanes and bases. That creates some problems, to say the least.
Let me put it this way : I will never again try to talk anyone out of buying a battleship, IF they buy a spyglass. Flying this for 30 minutes will either cure them of their capship addiction, or turn them into a sitting duck. Either way, capwhore problem solved.

So yeah, consider me fully behind a new model for it.

Eppy's Current Projects - Angelfire - 05-10-2008

Yeah! Good point Xoria!

Make em HUGE!

I love the RP potential of a great BS!

Nice Job Eppy.. she's a beaut!

Eppy's Current Projects - Jinx - 05-10-2008

the only problem i see with the spyglass is that it will most probably have its stats rebalanced if it becomes very different to the current shape and size.

currently its one of the "big" battleships. - when it gains the rough size and shape of a liberty dreadnaught, it ll be one of the small ones. - which will most probably result in reducing its hull by at least 100.000 - but i guess thats a good trade to do - if its the size that is reduced by that.

but when its about combat, it will most probably be much weaker than a liberty dreadnaught. - its meant to be a listening post, not a frontline battleship.