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BHG viable capships - Printable Version

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BHG viable capships - tfmachad - 05-19-2008

*brings fan to blow all the testosterone away*

' Wrote:What in correct RP wise should the BHG be limited to in its options for capships.
There is one answer to this question, but the question in itself ignores one big gameplay issue and something of a taboo here. Also, let me make a small hijack of your thread here to plug my newest campaign. Let's drop the "in RP" for "makes sense". There's nothing "in RP" (as in role play) but the character being played. So, what can be "in RP" (mode?) or "ooRP" (mode) is the player, playing or not his character. I'm swimming against the current here, but I've had it with the "ooRP" witch hunt.

Anyway, about your question. Most people can come up with a story to justify pretty much anything. The problem with that mentality is that not always these stories make a lot of sense. The ""I stole it" card" (as we like to call it here) has been played to exhaustion to justify the oddest combinations of ships and roles, and today is severely frowned upon as a jumping start to a character's background. Also, some guys simply present flawed stories, when it comes to them making any sense, as to how they have "stolen" such hardware. Sometimes to a point that it becomes blatantly clear, that the character's background isn't being defined to really promote an original starting point for it, but merely an excuse to procure this and that item that combined will provide a kick ass result. Resuming, people do try to justify getting the best material.

Another point to bring is that we try and make some sense of our little universe by assigning distinctive hardware type, shape, color and limitations and some behavior standards for each role. We try and incentive (force) people to conform to these pre-set roles so our universe have in itself some sort of organization that we all identify as meaningful. To that effect, even though one can come up with a sensible enough story to justify this and that oddity, it will still be taken with great reserve and, since people clearly have had it with the ones that try and abuse this, outright hostility.

So, if you don't want to cause a fuss, try and stick to the basic role that we've (everyone) have shaped up. Stick to the Bounty Hunter hardware and role for starters. That doesn't mean that you won't be able to extend that somehow, but while you're still inside the "learning curve", that role should do. When you get the hang of Disco, you'll probably understand which liberties inside that role that you can tap to and which should be left alone for the sake of everyone else's fun (and your own in interacting with others).

BHG viable capships - Xoria - 05-19-2008

Apex :
1. I haven't wasted my, or my LH members' time by recounting your rather unimpressive responses to being pirated, so accusing them of having some sort of animosity towards you as a result of it is both inaccurate and slanderous. You have too high an opinion of yourself if you think I have spent any time bemoaning your escape since it happened, days ago.

2. You escaped for one simple reason : I place a greater value on the roleplaying of my piracy commentary than on how fast I fire supernovas, as anyone who has been pirated by me can attest to.

3. Bragging about your real life exploits and rp experience falls rather flat when the actual in-game demonstration amounts to the following :
[Image: cb0fe36fa3c8827bcadc6a9594a1eb23874652cd.jpg]
[Image: e4aecda2af46091aec01b838bd56b317dfe6b18a.jpg]
[Image: 79562426e36854372215317e4db5ccbe1b7640c9.jpg]
[Image: 38ed8908c2d191f5af838f35ed8bb9beeb3ee94f.jpg]

So spare us your sanctimonious recriminations.
You were going to be reported whether I blew you up or not, and that's a result of your choices, no matter what your persecution complex tells you.

Finally, not everyone here is a native speaker of English. It's a mistake to assume that their less than perfect mastery of the nuances of the language are an outright attempt to be hostile rather than to get their point across as best they can without completely screwing up the syntax.

BHG viable capships - Apex - 05-19-2008

' Wrote:Apex :
1. I haven't wasted my, or my LH members' time by recounting your rather unimpressive responses to being pirated, so accusing them of having some sort of animosity towards you as a result of it is both inaccurate and slanderous. You have too high an opinion of yourself if you think I have spent any time bemoaning your escape since it happened, days ago.

2. You escaped for one simple reason : I place a greater value on the roleplaying of my piracy commentary than on how fast I fire supernovas, as anyone who has been pirated by me can attest to.

3. Bragging about your real life exploits and rp experience falls rather flat when the actual in-game demonstration amounts to the following :
[Image: cb0fe36fa3c8827bcadc6a9594a1eb23874652cd.jpg]
[Image: e4aecda2af46091aec01b838bd56b317dfe6b18a.jpg]
[Image: 79562426e36854372215317e4db5ccbe1b7640c9.jpg]
[Image: 38ed8908c2d191f5af838f35ed8bb9beeb3ee94f.jpg]

So spare us your sanctimonious recriminations.
You were going to be reported whether I blew you up or not, and that's a result of your choices, no matter what your persecution complex tells you.

Correct improper use of short term expressions, is Oorp, tho if I had spelled it out in character it wouldnt have been a banable offence, as stated before, wrong choice of words, i was sanctioned did my time and next time as stated I'll type the taunts out no biggie or just die as I'd never pay you or any LH taxes. Far as accusations go..anyone can look at my prior posts, see whom responded and the mannerism in which they did respond, seems to me rather harsh, but why ? One can only presume over this event and my lack of disgrestion to posting the unit it happened with, or maybe just alot of uptight folks banding together in one unit, who knows.

Bragging.. no, more like stateing truth and giving backgound to the rebuttles.

And RP'ing your piracy, haha, not my friend you tried to kill me several times in that chase , regardless of your pirateing demands and frankly you failed miserably. I know it and so dont you, so hide behind whatever logic you wish, as we both know you unloaded everything you had to offer.

Like me , dont like me, honestly it doesnt matter, its a game. If I break the rules, I'll do the time. If you kill me I'll respawn reload and carry on, simple as that. If I make posts and people respond in manners I feel fit to address, clarify and rebuttle, then with-in the guidelines of the forums posting rules, I will.

Topics gone way off-topic, I've been corrected and see the BHG ship outputs more clearly now, thanks to those posters whom where helpful.

' Wrote:*brings fan to blow all the testosterone away*
There is one answer to this question, but the question in itself ignores one big gameplay issue and something of a taboo here. Also, let me make a small hijack of your thread here to plug my newest campaign. Let's drop the "in RP" for "makes sense". There's nothing "in RP" (as in role play) but the character being played. So, what can be "in RP" (mode?) or "ooRP" (mode) is the player, playing or not his character. I'm swimming against the current here, but I've had it with the "ooRP" witch hunt.

Anyway, about your question. Most people can come up with a story to justify pretty much anything. The problem with that mentality is that not always these stories make a lot of sense. The ""I stole it" card" (as we like to call it here) has been played to exhaustion to justify the oddest combinations of ships and roles, and today is severely frowned upon as a jumping start to a character's background. Also, some guys simply present flawed stories, when it comes to them making any sense, as to how they have "stolen" such hardware. Sometimes to a point that it becomes blatantly clear, that the character's background isn't being defined to really promote an original starting point for it, but merely an excuse to procure this and that item that combined will provide a kick ass result. Resuming, people do try to justify getting the best material.

Another point to bring is that we try and make some sense of our little universe by assigning distinctive hardware type, shape, color and limitations and some behavior standards for each role. We try and incentive (force) people to conform to these pre-set roles so our universe have in itself some sort of organization that we all identify as meaningful. To that effect, even though one can come up with a sensible enough story to justify this and that oddity, it will still be taken with great reserve and, since people clearly have had it with the ones that try and abuse this, outright hostility.

So, if you don't want to cause a fuss, try and stick to the basic role that we've (everyone) have shaped up. Stick to the Bounty Hunter hardware and role for starters. That doesn't mean that you won't be able to extend that somehow, but while you're still inside the "learning curve", that role should do. When you get the hang of Disco, you'll probably understand which liberties inside that role that you can tap to and which should be left alone for the sake of everyone else's fun (and your own in interacting with others).

Note taken, thanks