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Best (OP) fighter 4.86 (?) - Printable Version

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Best (OP) fighter 4.86 (?) - EisenSeele - 09-04-2012

RM cruiser

Best (OP) fighter 4.86 (?) - Dane Summers - 09-04-2012

' Wrote:The spatial... Not very good handling, but 2 class 9 guns, 4 class 10 guns and 3 class 2 turrets is a deadly mix... It can also have a class 6 freighter shield, 29000 hull strength (no upgrade) and a bomber core. However it is $4,000,000

You forgot to mention its Twin Mine Launcher.

However, it's razor bait.

Nyx wins in both looks and ability.

Best (OP) fighter 4.86 (?) - Ursus - 09-04-2012

' Wrote:Bayonet from HFs.
Surveyor is best HF:P

It's not technically a HF but stats are close, with super bonus that it has LF cruise speed.

Best (OP) fighter 4.86 (?) - Hell Hunter - 09-04-2012

Gaian (V)HF
Black Dragon

Best (OP) fighter 4.86 (?) - Mao - 09-04-2012

Either the team that balances the ships did a great job or all of you are trolling:lol:Come on! If I asked this question in 4.85, I would have received 3 pages filled with Sabre Sabre Sabre Sabre. There really is no OP ship in the mod right now:(

Best (OP) fighter 4.86 (?) - shcore22 - 09-04-2012

Bottlenose .. xD

i never fought in a VHF or lower.. just bombers and caps

Best (OP) fighter 4.86 (?) - Govedo13 - 09-04-2012

Nyx, Katana, Wraith,Black Dragon, Chimera, same story with 4.85 just without Sabre.

Best (OP) fighter 4.86 (?) - Mao - 09-04-2012

' Wrote:Bottlenose .. xD

i never fought in a VHF or lower.. just bombers and caps
I suck in a VHF. That's why I'm asking for the most OP ship. I need an advantage:P

Best (OP) fighter 4.86 (?) - Ichiru - 09-04-2012


Best (OP) fighter 4.86 (?) - Prysin - 09-04-2012

' Wrote:Either the team that balances the ships did a great job or all of you are trolling:lol:Come on! If I asked this question in 4.85, I would have received 3 pages filled with Sabre Sabre Sabre Sabre. There really is no OP ship in the mod right now:(
you couldnt be more wrong. there are always OP ships. We could ramble on about stats, but bottom line is, the ship that has the best guns +fit for a specific ship. is the winner. in that sense, Nyx, BD and Sabre come out on tops can use these ships and very good guns with hardly any nerf to them... Ie; yesterday i made a colada + kraken insurgent SCRA vhf, and i got a 58% reduced core... in other words, still perfectly able to fight. .