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Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Printable Version

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RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - nOmnomnOm - 02-24-2013

I stopped when i found out how to gain levels very quickly....
First i got speech to level 100.... then smithing to level 100.... and so on.

So it quickly became boring and i felt forever alone again due to the fact that i could not trust lydia because she was always dieing on me!

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Reid - 02-24-2013

Last weekend I decided to pop Skyrim back into my XBox

This time around, I was planning on making a 'typical civilian' character. It turned out to be a Redguard who was good with archery. At the start, I ignored the main quest and went around hunting things while picking up really small quests (deliver this, kill that bandit, etc). I mostly hung around Falkreath, and became Thane not that long after. The first big quest that wouldn't have been expected of a typical Skyrim resident was the one with Barbas and the Daedra. After I did that, I started venturing into more bold quests, such as the Dark Brotherhood and getting Mehrunes' Razor. It wasn't until today, when I was around level 30, when I finally went to Whiterun and killed by first dragon.

I found that playing the game this way was a lot of fun. I had some character progression, instead of just rushing in and killing a dragon at level 2. To keep things interesting, I also just walked about the roads and swam down the rivers. The random events and hunting was pretty fun, and I even discovered a few easter eggs. 10/10 experience would recommend to others.

I'm also working on another character that I'm actually going to document the travels of. This one will start in Oblivion, then move into Skyrim (but without the 200 years, I'll just eliminate the Oblivion Crysis stuff from the story)

Oh, and I also got Hearthfire and built Lakeview, it's definitely worth the $5

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Junes - 02-24-2013

I bought Skyrim in the beginning of January when it was off on Steam. My first and only character so far is a Khajiit level 31. Attempting to fulfill my principle of 'cleaning up' everything, I stroll around the map arbitrarily, doing dungeons when I find them, slaughtering everyone if I can cope with them. I'm not too far advanced in the main quest yet and I'm not sure which side to pick later on since both look kinda tard-ish in their ideals too me, oh well.

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Agmen of Eladesor - 02-24-2013

(02-24-2013, 07:20 AM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: First i got speech to level 100.... then smithing to level 100.... and so on.

So it quickly became boring and i felt forever alone again due to the fact that i could not trust lydia because she was always dieing on me!

Use your smithing skills to make Lydia some really badass (stupid autocensor!) armor, and she won't die on you. Especially if you enchant it with a health regen. Remember, as your 'essential' follower, she can't be killed by NPC's. The only way she can die is you end up killing her yourself. I sort of toggle between Lydia and Jordis as my followers right now - both of them have Legendary Nordic Armor, gauntlets, and boots - neither wears a helmet because I want to see their faces.

(02-24-2013, 09:28 AM)Safe Haven Wrote: I'm also working on another character that I'm actually going to document the travels of. This one will start in Oblivion, then move into Skyrim (but without the 200 years, I'll just eliminate the Oblivion Crysis stuff from the story)

Oh, and I also got Hearthfire and built Lakeview, it's definitely worth the $5

Actually, that was sort of my last character - Martina Septim, the bastard grandchild of a one night fling between Martin Septim and my PC from Oblivion. I came up with a bunch of back story for her, and I started writing the whole story down, then got tied up moving and haven't had time to finish.

(02-24-2013, 10:13 AM)Junes Wrote: I'm not too far advanced in the main quest yet and I'm not sure which side to pick later on since both look kinda tard-ish in their ideals too me, oh well.

I'm giving serious consideration to NOT finishing the civil war this time through. The problem is, as you'll find once you advance through the quests and especially if you take some time to read the books (and perhaps find a few secret reports in a certain Thalmer embassy) is that neither the Empire NOR the Stormcloaks are really the bad people here - it's the damn Aldmeri Dominion that are the problem. And they're playing both sides off against each other, due to the Emperor being a pussy - yet at the same time, Ulfric has been used by the Thalmer, too.

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Eduard - 02-24-2013

Yes, I do play Skyrim even now. Especially with the Dragonborn expansion which is sweet.

In a nutshell, you get to taste a fraction of Morrowing, but in Skyrim.

Had any of you got the chance to try it?

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Agmen of Eladesor - 02-25-2013

(02-24-2013, 06:18 AM)Agmen of Eladesor Wrote: And just to make life MUCH more fun - she's already been to Solstheim, got a house there, cleaned up most of the All-Maker Stones - and has NOT actually gone hunting Miraak yet, totally doing stuff completely out of quest order. (Actually had probably 2/3 of Solstheim mapped before even getting far enough in the main quest to even trigger the Cultists.)

(02-24-2013, 08:23 PM)Ed- Wrote: Yes, I do play Skyrim even now. Especially with the Dragonborn expansion which is sweet.

In a nutshell, you get to taste a fraction of Morrowing, but in Skyrim.

Had any of you got the chance to try it?

Read my above - this is my second trip through since installing DB. (I'm also an occasional editor of the UESP wiki, too.)

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Junes - 02-26-2013

(02-24-2013, 04:01 PM)Agmen of Eladesor Wrote: I'm giving serious consideration to NOT finishing the civil war this time through. The problem is, as you'll find once you advance through the quests and especially if you take some time to read the books (and perhaps find a few secret reports in a certain Thalmer embassy) is that neither the Empire NOR the Stormcloaks are really the bad people here - it's the damn Aldmeri Dominion that are the problem. And they're playing both sides off against each other, due to the Emperor being a pussy - yet at the same time, Ulfric has been used by the Thalmer, too.

Why thank you, I guess that helps. I was already suspecting something like this (I'm mostly too lazy to read through books, derp). Guess my inner feeling of who's the bad guys was correct when I spontaneously decided to slay the Thalmer the first time I stumbled on them.

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Eduard - 02-26-2013

(02-26-2013, 08:55 PM)Junes Wrote:
(02-24-2013, 04:01 PM)Agmen of Eladesor Wrote: I'm giving serious consideration to NOT finishing the civil war this time through. The problem is, as you'll find once you advance through the quests and especially if you take some time to read the books (and perhaps find a few secret reports in a certain Thalmer embassy) is that neither the Empire NOR the Stormcloaks are really the bad people here - it's the damn Aldmeri Dominion that are the problem. And they're playing both sides off against each other, due to the Emperor being a pussy - yet at the same time, Ulfric has been used by the Thalmer, too.

Why thank you, I guess that helps. I was already suspecting something like this (I'm mostly too lazy to read through books, derp). Guess my inner feeling of who's the bad guys was correct when I spontaneously decided to slay the Thalmer the first time I stumbled on them.

Heh, I never liked each of the sides anyway. I mean, Stormcloaks are too nationalistic (hope I got it right) . They give little to no value or respect to other races except Nords (See how dark elves are treated in windhelm) and considering my char is an Argonian... I wouldn't like to see myself helping them.

And I also don't like the Imperials because of their lore and their history.

And I hate the Aldmeri the most because they're Aldmeri. No reason to state why I hate them.

Still, if I'd be forced with a gun behind my head to choose a side, I'd go for Imperials

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Amon.Cire - 02-26-2013

Just started playing dragon born Smile love the morrowind feel so far

RE: Anyone (else) still playing Skyrim? - Agmen of Eladesor - 02-27-2013

(02-26-2013, 09:15 PM)Ed- Wrote: Heh, I never liked each of the sides anyway. I mean, Stormcloaks are too nationalistic (hope I got it right) . They give little to no value or respect to other races except Nords (See how dark elves are treated in windhelm) and considering my char is an Argonian... I wouldn't like to see myself helping them.

And I also don't like the Imperials because of their lore and their history.

And I hate the Aldmeri the most because they're Aldmeri. No reason to state why I hate them.

Still, if I'd be forced with a gun behind my head to choose a side, I'd go for Imperials

Realize, though, that the Dunmer also consider themselves to be taking over Skyrim FROM the Nords, in a sneaky sort of way - moving in to the capital city of the Stormcloaks and little by little insinuating themselves in. It's a long term plan, and as Dunmer have a much longer life span than Nords, take what is basically the present-day Japanese viewpoint of looking not for immediate gains, but for long term gains, 20 - 50 years down the road. That's not just me saying that, there's lore in game that supports it.

One thing on this, my second game since installing Dragonborn - I'm reading all the books I find. There is just SO much background and other subtle things in the game that you miss by not reading some of them.

What's great also is that in this, my fifth time through on the Xbox (still working my first time through on the PC, simply because that's my business PC I have it installed on) I find myself going into dungeons that I've thoroughly explored before - and finding new rooms, hidden chambers, chests that I just missed before - even though I swear I looked all through this.

Yeah, the Thalmor are THE enemy to humanity - and even to the other races. The big thing is whether or not you consider Talos to be one of the nine divines, or if there are only 8. And since you DO get a response from the Shrine of Talos - same cure disease that you get at the Shrines to the other eight divines, that would tend to lend credence to Talos still being a god - and thus the Stormcloaks being correct. (And with Hearthfire, you can MAKE your own shrines, so it's not just the ones already in game, but even one you get that provides a result.)

In either event, I'm going with the philosophy of a pox on both your houses - especially since the last time I chose a side, it became a great way to train up my Vampire Lord character. Do some of the 'attack the fort missions' and then change into a Vampire - the attackers keep re-spawning and you can go up lots of levels that way if you want.

(That's why I'm doing things a bit different this time - I've already destroyed the Dark Brotherhood, and I'm going to go with the Dawnguard this time rather than being a Vampire - although it IS really neat to be a Vampire.