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RE: Club Abyss, Ibiza Station. - Chenzo- - 04-06-2023

Despite Chenzo making his point what he thought to be very clear, it was obvious Harabero hadn't got it. Nor was Chenzo interested in a penis measuring exercise with a man who clearly hadn't seen even a tiny proportion of the Nomads true capabilities. With that in mind, he began to speak.

"Senor, I believe we are going in circles. I also believe you haven't listened to me, or perhaps I have not been clear in my explanation. We, as a species have existed for but a fraction of a second in comparison to the length of time in which the Spirits have existed. They were building Sirius long before Humans had began the most basic evolutionary process from the single cell of an amebae. The process of which takes inconceivable amounts of time to develop into the basic form of a human via lengthy evolutionary chains. It's the reason they are not only so vastly more advanced, but also why they generally do not display their power to us. They're no clown or freak show to be displayed for amusement or entertainment. Nor a tool for us to use. Our species is young, dumb, like an infant compared to a wise old man.

One day, if we can restore the true Maltese values of old, we may be able to fight alongside them once more to assist in vanquishing our enemy's and of course, spreading the orange dream"

He sits back in his chair

"The Spirits would never attack anyone on good terms, as I'd stated previously. The outcasts became less favourable to the Nomads when Outcasts broke their trust in the form of messing around with "Xeno Relics" and what our ships scanners call "Alien Organism's". This happened some time after my departure. Any hostility took place from Spirits after this. This is the direct cause of the hostilities you speak of."

He leans forwards lifts his glasses and looks Harabero directly in the eye, but not to be intimidating

"Senor, I'm not asking you to agree with what I'm saying, I'm literally telling you what caused the issues between us and the spirits. Ignore these issues if you like, however I'm suggesting a path of correction which in itself will take time."

He sits back in his chair once more

"Senor, please take no offence from my words but it should stand to reason that if we can show the spirits we are aware of the treachery of old regarding "Xeno Relics" and what our ships scanners call "Alien Organism's", we may be on the path to returning favours once held."

He takes a sip from the vial of liquid from within his jacket

"Perhaps then, you may wish to accompany me in your personal Sabre, I assume you fly one? I'll take you to show you a few wonders which will enlighten you to what the Spirits are capable of, although this will of course be basic to them.

If this all sounds good to you, then perhaps we can change subject? We have much more to discuss. If you do not agree, then of course I'm happy to discuss it more. I can appreciate the truths I've mentioned may be hard to digest."

Chenzo sits back and studies Harabero's face for his thoughts, this man was hard to read.

RE: Club Abyss, Ibiza Station. - BobMacaroni - 04-12-2023

Harabero gave an amused look to Chenzo. Perhaps this would become entertaining after all. The Nomads were strong, he gave them that. However, that did not decrease their danger to Malta throufh some "wishful thinking". Alejandro believed he had seen the Nomads true colors. What would be there now for them? The Orange Dream would surpass them one day, that was for certain. This supposed show of the Nomads power led nowhere but a belief of ignorance or foolishness of Chenzo from Harabero. He decided to remove this, as it only wasted time.

Fascinating. Your view of the Nomads is higher than that of which Malta could ever achieve? You have attributed ignorance to myself, however, you implied of the spirits greater abilities, did you not? I do not see any point arguing, as we both have our views set in stone. This is but to lead nowhere. The Nomads are not the benevolent creatures you see them as to believe otherwise would simply be ignorance or malice, which, for your sake can only be hoped to be the former. Hostilites will erupt regardless, as our great Orange Dream spreads across Sirius, to remove Xeno Relics trade will be only a paper patch to cover a spring. Only one king is allowed to rule.

Harabero was certain Chenzo would continue on, however, this might be the smallest factor to turn him away from getting "too close" to them, as that can lead to a rocky slope, if he had not slid down already.

Do not get distracted by this, as there is no more to say. Continue on toward other discussions you wish to have. If you are to gain anything from this, that will be your best bet.

RE: Club Abyss, Ibiza Station. - Chenzo- - 04-12-2023

Chenzo was becoming increasingly more frustrated with Harabero, however Harabero had made his point clear that he simply wasn't going to accept that Nomadic technology was vastly superior to that of Humans. There was much, much more to discuss from both sides still and Chenzo didn't want to cut the conversation short. With that in mind, he began to speak.

"The overwhelming power of the spirits was something which drew me to them in the first place, their power in weaponry and technology, it's something that I'm certain can't be replicated or advanced upon by humans on our own. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong but I see no technology made by humans which comes close to what they have mastered many millennia ago, without of course a major hand from the spirits themselves. In the long run, I'd be most delighted to engage on the subject of technological advancement with you. Weaponry, technology...they're at the forefront of what interests me most outside of Maltese defence"

He sits back in a more relaxed state

"To answer your questions as directly as possible, No, I don't think that on our own we can achieve the ability of impenetrable shields, the ability to jump and cloak with no additional technology, the ability to generate nebula's as we see fit. But then again, although I have personally seen these items I've mentioned, I've never been shown the way they got to such achievements. Only "shown" as you know, what they call "mind song" Perhaps these may be false claims on their part?

I don't think there would ever be future hostilities between the Nomads and our people if we abided by what I'd requested, there'd only be one way to find out.

From my point of view, The Orange Dream is something fundamental to the people of Malta, it's our primary *he coughs* only income. I see no need to waste maltese efforts in hauling the commodities manufactured or collected by the the corsairs when we could be hauling our own product. We have the largest economy in Sirius which will only ever expand. There is most certainly no shortage in Cardamine's production.

One of my motives for stating this has been outlined already, however I've already begun works in looking into the distribution of Cardamine into as of yet untapped markets. Bretona, Gallia, Rheinland and Kusari. As I'm sure you are aware, very little makes it to these parts of Sirius. Certainly not the potential of saturation achievable.

To that end, I'm working on various methods with various groups dotted about, however I'll not share full details until concrete which I'm sure you can understand."

He takes a sip of the liquid from within his jacket before continuing

"I am a man of my word, even when those go against me I do my best to keep to my word, out of honour. An example I can use is the Bretonians. In the time before my departure, our convoys made no efforts to land or deliver within Bretona as we were granted free passage through their territory, neutrality and a few keen pieces of kit which I hold to this day. Upon my latest visit to Bretona, they treated me as hostile as the Corsairs. Suffice to say I won't be breaking the terms on which they granted me various items of kit, but I am now seeking to hit them hardest of all with The Orange Dream for breaking their word."

Before we continue, are there not more areas of interest from yourself to discuss first senor?"

RE: Club Abyss, Ibiza Station. - BobMacaroni - 04-21-2023

Don Alejandro Harabero believed head made his point he did not agree about the Nomads, however Chenzo
did not seem to get it. He decided not to dwell on it, though, it was time to finish that discussion.

There is no point continuing on this discussion, as we clearly have different views upon the Nomads. However, I believe this may be a longer discussion for another day.

Bretonia has long been a thorn in our side. To bring the Orange Dream to them would expand upon the market and remove their assistance against the Crayter Republic. Tell me what you are thinking.

RE: Club Abyss, Ibiza Station. - Chenzo- - 04-21-2023

Chenzo agreed they were gaining no mutual ground with regards to Nomads,
There was much to discuss still so he continued

“You must understand my approach to Bretona will be harsh as honour of word is something I hold above anything else. A man or woman’s word is something which can only be broken by themselves, so this is personal”

He gestures to the wall to the side of them which lights up, displaying a map of Bretona, many things are dotted and listed which would not appear on any other nav maps. Chenzo had grown up in this space and would always note in detail points of interest to him personally, they wouldn’t necessarily be of any interest to others.

“We have an installation in Newcastle, however staging operations from there is would be false.

I’m working with a group of smaller pirates whose main involvement would be to draw the attention of the authorities, also my personal ties with the Mollies is of great use.

Ultimately, I wish to target New London to begin with and have extensive plans to do so.

Once things begin to go live, I’ll be sure to contact you more as your assistance is going to be essential to the cause.

Senor, I have extensive plans for the further distribution of Cardimine throughout all of Sirius’s untapped markets, but is there not other questions you have for me first?”

He lights another cigarette before gesturing a response from Harabero

RE: Club Abyss, Ibiza Station. - BobMacaroni - 04-23-2023

I would be fine with harsh terms for Bretonia. Once they had some sort of "Non agression" with us. Now they get in the way of our operations, and even attempt to thwart our operations once more. So far as to even attempt to come to us. To knock them down when they are weak would be a boon to bring forth more Cardamine across Sirius.

You would be right upon Newcastle. While we do have an installation there, it is mainly for Cardamine shipping and assistance.

As for the Mollies, they have not been exactly "receptive" to our Orange Dream. Although, through enough persuasion and effort, it may become something. Ultimately, I believe the best market would be toward the citizens, as many gaps have been opened through the Gallic War.

As for your last question, no, I do not have any more questions. If you like, we may acquaint you with another distributor of ours. Until then, tell me all else you wish to. Unless that is all of Bretonia, of course.

RE: Club Abyss, Ibiza Station. - Chenzo- - 04-24-2023

Chenzo became a tad confused, had the leader of the HS> really only come to ask him about nomads, or perhaps the conversation had not gone in the direction of which Harabero had wanted? Maybe it had frustrated him? None the less a Chenzo moved on

“Senor, Talk to me about Santa Verne?

What are your interests in this installation?”

he continues to smoke as as he waits for a response

RE: Club Abyss, Ibiza Station. - BobMacaroni - 04-29-2023

Moving on so quickly? He had just begun. Expanding the Cardamine network to even gain a thought of Sirius truly knowing its blessing was a thought he would like to dwell on. Nevertheless, for other reasons as well, Bretonia did not have its time to be removed from the central topic. Not yet at least. If he could contact Chenzo with De Marco, with his alleged connections inside Bretonia, perhaps they could uproot some more "open minded" subjects within to the forefront.

Harabero chuckled, relaxed. His face eased and he sat back in his chair. It was a nice place, he took a moment to glance around. Although not too long. Then he met Chenzos eyes and began to talk.

Santa Verna? I believe I was talking about Bretonia, was I not? I have heard from some within the Starfleet that you have connections within them. Specifically to some Junkers. Santa Verna or whatever you wish to talk about it will be discussed, for now however, I would like at least a few more words in about Bretonia.

What would you say about acquainting you with another that works with expanding the Cardamine network to new horizons. She particularily works in uprooting any initial interest in Cardamine and growing it. We have assisted her in the past and you may have heard of her. Fiorella De Marco. To have to two of you together to breach into Bretonia and expand towards any open minded enough to take it I believe would be very well. We would oversee it, however, we would grant greater protection via infiltrators and our planted Asesino division within Bretonia. Once you together find a group willing to take on Cardamine and bring them to our attention, we could... make it flourish, if you will.

What do you say? Would you be interesting in grouping with De Marco and ourselves on a project to expand the network through Bretonia?

Bretonia had long been a long sought after place to expand the network to. Alejandro hoped cooperation would mean their shadow and Asesino divisions with both the Outcast intermediaries to be the strike to break the glass.

RE: Club Abyss, Ibiza Station. - Chenzo- - 05-07-2023

The look of slight confusion across Chenzo's face lifted and revealed a look of delight as Harabero spoke. Conversation as it fell thus far was not on the lines of which Chenzo had hoped they may take form. With what Harabero spoke of, topics which Chenzo thought were out of the question now fell into line.

"Senor, one must admit that the topic of Cardimine and the expansion of it's distribution should be something we agree on entirely. I have contacts across all of sirius of various strengths and powers. Some are expected, others not quite so. The questions you may have from this are numerous, but by now I'm sure it's safe to say you ask what you need and I'll divulge what is necessary.

Bretona is a personal focus due to reasons I've already mentioned, but an easy target as it's where I'm from. I know it better than the Bretonian forces themselves. The contacts your units may have passed along from my speaking have have been very quiet as of late, they go by the name of the "Trafalgar Junkers". Through talks they are very happy to peddle the orange dream, but wish to become on better standings with the Bretonian authorities which would be an understandable endeavour to enable them to become less trackable. Doing it their way is simple, we just offload onto Trafalgar and they do the hard work of landing it on their Bretonian forces central infrastructures.

You must also note that they are one of many connections in the area.

On the subject of Junkers, senor; I have have something of a bone to pick with you. I don't want to go into depth on it now as we have other areas I'd rather focus full attention to, however I will mention that the Junkers Congress as well as all Junkers which had more than proven to be essential to the distribution of the Orange Dream in the time before my departure all but steer clear of Maltese space now due to the new acquaintances that have for some reason found themselves welcome here. The Core, those Bounty Hunters or affiliates as your units have advised me. They hunt the Junkers, particularly the Congress like a plague. To this day, they make particular targets of them even if they are hauling Cardimine. Like I said, I wanted to make no more than a statement on this for now, but bare it in mind. I also appreciate that such arrangements started long before your personal administration.

With that in mind, it's one of the primary reasons I now seek to develop a new distribution network with Maltese transports, Sirius wide. The Rogues and Lane Hackers do a fine job within Liberty, so that area clearly needs little to no focus. The attention areas are everywhere else. Like I said, I plan to start with Bretona.

Back to diplomacy and collaboration with other Maltese units. The very reason I mentioned anything and asked you to meet with me is I'll need your assistance in the plans I wish to unfold, use Bretona as a test bed for the rest of Sirius. I will require both a military force and transport commanders which have their wits about them, both of which I believe you have at your command. I'd be more than delighted to engage on joint efforts in all directions as it's essential for things to work properly. Senorita De Marco seems shady even by my standards, nonetheless her physical charm is more than likely to steer things in the direction we'd need so of course I'd be willing to get to grips with her.

Before my departure, there were three controlling Maltese factions. The 101st were both Malta's primary defence and the tip of the spear with all engagements. My searches thus far have found no actual ghosts from my era, which is troubling. There's a few who put disgrace to our name with their mimicry, however they are few and will be silenced in time if necessary. The other two controlling Maltese factions provided the bulk of the Maltese force, much like the force you command today. It goes without saying that all three worked together harmoniously within the scope of roles. Of course, what exists today is but a shadow of what once was. A massive tribute to you, your units for safeguarding Malta for so long.

My point Harabero, is with my resource and knowledge, values of old matched with the physical mass of strength you command, the plans I have for this Maltese Cardimine network will be rapid and efficient. What do you think on all aspects of what I've just said?"

he hits back and awaits a response

RE: Club Abyss, Ibiza Station. - BobMacaroni - 05-13-2023

Harabero was glad to see Chenzo in agreement and wanting to continue with discussions of Cardamine operations. If there would be one thing he could choose to grasp out of this, it would be that. Of course, as he was Maltese, Harabero lived to see the Orange Dream spread across Sirius.

I could live with seeing Bretonia as a launching pad for other operations, as our ancestors have built connections within, and a network has been slightly established, although a large market like Liberty is yet to be achieved, perhaps this could be some steps toward such a thing?

One problem stumbled across is that Bretonia is not very Profitable within Cardamine, their citizens are not as receptive as Liberty or even Kusari, and our lack of intermediaries could show problematic compared to other houses. The Gaians are opposed to us, the Junkers are very receptive and open minded, however, they are few at Trafalgar, ever since its reclamation from Gallic units. The Corsairs, obviously, are out of the picture, which leaves the Mollys as the last large scale option. Not exactly a very friendly face to be seen. They don't hate us, as we take out Corsairs, but they don't appreciate our work either.

Harabero leans in as he pauses

Which means that for now, we are left with the Junkers at Trafalgar and spread throughout House Bretonia. However, if we can find a profitable market and expansion - which after such a long and devastating war I assume there should be cracks - perhaps more would flock to join in?

What I mean by all of this is, if you and De Marco would, plant the tree, not at the stem, but at the roots. With our supervision and assistance, sow the seeds toward bringing a more... "profitable" margin and a larger demand for Cardamine, by whatever means possible and available. If not I fear they may simply reject any deals we may bring in light of the Corsair artifact trade. We can do any "watering" and "pruning" of this fledgling market afterward.

What do you think? Is there anything else that should be included?