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What do you do in disco? - Printable Version

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What do you do in disco? - RmJ - 06-07-2008

ah...blackmoon... your a man of many talents

What do you do in disco? - ivr56 - 06-07-2008

I put unlawful since 75% of my characters are in pirate guilds.
As for trading Im a smuggler now as smuggling makes more money and stops OORP trasfers between my Company trader with my unlawfuls.

What do you do in disco? - Ironwatsas - 06-07-2008

Well, my main character, IronWatsas, is a mercenary by technicality (that being the closest thing fitting my character's history), who is driven less by money and more by good old fasioned vengence. Specifically toward the Hogosha (who put me in jail) and Kusari (who owned said jail). So, I shall side with those who would see Kusari put down, and add my knowlage of gurella warfare to said factions. But I am intentionally very mysterious in my personal tactics and deeper motives.

Also, there's CobaltWatsas, who... is poor as crap, looking to make a living on the border worlds, or anywhere for that matter. And IS related to Ironwatsas, but would likely end up sacrificed to the Nomads before helping the former.

What do you do in disco? - Panzer - 06-07-2008

CR's know me as a mapping maniac.

What do you do in disco? - RmJ - 06-08-2008

I should make an explorer person...i think that would be interesting.

What do you do in disco? - Teknikal - 06-08-2008

Only one I can pick is (Pirate/Terrorist/smuggler) as I have 2 outcast accounts and 1 smuggler account so no lawful characters for me at all.

What do you do in disco? - Xoria - 06-08-2008

Other, mainly consisting of being blown up by battlecruisers, Mjolnir, and battlecruisers.

Apart from that I mug people in my Bloodhound, with no CD.

What do you do in disco? - sovereign - 06-08-2008

' Wrote:Other, mainly consisting of being blown up by battlecruisers, Mjolnir, and battlecruisers.

Apart from that I mug people in my Bloodhound, with no CD.

Didn't you mug someone in a Starflier once?

Although I think the OPG can lay claim to your title, they pirated Caylith's admin character for three credits. And lived to talk about it, too.

What do you do in disco? - Klaw117 - 06-08-2008

My main char is in the Guild Core Bounty Hunters Guild, but my LSF char is also starting to see a lot of action too. Also in the Bs, TBH, and Synth Foods.

What do you do in disco? - n00bl3t - 06-08-2008

Shame you can't select more than 1. Most of mine are unlawfuls, so I picked pirate/smuggler thing.