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Maggelan LR system? - Printable Version

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RE: Maggelan LR system? - Jihadjoe - 01-05-2013

(01-05-2013, 04:18 PM)Reptile Wrote: So question is...Why Rouges calling far border system as "their"?

They can call the system whatever they want. Same as the outcasts can call the northern sigmas "their" space if they want.

Doesn't make it true. But they can say whatever they like, really.

RE: Maggelan LR system? - Reptile - 01-05-2013

(01-05-2013, 08:11 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote:
(01-05-2013, 04:18 PM)Reptile Wrote: So question is...Why Rouges calling far border system as "their"?

They can call the system whatever they want. Same as the outcasts can call the northern sigmas "their" space if they want.

Doesn't make it true. But they can say whatever they like, really.

I mean if they do it,shooting their their allies because they want - this is mean,that this is against the rules...I have screens where they shooting me,because they want and i never opened fire on LR,even in only staying on place near freeport and looking on this action.

RE: Maggelan LR system? - SummerMcLovin - 01-05-2013

(01-05-2013, 06:25 PM)Salmin Wrote: Eh, that Battleship do not pirating anyone, just selling Cardamine coctails. LR and LH should be happy, because they are dependent on Cardamine.

I was under the impression it was a case of "You don't want to buy one? How rude, die greedy person!" but perhaps it is a purely voluntary thing.

(01-05-2013, 07:16 PM)Reptile Wrote: yes man,exactly it was from reaver side. From my side - you can ask people which buying cardamine from me,was there rp or not.Or try to turn on your brain ,how i can sell cardamine with burrito for 500 000 peso without roleplaying,huh?

I'm happy to see you roleplaying, and it is an interesting way to do it. My comment was aimed at your Gallic 'roleplay' against the opposing forces.

(01-05-2013, 07:16 PM)Reptile Wrote: There is no balanced rules on server,there is only YOUR rules,and you manipulating by them very good,to say that ALL independent worlds near liberty ARE systems of LR. Even 3rd(as you saying) largest criminal faction (red Hessians) not controling Rheinland Bering\Hudson systems or Sigmas,which is near Stut\Munich...
Seems LR controling bigger territory than RH.You lost logic,this is very sad.
What Xenos controls then?
What Hackers controls then?
heh,nuff said.

They don't control the space, either do Hessians, Hackers or Xenos. They do have influence there, and can make up whatever rules they want. Hessians have interests in the Omegas and Rheinland, so will fight Corsairs, Rheinlanders and some pirates out there too.

(01-05-2013, 09:47 PM)Reptile Wrote: I mean if they do it,shooting their their allies because they want - this is mean,that this is against the rules...

It might be mean, but the Rogues think it is 'mean' to bring cap ships into their Zone of Influence. As far as I understand the rules, it is only breaking them to shoot your own ID without the presence of a faction leader or second in command there. Rogues can engage pirates/terrorists, which your battleship falls under.

RE: Maggelan LR system? - bloogaL - 01-05-2013

(01-05-2013, 09:47 PM)Reptile Wrote: I mean if they do it,shooting their their allies because they want - this is mean,that this is against the rules...I have screens where they shooting me,because they want and i never opened fire on LR,even in only staying on place near freeport and looking on this action.

(01-05-2013, 06:33 PM)bloogaL Wrote: It's already been role played that LR doesn't like OC warships muscling on their turf. We'll ask you to leave and escort you out, if you refuse, we'll kill you. Even the 101st supports it, they'd rather MNS ships stay at home where they belong to defend Maltese space. See the Laws & Regulations for the Maltese Nation

There's why it makes sense iRP.

Here you can see our ID allows us to engage pirates/terrorist, both of which you could categorize Outcasts as.

If you really feel a rule has been broken, don't endlessly argue and complain about it here; file a rule violation report.

RE: Maggelan LR system? - Reptile - 01-05-2013

Outcasts ID:
Can engage pirates, terrorists and lawfuls within their Zone of Influence.

So,rouges,time to have fun.Need to regroup for this fun pew pew with them.

RE: Maggelan LR system? - Sarawr!? - 01-06-2013

The same way that nations in the real world make claims on territories outside of their own, so to do factions on Discovery.

For example, The SCRA| claims that Omega 50 is their territory and that their laws apply in that system, even though they do not officially own the system.

It's perfectly legitimate that they do this, within RP.

The Rogues claim influence in the Magellan system, as such they will apply their "law", there.

The Rogues do not like Outcast capital ships operating in "Their territory", as such, they blew you up.

And technically, most of the places the Rogues call their territory, are actually the territories of lawful houses, just for the record.

What I mean to say, Reptile, is that things aren't really black and white.

RE: Maggelan LR system? - The Liberty Rogues - 01-06-2013

[Image: 264pxlrlogo2.png]

Dear upset Outcast capital ship captains,

You will find here a charter of Liberty Rogue laws
upon which the Liberty Rogues claim the afore-
mentioned systems as under Liberty Rogue rule.

This means, you will not be treated well if you bring
your overly sized ego vessels into our turf,
we will send you home via the Junkers in scrap.
I know for certain you chaps buy it back real well.

So if you undock from Rogue bases,
we will shoot you.
If you are undocking from Hacker bases,
we will shoot you.
If you undock from Junker bases in Liberty,
we will shoot you.
If you are found in Rogue restricted areas,
we will shoot you.
If you are found pirating on Rogue turf,
we will shoot you.
If you are found helping our enemies,
we will shoot you.

If you come down in your trade ship, or your
fighter and maybe even your bomber,
we won't shoot you.
If you come down to party with the Rogues,
we won't shoot you.
If you make an agreement as some official factions have,
we won't shoot you.

We don't come to Malta to crap on your front door.
Pay us the same dignity or die. Simple.

You have been warned plenty of times before. Any more Outcast
capital ships (Gunboat and bigger) will be shot on sight. And we'll
also pay someone to assist us in enforcing our laws.

So, I think I elaborated that well enough for those misguided
individuals that think we like Outcasts causing us grief in Liberty.

So, to others reading this: If you like shooting Outcast capital ships
then sign up to our bounty board.

Outcasts belong in Malta.
Not Liberty.


RE: Maggelan LR system? - Reptile - 01-06-2013

then you will burn amigos.
seems you forgot who is your daddy!

RE: Maggelan LR system? - The Liberty Rogues - 01-06-2013

[Image: 264pxlrlogo2.png]

No, my daddy sure was a man.

Not a kid.

You forget your place.


RE: Maggelan LR system? - Echo 7-7 - 01-06-2013

I really don't understand why threads by Reptile just don't get locked.