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Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - Printable Version

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RE: Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - Haste - 01-18-2013

LPI will likely have a sudden case of union break whenever a Nomad appears.

RE: Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - Jansen - 01-18-2013

(01-18-2013, 06:50 PM)Hasteric Wrote: The group chat was simply a way for me to talk to him oorp. It's rather annoying to alttab to Skype every second, wouldn't you agree?
You could use PMs, not the perfect way, but not really more work then a chatting in a group either.

(01-18-2013, 07:29 PM)Soul Reaper Wrote: But since no such thing has been done yet (I believe), I think the general idea would be to -shoot- the nomad unless given specific orders at that time to -not- shoot. (which might happen if an [LN] or =LSF= member is present ingame at that time)

I'd shoot the nomad as an Indie, even if the[LN] or =LSF= people try to give me different orders, because I simply dont consider this to be canon roleplay Repur.

RE: Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - Soul Reaper - 01-18-2013

(01-18-2013, 07:40 PM)Jansen Wrote: I'd shoot the nomad as an Indie, even if the[LN] or =LSF= people try to give me different orders, because I simply dont consider this to be canon roleplay Repur.

Which is what you're supposed to do anyway since no order from command was given.

But of course, if you or anyone denied to follow orders, well that might lead to being blown up, which, RPwise would also lead to "you'd shoot another human over the life of a nomad?" going around, which would be a bad image for the defenders of liberty. Which is exactly why I'm keeping the LSF out of it...for now.

RE: Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - jammi - 01-18-2013

(01-18-2013, 06:50 PM)Hasteric Wrote: As for the "anything else would be metagaming".. No, not really. A one-on-one conversation with a rebel nomad can be quite convincing. But yes, it makes perfect sense inrp not to trust your superiors on matters like these.

Funnily enough, having a one-on-one meeting with a Nomad in Rheinland was a fairly convincing thing, circa 800 AS. When you're a lifeform whose primary form of attack is espionage and body-stealing, don't expect characters who don't know any better to show any sympathy.

The (previously named) FR2 wouldn't apply to this situation either. Internal rebellion within the Nomads and a cease-fire pact with the LN is about as non-canonical as you get. I'd fully expect indy players to open up on all the blues, rather than use meta knowledge they've gained from reading the comm section.

RE: Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - SA_Scavenger - 01-18-2013

How does one distinguish between normal nomads and the new rebellion group?

Also, damn difficult to really understand what Nomads are trying to say with all the ***amused - travel? get away/run? blah blah blah***. How is one meant to respond to that? Yes, I know you're meant to run, I'm not talking about that exactly, I'm asking how one is meant to communicate with a Nomad, in other words, do we type normally or do we have to 'pretend' as if we're having a telepathic connection?

RE: Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - Slainte - 01-18-2013

Dont, just shoot it....job done :-)

RE: Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - SA_Scavenger - 01-18-2013

Yea, I should have cruised away as soon as I saw it on scanner, for some reason I thought the nomad might be part of the new group. If only I had known they had a specific tag. Was in a liner so pew-pew wasn't really an option.

RE: Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - Narcotic - 01-18-2013

(01-18-2013, 06:50 PM)Hasteric Wrote: If you see an encounter between regular K'Hara and Rebels, it's very unlikely it'll be friendly and they'll behave normally towards eachother. I believe that was already demonstrated a few times with fights between the two 'types' of Nomads.

Wow. I didn't even knew that. So Nomads kill each other now? Like humanity does? That means that they aren't any better...

RE: Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - Remnant - 01-18-2013

(01-18-2013, 09:35 PM)SA_Scavenger Wrote: How does one distinguish between normal nomads and the new rebellion group?

Also, damn difficult to really understand what Nomads are trying to say with all the ***amused - travel? get away/run? blah blah blah***. How is one meant to respond to that? Yes, I know you're meant to run, I'm not talking about that exactly, I'm asking how one is meant to communicate with a Nomad, in other words, do we type normally or do we have to 'pretend' as if we're having a telepathic connection?

You can distinguish by the naming tags. {- tagged nomads are rebels, where K'hara tag are the normal nomads. Un-tagged nomads you will have to find out yourself.

Nomad talk is meant to be slightly confusing and have to decipher what they have said. It is very possible, it just takes getting used to.

RE: Friendly nomad gunboat at Manhattan? - Coin - 01-19-2013

cuddly nomads? wth?

ok. nomad-nomad war. first of all, nomads are a mind-share. it would be like bees fighting each other, but hey, maybe its a reproductive thing.

secondly, if the LOSERS of the nomad-nomad fight run away, why would they run to the busiest human system - yes, humans have the firepower to beat off the 'enemy' nomads, but, and its a big 'but', humans are more annoyed at these rebel noms than their own species is. The rebel noms might not want to be subjugated, but that's preferable to dying, which is what SHOULD happen to any nom in the busiest system.

it would make more sense for them to run to gallia - garlics have no experience of squids, cos they weren;t around during single player, and becos garlics want to smash sirius, and make it all french.

nom capital ships in liberty - fail.