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RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Crackpunch - 02-06-2013

I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna make an RL to Disco comparison. Jah help us all.

Military personnel (and FBI types) actually need orders/warrants from higher ups to be able to 'ignore' cops. Unless you have the proper approval when you're telling the police to buzz off, you're being a total tool.

You can't run around like you've got clearance from the President himself to do whatever you like. It's slightly powergamey and very annoying.

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - sindroms - 02-06-2013

This thread really seems to be a cartman one. One side thinks that they should have power over other people, because their RP dictates it. Other side thinks that RP should be balanced out with the person on the other side of the PC in mind.

What I think? I honestly forgot, I watched through that video above and forgot any valid points I was going to make. Sorru.

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Hero4Hire - 02-06-2013

(02-06-2013, 08:54 AM)GrnRaptor Wrote: You mean here's what you claim.

Lets take a look below at exactly what I saw then. Unless re-constructed this scene on my own server or photoshopped it.

(02-06-2013, 08:54 AM)GrnRaptor Wrote: My Transport was having difficulty trying to dock with the mooring point thanks to this vessel being in the way.

I started taking the video when I saw that what the LPI were saying was obviously not matching what was really happening.

At the beginning of the video, we see one thing very clearly: THe mooring fixtures are COMPLETELY free and not blocked, for large or small ships alike.

Its more diffiult to tell the distance between the carrier and the dockign rings exactly. Thats why I moved over the ships to see it better.

You can see that the carrier starts moving left as soon as he comes back to the keyboard, in attempt to make more room in front of the docking rings, obviously immediately complying with the police as soon as he notices what they were saying while he was away. This also makes it a bit harder to estimate where he was orriginally before he came back. How ever, its easy to reconstruct where he was with the help of the LPI ships, who werent moving. You can see that he was well to the left of Buck frost, and that there were 2 LPI ships between him and the planet, before and after he moved. So even if he was literally touching those ships befoe he moved (which he most probably wasnt), there was ample space between him and the docking rings, at least one time his own ship's length. You can deduce how much space that leaves for the ships that are actually able to use the docking rings. There is ample space to move in between them, and ample time to change your course after you launched, if he had been sitting in the trajectory of hte rings. But in fact, he wasnt even. If he had been touching Harper with his rear, he would be barely at the edge ohf the rings trajectory. On top of that, the mooring fixture was completely free.

You can actually SEE that the mooring fixture was free before he moved, and you can vey sell SEE how the [LN] Transports has LOTS of space to fly past and use the fixture.

There is not a single ship, amid all the ships present, that complains about the carrier's position. The ONLY ones complaining are the [LN] (who btw was RPing fetchign donuts forh te LPI) trans and the LPI. And you can actually SEE the carrier try to comply as soon as he notices, you can SEE that they docking fixture is totally free before he moves, you can SEE that the poor poor [LN] trans had LOTS of space, and you see him using it.

Which means that you sir, are a proven liar.

(02-06-2013, 08:54 AM)GrnRaptor Wrote: I missed this, but this wouldn't have been an issue if he hadn't been sitting right at the mooring/docking point. You know, blocking things like the LPI- said he was.

If you missed it, then tell me this:

How exactly does a carrier which is sitting still and who's pilot is afk ram another ship?

He cant. Still, the LPI said that HE killed a civilian and rammed a ship.

Again, pure lies.

(02-06-2013, 08:54 AM)GrnRaptor Wrote: How exactly were they lying? I had trouble with him being in my way, and it was obvious that his vessel knocked the other pilot into the planet. The death message told as much.

Tell me, how many times to people die in collisions in New York every day? How many of them get 10 mil credit fines? For a guy who was afk?

Are you still trying to tell me you werent intentionally trying to set him up and hassle him to the best of yoru abilities?

"The death messages show that the evil carrier knocked him into the planet and deserves a fine for it".


(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: The LPI basically used it as an excuse to pirate and humiliate him in front of others.
(02-06-2013, 08:54 AM)GrnRaptor Wrote: They fined him. And given his horrendous attitude and terrible behavior, rightfully so.

Horrendous attitude? Having to go afk for 5 mins while there is no fight going on is horendous attitude? What exactly are you talking about? The only horrendous attitude I saw was yours and the LPIs.

(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: The LPI called an official LN on skype to get the guy to pay although he had nothing wrong.
(02-06-2013, 08:54 AM)GrnRaptor Wrote: Wrong on both accounts. I was already there(I merely switched vessels) and we've established that he was behaving inappropriately.

No, you've claimed he was behaving inapropriately, and we've established that you were lying.

(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: They killed me although I have broken exactly 0 laws, and a legal setup, because I contradicted their story.
(02-06-2013, 08:54 AM)GrnRaptor Wrote: You were told a dozen plus times to leave the crime scene and to stop interferring with an ongoing investigation. You continued to spout your misinterpretations, and we silenced you after more than your fair share of warnings were issued.

Crime scene? Investigation? There WAS no crime, there was only a bunch of corrupt cops and their willing accomplice trying to hassle someone they hated. There were loads of other ships around, and I was the only one who saw anything except you and hte LPI who were setting him up. All you wanted to do is silence me as a witness. Look at hte "to LSF and LN and LPI" thread that he linked. The guy posting the chat logs was very careful to remove everything I said from the "evidence".

Lie all you want budy, I got the video, I got chat logs too. The video shows you were lying about the mooring fixture and yoru ability to dock, and the chat logs he posted, as well as your behavior here, show that you are maliciously trying to tamper with evidence and set someone up.

(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: THey left him under the impression that he had to obey the official guy, although following the server rules, he did not in this situation.
(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: Primary fleets do have both the authority to command and the requirement to set an example on the server. It's part of the rules. What part of the proper command channel do you have a problem with?

And you set the example by hassling someone you dont like, by lying, and by maliciously tampering with evidense, with an illegal attack on a innocent bystander and witness that you wanted to silence.

Good job on setting the example.

Oh... and my problem?

Its that your faction rights DONT give you the right to tell him what to do or where to go, even if he WAS blocking the lane, and they CERTAINLY dont give you the right to make him pay 10 mil.

(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: The LPI and associates LSF/LNS/[LN] ships shot him although he payed the fine, "by accident".
(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: Actually, we left him alone for several hours even though he appeared to have disrupted some lanes. It was well after this fine was complete that he shot at an indy LN Gunboat, restarting the whole affair. And then he opened fire on LPI- with his mortars, so we took him out. Your ignorance on this matter is telling.

Well I wasnt there. What I did see is that you first hassled, fined, and shot him in New YOrk, then you fought in COlorado, then as soon as he was in California your fleet headed there.

Excuse me if I dont believe a single word coming out of your mouth anymore after what I actually DID see.

Haters going to attack

I saw that too. And to me it sounded like he fully expected you to follow him to the next system aswell, until you killed him in all liberty systens. Because... He cant actually go to a system that he got killed in, and he cant re-enage you? The only way that he will "see you in the next system" and fight you again is that you follow him and re-enage him. If he wanted to break rules and re-engage you, he would have dont it in any system, not "the next" one.

(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: You're the one without "context" here. And generally, if we all have photo evidence and we all say the same things(backed up by the photo evidence), chances are we have the correct context on the matter.

Some selective screenies which show bits of chats, but not the actualy positions of ships, or who actually shot first? And your chatlogs where what I said was completely REMOVED, just to make your version more credible, like in your "for LN/LSF/LPI" thread?

Lest see your photo evidence of how you porr thing couldnt dock on Manhattan then, shall we?

Because that, together with the 10 mil find for that, is what started this. I know your hassling and setup up were completely succesful. YOu got the guy to crack and shoot you after you shot him, and you will get him kicked out of liberty, which was teh reason your organized this whole thing in the first place.

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - SMGSterlin - 02-06-2013

Nice wall of text Hero (TL;DR). I can see myself in some of those screens. <3

Was fun shooting that carrier though, yes indeed.

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Hero4Hire - 02-06-2013

(02-06-2013, 10:57 AM)SMGSterlin Wrote: Was fun shooting that carrier though, yes indeed.

Thank you for your confession.

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Haste - 02-06-2013

[Image: 2cscv1e.jpg]

ID: Sergeant Martin Reynolds
Location: Your cargo hold
Priority: Very Low
Subject: Please note

Mr. for Hire,

I would like to remind you that obstructing the course of justice is against the laws of Liberty (see: The Laws of Liberty, section 1.5).

Should you continue to do so, we will be forced to take action, including but not limited to:

Levying fines,
Arresting you to increase the size of the workforce at LPI Sugarland,
Or critically damaging your possessions until you agree to the above.

I hope to have informed you sufficiently.
Thank you for your understanding.

[Image: 2zyik20.jpg]

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Hero4Hire - 02-06-2013

(02-06-2013, 11:11 AM)Hasteric Wrote: [Image: 2cscv1e.jpg]

ID: Sergeant Martin Reynolds
Location: Your cargo hold
Priority: Very Low
Subject: Please note

Mr. for Hire,

I would like to remind you that obstructing the course of justice is against the laws of Liberty (see: The Laws of Liberty, section 1.5).

Should you continue to do so, we will be forced to take action, including but not limited to:

Levying fines,
Arresting you to increase the size of the workforce at LPI Sugarland,
Or critically damaging your possessions until you agree to the above.

I hope to have informed you sufficiently.
Thank you for your understanding.

[Image: 2zyik20.jpg]

Whats that suposed to be? An irp threat of oorp hassling ingame?

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Haste - 02-06-2013

Well, that escalated quickly.

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Mister_X - 02-06-2013

If the LPI wants to play big boss in Liberty I say next time Rheinlanders come into Texas or even NY let them handle it without the Secondary Fleet since "we are useless" as some claim...

P.S. During the siege of Hell Gate base an LPI officer tried to fine a naval warship because a missile hit him by accident...Now this cop was warned that he was in a Navy special operation zone at the time but he just kept on insisting that the naval ship must pay the fine...So isn't this also a breach of regulations by LPI...We had every right to take him out but we were patient enough until he was finaly gone...

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - FrostTransport - 02-06-2013

What, take snubcraft into the daily capspam fight? Turn up with a balanced force?