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Would you want to live forever. - Printable Version

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RE: Would you want to live forever. - Commissar - 03-03-2013


There's a tremendous amount to see and do in this world, and once I got tired of that there's a decent chance that we'll have figured out a way to get to the other billions of worlds out there. An eternity to experience a universe's worth of wonders? Yes please!

Not to mention, it would be intriguing to see how humanity advances (or degrades) over the next few millenia. Once I'd been around for long enough, I might even be able to help prevent people taking a more dangerous course. If nothing else, imagine the joy you would bring historians everywhere! Imagine hearing about Waterloo from Napoleon, or da Vinci's account of Renaissance Italy. With an eternity to devote, you could provide the sort of knowledge that just can't be conveyed through records.

You could learn so much! Assemble a store of knowledge in more fields then would normally be possible, and use that knowledge to further develop humanity as a whole. Spend a century as a Doctor? Cool. Another fifty years off studying ancient history? Why not? You've got the time.

Oh, I'm certain it wouldn't be wonderful all the time. There'd likely be some very dark periods, but I think that would just make you appreciate the brighter ones all the more. And so what if I become an antique of a forgotten age? If I ever truly felt I didn't belong, or the resident scientists were intent on cutting me up, I could simply pack up and leave. There'll be a planet somewhere where I'll be able to be of use. If there's not, well. I'll take a holiday for a hundred years or so and come back.

So, yes. Life is awesome. Living forever? Even moreso.

This TV Tropes page is relevant:

RE: Would you want to live forever. - Marburg - 03-03-2013

Not only no, but AW HELL NO!
Simply because at the root, the inevitability of death is what ultimately makes life worth livin'

Without the threat of death, there's absolutely no point in surviving

RE: Would you want to live forever. - onca - 03-03-2013

I voted #3. And here's why:

It's not death per-se that I'm against. It's that decades-long torturous process called "aging" that really ticks me off. It wouldn't be so bad if could grow up and live at the biological age of, say 33, right up until the end of your life, and then drop dead.

But nooooooooo. You reach your mid-30s, and then your body begins an inexorable process of rot and decay, slowly taking your mobility, eye sight, hearing, libido, appearance, and everything else, until the day when death mercifully embraces you.

So F--U Mother Nature, you heartless biatch.

RE: Would you want to live forever. - Knjaz - 03-03-2013

A few hundred, possibly thousand years wouldn't hurt, I guess.

Edit: basically, all the reasons Commissar described. And then some.

RE: Would you want to live forever. - Veygaar - 03-03-2013

Live forever as in indestructible unless I eat a damn pill?

Superhero here I come... or more likely Master of All Villainy!

RE: Would you want to live forever. - Tachyon - 03-03-2013

Just long enough to laugh at humanity wiping itself out or to see if we cope with the **** we're doing and manage.

After that - poof.

RE: Would you want to live forever. - Lennox - 03-03-2013

I think there is pretty much a reason on why our life is limited to a specific amount of years.

Never would want to live forever.

RE: Would you want to live forever. - Agmen of Eladesor - 03-03-2013

See, if you actually look at the conditions set forth -

You can live forever, with your body fixed at a mature look but healthy, you can grant this also to ANYONE (which means you don't have to be lonely, nor outlive your children), and you can check out any time you want - then not just yes, but hell yes.

Go read 'Time Enough For Love' by Robert Heinlein. Then read the rest of the Lazarus Long books and stories. Living a long time gives you the chance to experience humanity.

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. "

RE: Would you want to live forever. - Mister_X - 03-03-2013

Im a Vulcan anyway so i don't care... :-D

RE: Would you want to live forever. - Xelon - 03-04-2013

No, just for the fact that after around 300 years of me still being alive and looking the same people will start getting suspicious and either:

a) Think of me as an alien and I'll be sitting in Area 51 for eternety. (because that bloody pill would have been taken from me no doubt)

b) Be killed by the angry mob.

c) Be worshiped for being a reinkarnation of a God or something similar.

Imo C would be the worst since worshiping people can do all kinds of crazy stuff, and ontop of that i'd wouldn't have one quiet minute for myself anymore.