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Morning. - Printable Version

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RE: Morning. - Veygaar - 03-14-2013

You're back! Maybe Del will return now too!

RE: Morning. - SMGSterlin - 03-14-2013

(03-14-2013, 01:26 AM)Veygaar Wrote: You're back! Maybe Del will return now too!
There are several people I would rather have back before Del.

Not saying that I don't like Del, Del is cool, but I find some other people cooler.

RE: Morning. - n00bl3t - 03-14-2013

(03-13-2013, 10:18 PM)SMGSterlin Wrote: Not a great deal has changed honestly...

Rheinland is still dead, Kusari is still dead, maybe not as much as it was, but still dead. Gallia got like 10 new systems, and it seems dead from my experience.

It's a bluegrass rave party all day in Liberty, which is why most vets have gotten out of it.

Oh, Omicron Minor is completely barren. Planet Toledo got blown up by the LN, drove a Barge full of MOX and Nukes into it from what I understand.

Guard systems are going to get deleted, guard ID's have already been taken out.

TAZ got their own ID.

Dab is gone.

About all I can think of at the moment.

Guard ID's are getting deleted? I know all about the search function, but can you link me to that thread/any relevant information? TAZ deserve their own ID.

From what I remember, I don't think me and Dab got along, but I'll wish him well in life's journeys.

(03-13-2013, 10:34 PM)atom Wrote: That's what I was thinking, hardly see any of the olds still good to see game still going, their seams to be a lot of changes.

Oh wow, now here's an old name. Tongue

(03-13-2013, 10:40 PM)Amon.Cire Wrote: Hey Nooblet! I remember you from the beginning of my time here. Glad to see you back!

Morning. I remember you too. It feels weird being thought of as old, especially since I did turn 40 this year.

(03-13-2013, 11:46 PM)ProwlerPC Wrote: Hello, Richard , welcome back. Out of the list you mention only Camtheman is on a permanant ban for in-game cheating not for being a loud tool. I find the term permanant a bit laughable in all of it's applications so in reality most people permabanned were allowed to come back except a few who couldn't stop causing us trouble while banned and continue to do so. The formerly permabanned members we did allow back were simply quiet throughout their term and when the question surfaced one day about letting em back it was a casual 'sure why not'.

I'd suggest you jump into the rules. There has been some significant changes, most of which was the liberal application of the delete button, but some rules got re-worded. You may have some input, I don't think the current batch of admins would stop you.

Sadly the actual in-game server is under regular assault but we are stacking several options right now and might even go the expensive route. We'll see.

Anyways welcome back, have fun, respawning is more efficient then Q-Q and all that other disco sauce.

Thanks for the welcome back. I am slowly getting used to the rules, but not being able to practice in-game sucks hard. I do hope a solution is soon found and it doesn't hurt the bank too much.

Don't know why he cheated, but it sucks to hear he carried on and caused pain.

(03-14-2013, 12:15 AM)Alley Wrote: Welcome back noob!

You'll find out most of the old playerbase is gone and has been replaced with non-english speaking russians, pirate cruisers now blow up transports, nothing of remotely interesting happens and it's 90% a pvp server (where /l1 is better than doing actual roleplay as the other guy has a 50% chance of being a russian that doesn't care/can't understand what you're saying).

I hope you'll find a way to have fun!

I swear this was the problem when I made this account, and even before I made this account.

I blame Alex being Russian and creating a "lolwut" server. Wink

(03-14-2013, 01:26 AM)Veygaar Wrote: You're back! Maybe Del will return now too!


I do hope some people do return. It would be nice to fly with them, kill them and die by their hands.

RE: Morning. - Mickk - 03-14-2013

Well, this is a turn up for the books.

During a period where the server is down for various reasons, I actually WANT to play on a regular basis again instead of just doing 'maintenance' flights and now you show up planning on being a regular again.

Nice to see some of the 'old' players coming back.

One thing that hasn't been mentioned in this thread is player bases.

Yes, we have player bases and there is one in NY that is a proper pain in the caboose, by the name of Melbourne Station.

When the server comes up, go and have a look at it, but don't get too close to it if it red to you, it has defenses that can take out a Battle Cruiser.

But, hey, enough of my whinging, welcome back guy. Smile

RE: Morning. - Echo 7-7 - 03-14-2013

(03-13-2013, 02:24 PM)n00bl3t Wrote: The Book of Noted, I daresay is deleted. It could be rebuilt from simply searching through my posts, but the motivation is not there for me.

Not sure I'll be using Skype. I can barely remember how to access it. Or at least the account I used back when I was active.

In the meantime, I'll catch up on snippets of role-play.

I wouldn't ask you to do such a thing - it was just an inquiry.

The account you used "back in the day" was tumble-w33d.

I've come a long way since I last talked to you. I ended up running Ageira| for roughly two years (now unofficial because I didn't have the time to run the faction and no one else was interested), the Hellfire Legion for one year (stood down from 1iC in January also due to personal activity difficulties). Now I basically don't have time to log on to the server much as I'm busy inrl with studies, and the time I spare for Disco goes towards being a supporting Developer (systems and infocards) and being the armchair governor of Liberty (I help the lawful factions run things). The next version, v4.87, is coming Soon™.

RE: Morning. - Leo - 03-14-2013

Welcome back Nooblet. Seems a lot of the old timers are coming back. Me included.

See ya around on the server I hope.


RE: Morning. - SparkyRailgun - 03-14-2013

(03-13-2013, 02:05 PM)n00bl3t Wrote: Also, some people who I knew have been banned. ... Bobthemanofsteel ...

The rumours of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.

Hello nublet, it's been a while.

RE: Morning. - n00bl3t - 03-15-2013

(03-14-2013, 09:58 AM)Mickk Wrote: Well, this is a turn up for the books.

During a period where the server is down for various reasons, I actually WANT to play on a regular basis again instead of just doing 'maintenance' flights and now you show up planning on being a regular again.

Nice to see some of the 'old' players coming back.

One thing that hasn't been mentioned in this thread is player bases.

Yes, we have player bases and there is one in NY that is a proper pain in the caboose, by the name of Melbourne Station.

When the server comes up, go and have a look at it, but don't get too close to it if it red to you, it has defenses that can take out a Battle Cruiser.

But, hey, enough of my whinging, welcome back guy. Smile

I shall look forward to seeing you in-game, as well as dying from Melbourne Station. Big Grin

I am really quite keen to play now. Starting out in a starflea and all, sounds like fun.

(03-14-2013, 11:24 AM)Echo 7-7 Wrote: I wouldn't ask you to do such a thing - it was just an inquiry.

The account you used "back in the day" was tumble-w33d.

I've come a long way since I last talked to you. I ended up running Ageira| for roughly two years (now unofficial because I didn't have the time to run the faction and no one else was interested), the Hellfire Legion for one year (stood down from 1iC in January also due to personal activity difficulties). Now I basically don't have time to log on to the server much as I'm busy inrl with studies, and the time I spare for Disco goes towards being a supporting Developer (systems and infocards) and being the armchair governor of Liberty (I help the lawful factions run things). The next version, v4.87, is coming Soon™.

My apologies, I wasn't trying to be rude. I just want to get back into the grassroots of this game first and shoot things, trade, talk, et cetera. At least do that for a while before I bother with factions and Skype and associated things.

You've made quite the resume. Thanks for helping develop, someone needs to keep it going. Smile

(03-14-2013, 12:20 PM)Leonardo Wrote: Welcome back Nooblet. Seems a lot of the old timers are coming back. Me included.

See ya around on the server I hope.


(03-14-2013, 05:06 PM)Railgun! Wrote:
(03-13-2013, 02:05 PM)n00bl3t Wrote: Also, some people who I knew have been banned. ... Bobthemanofsteel ...

The rumours of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.

Hello nublet, it's been a while.


I look forward to lolwutting with the both of you, once it's all good to go. Big Grin

RE: Morning. - SparkyRailgun - 03-15-2013

(03-15-2013, 07:08 AM)n00bl3t Wrote: I look forward to lolwutting with the both of you, once it's all good to go. Big Grin

I don't actually play any more, I've found myself much too cynical and highbrow to play on the server nowadays. Though it does occur to me, maybe I should do some forum RP, Arma only gets me so far...

Good to see you again though... I dunno, it's strange, but I find it comforting to see your name and avatar again, reminds me of happier times. Tongue

RE: Morning. - n00bl3t - 03-15-2013

(03-15-2013, 03:04 PM)Railgun! Wrote:
(03-15-2013, 07:08 AM)n00bl3t Wrote: I look forward to lolwutting with the both of you, once it's all good to go. Big Grin

I don't actually play any more, I've found myself much too cynical and highbrow to play on the server nowadays. Though it does occur to me, maybe I should do some forum RP, Arma only gets me so far...

Good to see you again though... I dunno, it's strange, but I find it comforting to see your name and avatar again, reminds me of happier times. Tongue

Funnily enough, I was planning on filling in more of The Chronicles of X.