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Indie development sim Game Dev Tycoon gives pirates a taste of their own torrenting - Printable Version

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RE: Indie development sim - space.dust - 04-30-2013

@ Fletcher
That's "in" the game not what the actual game makers did in their experiment. The game is about making games the real version and the pirated both were unlimited thus if pirates helped generate advertisement then those numbers "should" have looked better but as I've been saying pirates advertise to pirates and it's not worth a penny.

Indie development sim Game Dev Tycoon gives pirates a taste of their own torrenting - jammi - 04-30-2013

(04-30-2013, 06:15 PM)Fletcher Wrote: They DID advertise for it, by doing this. Think about it, what's one thing gamers like to do? Finish a game. Since they're game is tooled to be 'un-winnable' thanks to the piracy mechanic, I dare say some people will readily fork out for a legitimate copy of the game because the developers used this trick.

It's clever, putting out a pirated copy is a innovative idea on the developers part, as say, opposed to using useless and costly DRM.



Quote:“Slowly their in-game funds dwindle, and new games they create have a high chance to be pirated until their virtual game development company goes bankrupt.”

The only reason this has has done any marketing for the game, is because the entire campaign was set up to appeal to the media and games industry by targeting pirates. If they hadn't published their article, they'd still have been left with a 96.6% theft rate, and next to no sales.

RE: THE SUBJECT IS TOO DANG LONG - Zaiketsu - 05-02-2013

(04-30-2013, 06:18 PM)SMGSterlin Wrote: I used to pirate games, but then I took an arrow to the knee a conscience to the brain.

Says the person with an anime signature.

Indie development sim Game Dev Tycoon gives pirates a taste of their own torrenting - Fletcher - 05-02-2013

What's that got to do with anything Zaiketsu?