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Transmission to the 522nd - Printable Version

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Transmission to the 522nd - Niezck - 06-30-2008

####Incoming Transmission####

Comm ID: Liberty Dreadnought Independence
From: Vice Admiral Simon Marshall
To: Wayne Hammond

You just don't learn do you? We have offered you a chance of amnesty, a chance to leave Liberty peacefully, a chance to live and yet you throw it all back at us like an ungrateful brat.

Well you've left me no other alternative. I am hereby declaring open war on the 522nd marine battle group. All pilots faithful to Liberty and the President should engage them on sight.

####End Transmission####

Transmission to the 522nd - Walker - 06-30-2008

New Transmission
Comm ID: Thanatos
Source: Planet ? ? ? ? ?
Entering code: ********
Link Established...

To Admirals Simon Marshal and Richard Woolsey from the Executive Officer of Nova Squadron. Dear Admiral,
Those I cannot crush with words I will crush with the tanks of the 522nd Battlegroup. The Hourglass has run out for you.

Our end may come of this. But what an end! We have been given the most precious gift: a chance to roar our defiance into the foe that overwhelms us with their numbers. Let our final Battlecry echo throughout Liberty!

Link disengaged.

Transmission to the 522nd - Turkish - 07-02-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Fleet Admiral Richard Woolsey]
[Begin Message]

Callsign; Marauder Three,

As follows you as your independent self have no committed crimes against Liberty it would seem, however bearing ties to the 522nd is something to shake no doubt.

As with all agents of Liberty should you swear your allegiance to Liberty, as herself a great and glorious nation you'll not be bound and quartered, however should you fall to the banner of your misguided, and unfortunately soon to be dismantled comrades?...

Regardless I will strive to settle this with as little blood shed as possible.

Woolsey out.

[End Message]

Transmission to the 522nd - Fletcher - 07-02-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Marauder Three]
[Begin Message]

*Places hand on the Liberty Code of Honor book and raider other hand into the air*

I the pilot called Marauder Three do hereby swear allegiance to the Liberty government and its leaders. I will honorably follow the Military leadership with honor and distinction.

I also swear to promote the greater good and to never participate in any action with the 522nd Battle Group.

I swear this unto God and in the company of my fellow Liberty officers.

End Message

Transmission to the 522nd - jimmy Patterson - 07-03-2008

===================incomming transmission============
ID: Lt J.Patterson Liberty Army 106th
to: naval command and any 552 that may be revciveing this still

i make this transmission with officialness as ive gotten orders from my commander genenral isabelle kaitlyn i wil lnow replay her exact words*plays transmission*

Transmition comm channel confirmed 01K
ID: Gen. I. Kaitlynn

Sorry for this lenghty absence, but I should be back now.
Yes, I am aware of the 522nd, and let me say I am not too fond of their leaders. I doubt the kill on sight should extend to more than, you know, those who organised the... catatrophe. But, I wanted to talk to you about it anyway. I believe we should maintain a as neutral stance as possible. I believe admiral Woolsey would accept this.

As to the commanding officers of the 522nd... they deserve what they received.

Kaitlynn out
*ends recording as its static* navy,marines you now have at least one army battlegroups standing this is between not liberty and the 552 but the navy and marines the armys not picking sides,unless we have to but note if either side fires un us we will defend ourselfs acordingly
i hope its accepcted im just relaying it ,LT patterson closeing comunacations
*holo imige fades and 106th insignia replaces him*

/xing i hope you dont mind i took the liberty of letting liberty know about our stance as your so busy no pun intended

Transmission to the 522nd - Walker - 07-03-2008

New Transmission
Comm ID: Thanatos
Source: The Forward Unto Dawn
Entering code: ********
Link Established...

Admiral Woolsey,
The only possible way that you may achieve what you strive for would be to relinquish the Liberty Navy and ALL of its assets to us and specially appointed Command Staff.
When we joined the Navy we took an oath; According to our Station that without exception we would stand for Liberty and the foundations that it was set in. And we intend to keep our vows and follow them even to our dieing breath.
If you will not hear the truth, then I will show it to you. For the flag of Liberty must be renewed by the blood of patriots and tyrants. And you will provide the latter.

Marauder... Your decision is regrettable but your choice to side with those who seek to shatter what we once stood for will find you no pity nor mercy in even the deepest regions of our hearts for you.


Link disengaged.

Transmission to the 522nd - Turkish - 07-03-2008

[Incoming Message]
[Comm ID: Fleet Admiral Richard Woolsey]
[Begin Message]

If I am to be cast as a tyrant who are you then?

I should say those are powerful words, well spoken and able of swaying many hearts. Unfortunately for you mine is not one of them. You swore an oaf to Liberty, and yet in the service of that oath you almost plunged Liberty into an interhouse war, what have you to say for that?

Not only did you take highly controlled and very precisely deployed Liberty assets into orbit of New Berlin you also felt it was necessary to speak ill of the currently established political leadership, how is this in the best interests of our fair nation? To put it simply it isn't, you've been ordered to stand down, you've been offered amnesty, yet you still insist on bloodshed. You are nothing more than war mongers, your actions show your true motives and your words show your deceitful hearts for what they are.

You are no patriots, you are those who would shatter our home into as many pieces as there are tears in heaven. Consider this your last option, stand down or be faced with the might of true patriots.

Woolsey out.

[End Message]

Transmission to the 522nd - Walker - 07-07-2008

((For Curiosity it was a few verses of a song that I have no idea what was doing here...))