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Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Printable Version

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RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Auriec - 06-06-2013

"Indeed, there are the Nomads now. I would say that they are the essence of the Omicrons. Just like it, they're dangerous and mysterious, and hold much knowledge. They changed this part of the Sirius Sector unlike anything else."

Finally, she takes a sip from her glass aswell.
She looks towards her reflection on the surface, then puts it back down.

"Their whole existence fascinates me. There are many of them you occasionally stumble upon, but the biggest power comes from their behemoths, those who are bigger than Bretonian battleships. I have encountered them twice, and it was an intense experience.

She resisted the urge to take another sip, and continued.

"They twist your world, your thoughts, your truth. But it is interesting aswell, as you get to see the world through their eyes. The whole experience is nothing you can describe easily. Astonishing, atleast. You have to experience it yourself."

As the wine flows down her throat, she thinks about her words, then notices that she is not satisfied by them yet.

"You should search for them, in the deeper Omicrons, or sometimes even here in the Taus. I am not sure what they want here, but they are here. Of course, if it isn't too dangerous for you."

RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Johnathan Nox Carter - 06-06-2013

A green vessel, looking like a refitted wreck, just came into the hangars of the Freeport.

After the ship's systems stop and it's engine murmurs into silence, a young-looking woman comes out and gets greeted by a few Zoner engineers. With a faint smile, and, more importantly, a "less-human" voice she responds.
[Image: 20u5wef.png]
Good to see you. Could you please refuel it? She asked, turning back to the ship for a moment.

After a few run-arounds the corridors, she found her way to the Freeport's newly built Biodome, called Sylvania. Gazing at the wide-variety of plant-life and the amazing architecture, she might have stood there for hours if not for a human to pass by her, greeting her and taking her out of that state. An unusual, almost forgotten feeling for one of her kind, since most of the natural environments she ever saw were back in the M-37 sector.

Then again - after looking around a bit more, Yriam happened to find the amphitheater, where there seemed to be a large mass of people, even though no show nor event was going at the time. She simply took a seat somewhere and wondered with the sight, trying to understand more of the human culture.

RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Eduard - 06-06-2013

" Search for them ? Robert asked surprised and obfuscated at the same time. The sympathy and fascination Emilia showed for these xenos was simply shuddering.

Before throwing out any word that would prove to be a little offensive at this particular time, Robert paused a bit to make up his words. Afterwards, he let out his typical grin and said:

" You are telling me to find the treasure in the pirate's den, madame! " he said in an attempt to make a joke

" I do not know if the Commonwealth could afford going into the Omicrons in the near future. Our resources are carefully spent into carving a diplomatic gray zone between the organizations in the taus, gathering the necessary supplies for the survival and integrity of the Commonwealth, assuring the flow of our current operations and basically, making sure that we are going to live the other day and also fill our pockets in the meantime. A general escapade, not exclusive to the Research branch would be detrimental. "

Robert wanted to illustrate the impossibility of finding these nomads by giving out the usual problems zoners all over Sirius may suffer from, and at the same time, avoiding the more.. private affairs of the Commonwealth. He clearly wanted Emilia to tell him about her encounters as his curiousity was obviously sparked.

" You mentioned you had two invigorating encounters with these aliens, madame. Would you care to share me the intriguing story behind it?

Meanwhile, another figure appeared in. A tall man, struggling around his 50s. His deep, brown eyes were floating in his eye sockets as he was moving towards the amphiteatre, gazing upon everything his eyes could digest with their embrace.

His eyes focused on what appeared to be a young, blond woman sitting alone. He decided to approach her:

" Bonjour, mademoiselle. Christoph is the name. Tell me, how could a young mademoiselle be sitting alone here ? he asked

RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Szpaku - 06-06-2013

[Image: Oi1BSX0.png]

*Iva is sitting in her usuall spot between the 2 trees away from the crowd and drinking one Tequila The Avalon // Shukensha liner // Is floating outside *
*In her mind*

Im glad they are doing such progress in such a short time...
Atleast they are doing fine...

*She tried to remember what did she see 1 day ago when the Nomad was torturing her*

Why did he show me that?

*She starts to see the clips again The nomad exiting its hideout... Then charging at the 2 lone explorers*

Why... I dont understand... Why would he do that...

*She sees how the ship explodes while trying to defend the friend*

Why? Why did you do that?

*Then she remembers the wreck she saw floating in space*

Could he be... Alive?
But that makes no sense...
I can rely on visions some monster gave me...
That wont work out... And when I would talk about this...
I would be probably called crazy...

*Heavy breathing*

What should I do?

*She looks on her drink. Still full*
*Quick smile and she takes a sip while looking on the Avalon*

RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Auriec - 06-06-2013

Emilia looks around, looking for signs of anyone who could possibly listen.

"I don't think this is the right location and time for a detailed version of my story. I'll sum it up for you."

Her face shows signs of concentration as she recalls the first encounter. With a sigh, Emilia starts to tell what happened.

"It send my mind into a busy city, something you see everyday. It made me compare it to a river, which made me realize how lone all these busy people down the streets were. The water of the river works together and creates a considerable force. In the city, everyone was busy with themselves. Besides that, the river represented the Nomads. It told me they share information with themselves, through a network. I was surprised that it told me such vital information."

She takes another sip from the glass.

"That was just a summary, but I believe that this is enough already. For more details, I think that my ship might be a better option later on. We had a ... 'discussion' about humanity and Nomads, although I did not say anything that could be dangerous for our survival. Even though none of them was hostile to anyone who showed reasonable neutral to friendly behaviour, I don't dare trusting them at this point."

She smiles a bit. "Pirates usually have the best loot", Emilia quietly thinks to herself, and she takes another sip.

RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Johnathan Nox Carter - 06-06-2013

She noticed the tall man approaching her and heard him very well, but she was a tad uncertain about what to respond.

Still - standing up and taking one more look around the vast room, she smiled and answered.
Greetings, Cristoph. Ehm... Good to meet you.
Her voice resonated in a peculiar manner, you would've thought she's human - yet felt it doesn't sound exactly the right way.
I was merely having a look around. This is an amazing architectural design. Back in M-37 everything looked different... Oh, where are my manners? I'm Yriam.
She said that last part with a bit of haste and extended her hand, in a clumsy manner.

RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Eduard - 06-07-2013

" Tres interessant " he said attempting to close the subject.

" On a side note, I would like to know what type of operations and business contracts do you and your crew undertake? " he asked.

Searching out possible business contractors was one of the significant interests Robert had. Even with the set of policies and codes the Commonwealth had and encouraged among fellow organizations, there are still some contracts not even the Commonwealth would risk to undertake for the sake of diplomacy and safety.

" If you managed to get so close to the nomads then I can only guess that your crew is able to undertake a wide variety of contracts... " he said slowly.

After he ended the sentence, his view this time wasn't concentrated on Emilia but it was actually scouting the amphiteathre. Robert noticed what looked like a person sitting away of the crowd which happened to visit the Amphitheatre. Taking a more careful glance, he could tell from the appearance that it was Iva. He could only guess that she was having a bad time after witnessing Zakir's demise

Meanwhile, Christoph was... mesmerized at the sound of the young woman's voice. The situation didn't help when he saw her offering her hand in such a clumsy way. At first, he thought that she had lung cancer after a long period of extensive smoking, combined with Parkinson syndrome. Even so, there was something inhuman about that woman which Christoph couldn't make up.

Typically though, as manners dictate, he shook his hands with her. He then took the liberty of sitting on the same table with her and said:

" I will assume you are from M-37 if you may, madame. Even so, I haven't heard of such a system before in my life time! And I dare say I traveled a lot, ma cherie. Pardon my curiosity, but is that system even in Sirius? "

He awaited for her reply. As he was looking straight at her, he seemed to have grown worried of her supposed to be condition. That, or maybe he was just too curious to know what or who is she actually.

" Excuses-moi, madame, but, I do not think you feel too well. Is there anything wrong ? " he inquired carefully, not to insult the young woman.

RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Auriec - 06-07-2013

Her face visibly relaxes as Robert changed the subject, to one she deeply hoped to come up. Satisfied, she closes her eyes for a few seconds.

"There are indeed many services me and my crew can do. Afterall, the money we spend to maintain the ship and the research comes from our own pockets. You don't really get many sponsors interested in the Nomad research we conduct.", she says in her usual calm tone.

"Besides the obvious - research - we offer a limited passenger transports, although that is very limited as we kept the upper deck for passengers, only. The deck for lower class passengers was fully converted to laboratories and test chambers.
Up next, there is the small scale ship transport through our reinstalled docking bays. We can keep up to two fighter or bomber sized vessels in our liner, hidden from scanners if you require that aswell.
Then, all of this can be combined with our experimental cloaking device, which is more advanced now and can sustain prolonged usage.
Additionally, we can conduct exploration missions, this includes excursions into otherwise hostile territories.
Our weapon systems and armor enhancements guarantee safety even further."

Satisfied, she takes yet another sip from her glass, and furthermore adds one last comment. "But he already made it obvious, hasn't he?", she thought to herself.

"From your tone, I take that you already have something in mind?

Interested in the job offer that lies beyond her and her crew, she leans forward, focusing only on Robert and silencing her surroundings.

RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Zephyranthes - 06-07-2013

Through the windows of Freeport 10, a black shape could be seen lumbering past. As the light of the sun shone upon its hull, Colonial markings appeared on the plates of armor. Undoubtedly, it was an Atlas, and its markings suggested it was a Colonial Mover, christened the "Calypso." After some time, it docked with the space station, much of her crew disembarking and dispersing throughout the station.

Within the Dome, a middle-aged man clad in a somewhat tarnished suit walked in, his walk being that of a cautious man, and his eyes furtive as he scanned the area around him. If one were to look at the ID card hanging from his neck, it would have read "David Tennyson." After a couple seconds, he walked over to the crowd of people gathered in the amphitheatre, and took a seat nearby. With a tired sigh, he listens in on the conversations taking place, letting it overtake him.

RE: Freeport 10's "Sylvania Dome" - Johnathan Nox Carter - 06-08-2013

After shaking hands and hearing the man's question, Yriam chuckled shortly, but responded firmly.
No, everything is fine. Though to clarify... I am not what you see me as.
After this last phrase, she continued with a softer tone.
I assume not all of you have heard of our arrival in Sirius, so it's understandable. Know that i am an Aurigae construct, a life-form which you humans could name as artificially intelligent beings. My kind and I are, indeed, from the M-37 sector of the Milky Way Galaxy and we've only recently arrived in Sirius.
As she finishes her explanation, she took another look trough the amphitheater, then turned back to Cristoph and continued.
I myself have come here, on this station, to have a chance for discussing with representatives of the group called Commonwealth. Since we're not from Sirius, you probably understand that my kind is not yet versed in all aspects of the human civilization, one of these aspects being the economy, which we need to understand if we wish to become a part of this stellar cluster.