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Escaping from a fight = PVP death? (see details in post) - Printable Version

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RE: Escaping from a fight = PVP death? (see details in post) - Ursus - 06-07-2013

(06-07-2013, 08:07 AM)GhothaAyala Wrote: Well now how do I properly escape from things? Cause as a noob with lacking PvP skills I don't stand a chance and from an RP point, running for your life is the right thing to do.
Running is fine. What is not fine is abusing game mechanics.

RE: Escaping from a fight = PVP death? (see details in post) - Omega472 - 06-07-2013

(06-07-2013, 11:24 PM)Ursus Wrote:
(06-07-2013, 01:03 AM)Agmen of Eladesor Wrote: if you're role-playing as a pilot who is losing a combat, would you in real life stay there and die, or would you go, oh crap, I'm going to die if I don't get out of here, and GTFO?

and then go crash a planet in some other system for the free respawn at home port without taking a PVP loss... how is that role-playing?

No what it is OORP to crash a planet for free respawn, actually its technical demonstration of "abuse of game mechanics" it is so far out-of-bounds on good RP. It is also completely disrespecful to the other players on this server.

The death was a load out error, which was arguably an accident. I'm going to assume it wasn't, as he returned to re-engage shortly after (Which even if it was a loophole in the rules, it's stupid to go back and fight something that nearly killed you in the first place) which is pointing to suicide. However, the main topic is regarding how he fled the fight, if I'm correct, and fleeing imho is something that is within the realm of RP.

RE: Escaping from a fight = PVP death? (see details in post) - GhothaAyala - 06-07-2013

So... What is the proper way of escaping a fight?

RE: Escaping from a fight = PVP death? (see details in post) - Ursus - 06-07-2013

(06-07-2013, 11:30 PM)Omega472 Wrote: The death was a load out error, which was arguably an accident. I'm going to assume it wasn't
killed himself with nukes... pretty common...

(06-07-2013, 11:44 PM)GhothaAyala Wrote: So... What is the proper way of escaping a fight?
Just run away. If you are in a trade ship you can dock without taking a penalty. If you're in something small, you can learn how to drop a mine in a tradelane and blow it right after you've jumped in, or learn how to engine-kill and turn to CD then re-engage cruise. A few techniques will let you escape anything.

RE: Escaping from a fight = PVP death? (see details in post) - Flashâ„¢ - 06-08-2013

(06-06-2013, 10:07 PM)Loken Wrote: If he jumped through the jump hole and killed himself right away so that you couldn't chase I would personally consider that a pvp death. Hard to prove though.

I agree with this ^

Ive had that happen to me alot, as soon he came he spammed mines and killed himself before I can see the bluemsg. I saw it in red. And yes, its very hard to prove, most annoying is they come back and start shooting you again.

RE: Escaping from a fight = PVP death? (see details in post) - Ponge - 06-08-2013

(06-08-2013, 02:31 AM).Flash. Wrote: Ive had that happen to me alot, as soon he came he spammed mines and killed himself before I can see the bluemsg. I saw it in red. And yes, its very hard to prove, most annoying is they come back and start shooting you again.

I understand, if the player is RP-ing properly, it is a realistic reaction to flee from the
combat he is loosing, to save his life (this guy I'm talking about from the beginning did not return to pick a fight again, so he was fair in this regard). But in this case, the talk did not prove this. Instead of crying "Oh, please don't kill me, I'm leaving you alone!", he was saying things like "I'll kill you, just wait 2 minutes" while he was out of bots/bats/cd, and was flying towards the hole.

And yes, if someone (in general, not in this case, as he left after death) is RP-ing that he is really afraid of death and fleeing, why does he come back to fight again, with the same odds against him, or why does he commit suicide out of sight, or flees to a guard system which is packed with his enemies (even high level and gunboat NPC-s, who have CD-s, so escaping is very... complicated, especially if you are out of bats/bots)?

It was clearly not an RP flee, but just as you others said, abusing game mechanics to avoid real PVP death, and to be able to come back to re-engage (which he did not, so kudos for the guy).

RE: Escaping from a fight = PVP death? (see details in post) - Jansen - 06-08-2013

(06-06-2013, 08:18 PM)Hone Wrote: Its not a pvp death as he wasnt in pvp anymore.

(06-06-2013, 05:10 PM)Jansen Wrote:
(06-06-2013, 04:44 PM)Ponge Wrote: By the way, it is sad to see that players can't die honourably if they are loosing.
That is another story and I have to agree with you, sadly this seems to happen more and more lately. Escaping from a fight the way you describe is really just bad form.

Its sad to see oorp condemnation of people roleplaying dishonourable characters, especially from mods.
Dishonorable characters that do everything to get away from a fight are fine, jumping to a system to suicide there to make it hard to prove this suicide in order to escape the 2 hour penalty definitely isnt. I also fail to see how an orange name has any effect on my opinion.

(06-07-2013, 01:03 AM)Agmen of Eladesor Wrote:
(06-06-2013, 05:10 PM)Jansen Wrote: That is another story and I have to agree with you, sadly this seems to happen more and more lately. Escaping from a fight the way you describe is really just bad form.

This is the sentence I disagree with you on.

(Regarding the OP question, no, no rules were broken.)

Bring yourself into role-play for a second. Actually think about it that it is YOU in that cockpit. If you're role-playing that you're a suicidal kamikaze type person, then it's unimportant to you what happens, because you intend to die.

Last time I checked, even with all the thoughts, hopes, and dreams about reincarnation, life doesn't have a respawn button. So if you're role-playing as a pilot who is losing a combat, would you in real life stay there and die, or would you go, oh crap, I'm going to die if I don't get out of here, and GTFO?

Yeah, I know it's a game. And a space shooter, to boot. But it's also role-playing - which means it's NOT bad form to run away from a combat you're losing, it's actually within the role play of most humans.

See above.

RE: Escaping from a fight = PVP death? (see details in post) - Spike Seadra - 06-08-2013

It's not a dead any way.
This was the old rule that running away from PvP counts as death but not any more.
If he was in sight and died then it would be count as PvP death.
'Cause in RP you don't know wether he died or not in the other system.

RE: Escaping from a fight = PVP death? (see details in post) - Agmen of Eladesor - 06-08-2013

(06-08-2013, 11:31 AM)Jansen Wrote: Dishonorable characters that do everything to get away from a fight are fine, jumping to a system to suicide there to make it hard to prove this suicide in order to escape the 2 hour penalty definitely isnt. I also fail to see how an orange name has any effect on my opinion.

Now, THERE, I agree with you.

In other words, if you leave the combat and run away - all good.

If you leave the combat, suicide on purpose so you can come back, that's bad.

(I think that may have been what you intended to say in the first place, and I may have misunderstood.)

RE: Escaping from a fight = PVP death? (see details in post) - Hone - 06-08-2013

(06-08-2013, 11:31 AM)Jansen Wrote:
(06-06-2013, 08:18 PM)Hone Wrote: Its not a pvp death as he wasnt in pvp anymore.

(06-06-2013, 05:10 PM)Jansen Wrote:
(06-06-2013, 04:44 PM)Ponge Wrote: By the way, it is sad to see that players can't die honourably if they are loosing.
That is another story and I have to agree with you, sadly this seems to happen more and more lately. Escaping from a fight the way you describe is really just bad form.

Its sad to see oorp condemnation of people roleplaying dishonourable characters, especially from mods.
Dishonorable characters that do everything to get away from a fight are fine, jumping to a system to suicide there to make it hard to prove this suicide in order to escape the 2 hour penalty definitely isnt. I also fail to see how an orange name has any effect on my opinion.

(06-06-2013, 10:18 PM)Hone Wrote: If he died straight away after the jump sure, but not if he died like 5 mins later.

As for being a mod; its because mods are supposed to be the wisest, fairest and most unbiased forum members, holding others up to their standard.