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The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Printable Version

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RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - nevrozac - 12-21-2018


»ID: Nathaniel Zac
»Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
»Subject: Report № 2


During patrol to Sigma 21 I noticed a Freelancer vessel cruising towards the Omicron Rho jumphole, so I disrupted his engines and inquired about his bussiness
[Image: G8QrUKJ.png]
He didn't have any contraband or illegal items, however he told me he was on route to the Delta system, so I suggested him that if he want's to get there he should find another path as that system is restricted. He was also warned that disobeying this law will end up with him being fired upon. Next I proceeded to the Rho Jumphole where I engaged my cloak and waited to see how much he respects a warning - to my disappointment he didn't, so I proceeded to Rho system where I "led" the way cloaked up to Delta.
[Image: CmKRv8U.png]
As he entered the Delta system I engaged him and opened fire in a chase that led close to Ennibeck Spaceport where he was terminated.

Resuming patrol


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - SnakeLancerHaven - 12-23-2018


[Image: 300?cb=20100513014209]

»ID: Samantha Hale
»Location: Planet Nauru, Omicron Delta
»Subject: Survey Escort.


Took on an escort duty for our APM Ships which did a survey for Jump coordinates for future tasks. They did an excellent job! They needed assistance in case an enemy force would appear to sabotage their mission. The APM Pilots expected us to have heavy resistance, we were lucky to have only encountered a small squad of Nomads that we took care of without much effort. When everything seemed so smooth I got a bit too comfortable when we entered an Unknown System and a Fleet of Nomad Capital Ships appeared... I lost my ship but got rescued quickly by one of my companions as they escaped the System successfully. That was definitly a wake up call for me! Mistakes like that shall not be repeated.

[Image: 4zZ8XVb.png]

Separate/unique notes:


Samantha OUT.

  1. Video Feed of our Task

-"Samantha Hale"
Initiate, The Core


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - nevrozac - 12-25-2018


»ID: Nathaniel Zac
»Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
»Subject: Report № 3


Greetings High Command,

As you know in the last few days I've been in command of the WV-Vroziac and I've taken part in an expedition deeper in the Nomad systems. Our convoy led from Yaren Base to the Omicron Iota systems where we were to get info about recent developments about the Nomads. I would like to call this mission a success, but the price paid might be too high. As I have visited those systems for the first time, I will describe the events as I saw them.Our convoy was formed out of 12 ships: 2 "Mako" Battleships, 3 "Bullhead" Battlecruisers, 2 "Thresher" Cruisers, 1"Bison" transport ship, 3 "Marlin" fighters and 1 "Pleco" gunboat.
Fully stocked we grouped up near Planet Nauru and headed to the Nomad jump gate in Omicron Minor. As our convoy "jumped" through we found ourselves under fire from a couple of nearby weapons platforms and several small vessel squads - nothing we couldn't handle. We proceeded to what seemed to be trade lanes but of Nomad technology, more advanced, faster and more durable. At the end of of the "lane" we were greeted by more Nomad ships and multiple weapons platforms that surrounded another of these Nomad jump gates. This place looked like an intersection, having the jump gate in the middle and several other Nomad lanes around it.

[Image: Q9d2tB2.png]
We pushed through their "welcome committee" and got closer to the gate, not knowing exactly which way to go from there. As soon as this happened Nomad forces came from every direction, but this time they weren't contesting us with puny small craft - this time they were bringing warships to battle. Our fighters were the first to die, and then our transport. We chewed through as many we could but they were too many. We had to flee the only way we could - through the jump gate. This was not planned and we knew nothing about what we could expect.
As we regrouped on the other side of the jump gate we found ourselves in a thick cloud that was blocking any visual and afflicting us with a limited scanner range. All we could see on the scanners was the jump gate and some immense construction deeper into the cloud. We assume this is what the Nomads were trying to keep us away from, that this is the reason they felt threatened and brought so many forces to deal with us. Our first instinct was to obviously examine it and gather some information about it, but knowing that we're moments apart from the Nomad swarm jumping through the gate, we had to run. Our convoy, or what was left of it cruised away from the structure and the gate only to find out that the cloud is not that big - only surrounding the alien construction that was probably emitting it; as we exited our sensors came back up and we could see outside once again, but this did not give us much hope. This system seemed somewhat barren - a few celestial bodies that were either uninhabitable or filled with Nomads, a few stars and an ice field. If we were to take a fight, we best take it in the ice field where their large craft would have trouble entering or maneuvering meanwhile Core technology would shine. This seemed like a great plan until the other "Mako" got intercepted and it's cruise engines disrupted. We couldn't just leave it behind, we had to fight, but a fight there at the edge of the cloud was not pretty.

[Image: 8MM2WlL.png]
Yet again we were taking losses. Instead of losing only a battleship we also lost 1 cruiser and 2 battlecruisers. What seemed bad turned to worst. As they were being torn apart we engaged our cruise drives and fled to the ice field. We never thought they could pose such a threat, we were wrong. I believe that structure was like a heart to them, or a birthplace to the Nomads themselves.
Within the Ice field the aliens lost track of us but I doubt this would last long. We sent out the gunboat to scout the area meanwhile we masked ourselves with cloak devices. Surely this wouldn't last us long considering how much power these things use, so we turned off most systems in order to redirect power to the cloaks. It was late evening of the 23rd Dec 825A.S ; we waited there for our scout to return for more than a day and a half. He never came, our cloak batteries would not last for much longer, Nomad signatures were starting to stabilize and seemed like they thought that we were gone. This would only mean one thing - that there's a way out of here somewhere in this ice field.
We were still cloaked as we ventured through the field looking for a jumphole. Soon we picked up a signal on our radar, but this was not the gravitational anomaly we were expecting - it was a signal from our gunboats ship, but there was noone alive on board. This was extremely strange knowing that Nomads either destroy human vessels entirely or they dominate them. We couldn't risk wavering from our objective, so we kept moving through the field. As we proceeded further we were also getting closer to the lifeless gunboat, and as much as we wanted to avoid getting close to it, we couldn't anymore - the jumphole we were looking for was next to the vessel. We were faced with a choice - investigate what happened to the gunboat or flee through the anomaly, so we fled; there was no reason to risk losing more lives for what could be nothing.

[Image: IgfI060.png]
What we thought was an escape was actually an ambush. The Nomads left the gunboat there to guide us to the jumphole and wait for us on the other side. We were 3 warships against dozens of alien ships, but for some reasons they only ambushed us with small and medium craft. Nonetheless they proved themselves a big threat as we blasted through them. Our shields were going down dangerously fast and they were starting to beat at our hulls. I was commanding the biggest vessel we had left and I was the easiest target. I was rapidly losing sectors of the battleship and it was looking like it was the end for me and my crew, but it was not. My saving point was when the commander of WV-Agnipath saw me in great danger and entered formation with me, shielding my ship on one side while I could fight on the other. His ingenious move managed to buy me enough time for my shields to come back online, and enough time to eliminate their ships with the heaviest weaponry, afterwards to clean up the small vessels with ease. During the chaos we lost the last cruiser we had, leaving just the two of us in the convoy. We were surrounded by nomadic remains and ship parts. It was a straight up graveyard.
As the battle ended we caught a moment of respite to find out where we are. After assessing damage control we realized that we jumped to a system we already know and of which we had maps available - we were in Omicron Phi. A dangerous system but one that we could travel without being attacked by another Nomad fleet. Before leaving the area we gathered as many of the nomadic remains we could hold knowing they may prove useful to our APM units.
We used the remainder of our cloak energy to wait for an escort to take us back to the Delta system from where I'm writing this report. Bellow I'm attaching a file of what we managed to gather from the expedition. I have safely stored them and I'm awaiting directions.

[Image: VT6ENBo.png]

Gloria Aeterna,
Nathaniel out


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - nevrozac - 12-26-2018


»ID: Nathaniel Zac
»Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
»Subject: Report № 4


Greetings High Command,

This is my first report as initiate. Earlier this morning I was on patrol in Omicron Rho when I intersected with AV-Dendrobium. We were discussing recent assignments when a unknown ship - a freelancer - showed up on our scanners. His story was rather interesting as he was transporting goods to the Corsairs owned Planet Crete, but he refused to give us details about what or why. I'll attach the communication log bellow.
Attaching several other relevant images taken during the events

I hope this may prove valuable information to The Core. I am currently in possession of said Pilgrim. I will hold on to him until given orders.

Gloria Aeterna,
Nathaniel out


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - nevrozac - 12-26-2018


»ID: Nathaniel Zac
»Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
»Subject: Report № 5


Greetings High Command,

After the encounter with the Freelancer supplying Planet Crete I have resumed patrol heading to Omicron Minor with AV-Dendrobium by my side. We stopped at Capetown station to refuel and get a report on recent developments in the area. While there I was approached by the docking personnel whom informed me that Core vessels as well as vessels from other allied factions are being attacked by Nomad ships when passing through sector 7E. We've been requested to deal with the threat.
When we got to sector 7E we were expecting to find several small vessels that could be dealt with easily, however what we found was 4 Nomadic Gunboats that were packing a heavy punch. Our ships were heavily damaged but we managed to take them eventually, however the dispatch from Capetown informed us that there would be more hostile forces not far from our location. Being heavily damaged and out of missiles we had no choice but to return to the station. Even though this mission was not a success, I have managed to retrieve nomadic remains from their ships. I'm attaching images from my guncam and cargo bellow.

Gloria Aeterna,
Nathaniel out


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - nevrozac - 01-01-2019


»ID: Nathaniel Zac
»Location: Capetown Base, Omicron Minor
»Subject: Report № 6


Greetings High Command,

Recent increased Order activity in Omicron Minor have led me to believe that they have established a base of operations in the system - therefore I altered my usual patrol route to investigate the area. I have been flying around the system for countless hours to no avail. I have found no leads and I could not find anything pointing me to the reason these subhumans have been seen in this system.
However, during my search I have found something else that may have some value or interest. Some sort of installation whose purpose I couldn't quite understand. I'm attaching visuals bellow:

It is registered with the name "Network Hub", it doesn't communicate it's allegiance or owner, it doesn't allow docking and it has no defensive capabilities. Its location and identity is not automatically recognized by the navmap so I'm assuming it was supposed to be hidden.
I hope this proves to be of use to The Core.

Gloria Aeterna,
Nathaniel out


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - nevrozac - 01-08-2019


»ID: Nathaniel Zac
»Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
»Subject: Report № 7


Greetings High Command,

This is a high priority report.
During my last APM shift I've been approached in the Frankfurt system by an officer of the Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts who claimed to have sensitive information about an unknown faction that has vessels equipped with nomadic technology and pose a serious threat in combat. We had a prolonged conversation about what he knows and certain evidence he has in possession of said entities. Considering the background between BDM and Core I'm led to believe that these claims are trustworthy and require a deeper look into.
Requesting permission to investigate this further.

Gloria Aeterna,
Nathaniel out


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - nevrozac - 01-11-2019


»ID: Nathaniel Zac
»Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
»Subject: Report № 8


Greetings High Command,

Sightings of unauthorized ships in the Omicron Rho system have recently increased. I personally had to turn back several people who were trying to use our bases in the system, but one specifically kept coming back after repeatedly being told that he is violating laws in the Omicronis Legal Codex.
Ship in question is called Interstelar_Trader ; a large transport that was initially using an Universal Shipping ID but then I've seen him move to Republican Shipping.
I'll attach conversation logs as well as his identification.
Identification on first encounter
The second time I crossed paths with him in Rho he claimed to be aiding towards the completion of the "Fundamentum" Project. As much as I appreciate getting a few more hands in for speeding up the process, he was still in violation of our laws.
If this vessel is to be encountered again in Omicron Rho without a visa, do remember his insolence and the warnings he has already received.

Gloria Aeterna,
Nathaniel out


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Tenacity - 01-14-2019

Incoming Transmission

Source: Shuttlecraft Artemis
Comm ID: Katrina Summers
Encryption: APM Standard

Establishing Feed

Katrina Summers reporting. Today we received a distress call from core assets in Omicron Delta being pursued by EOG warships, an Order snubcraft, and a Commune snubcraft. I scrambled shuttlecraft Artemis to their aid, though it isnt designed for warfare or open combat it performed quite admirably. We were quite disorganized first, attempting to locate the battle, but Core forces regrouped at Yaren base to engage the EOG, aided by a Bullhead and two Mako battleships to combat the enemy Osiris-class warships. As the Order fighter went after our bomber, another warship - a Hathor-class Gunboat - arrived and began assaulting our snubcraft, including the Artemis.

The Hathor was quickly dispatched, thanks in no small part to the Artemis' debilitators and Dual-Mini Razor cannons. I'm honestly surprised at how well it performed in an anti-gunboat role, I will have to keep this in mind for future combat operations. Once the Hathor had been destroyed, the Order fighter backed off, as did the Order capital ships. The Commune fighter arrived once more, and engaged the Order fighter, destroying it before moving away and leaving our fleet intact. I'd call this a win for the Core.

Uploading Kill Cam:


[Image: YIzA476.png]

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Tenacity - 01-27-2019

Incoming Transmission

Source: APM Escort Destroyer Leonine
Comm ID: Commander Marcus Mekal
Encryption: Core High-Sec

Establishing Feed

Marcus Mekal onboard the Leonine reporting two contacts destroyed in Omicron Delta. We were notified by APM and Republican Shipping vessels that a Nomad was harassing trade efforts in the system between Yaren and Omicron Rho. We formed up with the Republican Shipping Vessel <RS>|Munchen to escort it from Yaren through Omicron Rho and were engaged by one Nomad "Adad" class bomber en-route. The Munchen continued on while the Leonine primed weapons and engaged the target, shortly afterwards destroying it. As we returned to Yaren, another "Adad" class nomad bomber decloaked and opened fire on the Leonine, and was similarly destroyed shortly afterwards. These were excellent tests for our new prototype weapons; previously they had been deemed as strictly anti-capital guns, but it appears they work very well against snubcraft at close ranges.

Uploading killcam evidence now...


[Image: YIzA476.png]