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»UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Printable Version

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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Geno - 06-18-2023

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Lazurith
transmission point of origin: ---
current transmission has been successfully relayed to: 0 nodes with a delay of: 0 minutes

...TRANSLATING DATA...[Image: blink.gif]

[Image: 168704909689346999.png]

This is Lazurith. I would really rather not have to pass something this petty on a channel meant for everyone's eyes and ears.

But given the volatile nature of this situation my hand is being forced here, as some of our own have unfortunately traveled beyond the confines of Inverness and entered Liberty in the middle of these complicated times, and have been admonished for it, nearly risking their necks just for being there.

Navarch Valentine has pressed me for further information on the topic, and I believe it is important that everyone here is to become aware on the recent disputes we've had with the Rogues of Liberty. Take this message to heart, and follow whatever measures may be implemented in the future.

During an excursion in an undisclosed location, a minor spat with the leader of the pack escalated dramatically, involving multiple warnings on how we've reached the extent of his patience. This was later followed by the assault and capture of Revenant and... me, for multiple days on a Rogue base, until I was allowed to leave thanks to the help of the Zoner Aspen Harlow. I... was essentially sent back home to relay the following words to everyone.

Keep well away from Liberty. Do NOT trifle with Wolf or any of his men, and most importantly, do not meddle with this affair until Revenant will be released. Hemlocke is holding her in captivity to this day, and if any of our ships are ever seen within Liberty's borders, there will be grim consequences I have seen and suffered first-hand.

...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - MrKatz - 10-12-2023



This is MDPL-05 I'm reporting in to let the Technocracy know I have acquired a full inventory of "Trade Lane" parts through non violent means, I was able to talk a few traders into turning a blind eye and jettison a number of Agerias parts along with the encryption codes to unlock them.

While I am mainly a research vessel and my hull is not very large, I have formed a decent connection with an Ageria employee to purchase the parts and an RGS employee to ship them to any Technocracy base for a small fee should we ever need them. Unrest and anger is easy to manipulate when you don't treat your employees well.

RGS comments they wish to develop a trade agreement with the Technocracy in the future. I'm stationed at Valravn Citadel with the inventory of parts studying them awaiting further instruction. I have stored them in a faraday cage to prevent any form of beacon or Algerian communication to them as to not have them rendered inoperable or detonate. Please advise as to where to meet/drop these parts off.

I am currently working on repairs and upgrades to myself which should improve my functionality and overall performance with the help of the Technocracys ships, engines, shields, etc.



RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 12-02-2023

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Revenant

[Image: ddWD3cH.png]


A brief follow up mission report from the TRV-Scylax. This one will be incredibly brief.

The mission in questioned initiated in 829 A.S. in order to track down a source of perceived background dark matter disturbance detected beyond the edge of Bretonia's Carina Nebulae, on the very edge of the Sirius Sector. It was suspected we may have triangulated a source of Sentinel activity and conducted investigations in response to the distant readings.

[Image: QaMF4Fq.png]

The TRV-Scylax approached the rough vector of the signals and initiated the first task. These preliminary scoutings entailed deploying probes deep into the Carina cluster in order to determine the source of this stellar disturbance. A notable discovery was made from the secondary probe sent out from the Research Vessel, with one large abnormality with the formation of a set of stars engulfed within the nebulae itself. Akin to a veil of matter. Yet, every probe that attempted to reach the sector, had been destroyed by unknown forces.

[Image: aaM0A9t.png]

Returning back to home base with the newfound triangulation data at the end of 830 A.S, the TRV-Scylax prepped for the secondary surveys of the site, including some escorts and contractors for the expedition. Along the way, we had discovered new and stable hyperspatial fissures that provided great convenience in navigating back to the Carina nebulae. Inevitably, with such conveniences, came the inconveniences of far more frequent unstable fissures. It proved to be a boon in the end, as efforts to find a way to approach the nebulae proved ineffective due to the unknown field that encased it.

Discovering a newly formed anomaly only big enough for smaller craft, we successfully managed to deploy one probe into the sector to act as a buoy for the TRV-Scylax's experimental jump drive system, bypassing the deadly wall.

[Image: reB3K5V.png]

Breaching the cloak of the Carina nebulae blanking around this sector, we were presented with six stars interlocked with each other in this sector - almost appearing as watchful eyes, wisping out stellar energy around the sector. Caution was most heeded from the grave danger of the abnormal formation. It is speculated that this dense blanket of interstellar matter was acting as a bubble for this sector.

We seized this rare opportunity to map out the sector, nicknamed Eudoxus. What was notable was the presence of a singular world, dubbed Planet Ketumati, of rich organic life present, including the wreckage of what appeared to be primitive post-Sol-era vessels that dated back as far back to 102 A.S. trapped in the gravity well of the planet. From brief scans, we understand that the survivors who failed to flee the system had made refuge on Planet Ketumati. It appears their living standards had regressed technologically to pre-space travel, and were exceptionally aggressive to any foreign contacts, fearful of the unknown. Due to our mission parameters being set to non-interference, we abstained from any attempts at communicating with these locals.

During the search for the cause of the disturbances - it was noted some level of disturbances had originated from the world below, an unusual formation of crystalline substances were detected scattered across the northern hemisphere of Planet Ketumati resonating an energy pattern, echoing these patterns across the continent. We discovered that there was indeed a presence of what we suspect to be a DK relic within a severely compromised structure disturbing the local ecology. Botanical samples were retrieved from both fauna and plant life for studies. The site was acknowledged as too dangerous for life forms to approach. Due to the scarcity of the mission and the possibility that the site would become unreachable, an unanimous agreement came to terms, expedition teams attempted to retrieve the specimen. With some casualities, the teams were able to extract the artifact and contain it.

Unbeknownst to our teams, the sampled fauna from the surrounding environment had extraordinary side effects. It appears that some form of infectious memetic agent had began to infect our teams during an incident. A type of fungi had compromised majority of our outgoing teams and later on contaminated a number of personnel onboard the TRV-Scylax. At first, it appeared that the infection was simply ... inert. It is speculated that this specimen operated on a psychic frequency, similarly to the crystals that echoed the artifact. This outbreak began to manifest as as the TRV-Scylax attempted to leave the system as it broke through the containment field.

Our teams failed to find the source of the dark matter disturbance, chalking it up to side effects of erratic behaviour of the anomalies affecting the stars. It was noted that the fissures used for entry were beginning to collapse. With great haste, the TRV-Scylax attempted to escape the pocket system. An unfortunate circumstance had occurred, a great, sudden explosion. During the attempted jump, the Research Vessel was stuck in hyperspace during the great collapse known as 'Black Out'. During this ... incident of what only can be described as a hellish limbo. Prolonged exposure to the hyperspatial field had drastically deteroriated the integrity of the TRV-Scylax, as well as the psychological health of multiple personnel.

[Image: JMXmjsE.png]

During the limbo, the fungi's biological properties seemingly reacted to this state of being during the jump, breaking out of the containment field, infecting many individuals including myself. Notable side effects entailed overriding the nervous system, hallucinations, septicemia. Out of the fourty-three infected personnel, there were eleven fatalities.

From here on and the aftermath of falling out of hyperspace, amnesiac effect from prolonged exposure had occurred. What we have gathered from the data logs that a select few members of the crew, and synthetic personnel, had endured the effects. The TRV-Scylax exited the faltering jumping sequence in a critical state deep in the Carina Nebulae. Several functions and cargo compartments were lost, including the artifact. Active crew members quickly worked to recontain the hostile pathogen, successfully developing a temporary remedy, derived from the unaffected fauna specimen. Recovery took approximately four-to-seven months for those afflicted. The long-term effects have yet to be fully assessed.

The TRV-Scylax found itself stranded on an unknown world with a less than graceful landing. Consolidating what little resources were remaining, just enough resources were extracted from the nearby environment and remaining equipment to create a call for an extraction, surviving barely a year in isolation on an unmarked world with barely enough resources to sustain for life through filtering techniques.

With the less than safe return of the now-decrepit TRV-Scylax from the exotic task, we failed to locate the true source of this grave disturbance or discover any traces related to the Sentinels. The losses of several people and the exotic artifact were regrettable from this expedition, but all was not in vain with the samples retrieved. Biomedical reports were sent in from the teams, humorously dubbed 'Zombie Spores' by the contractors, to the Citadel for analysis. Upon return in 833 A.S. - all personnel were subjected to intensive medical studies to ensure that everyone was fit for duty. The TRV-Scylax is slated for repairs and refitting to accommodate for the change of circumstances with the hyperspatial field.


...transmission complete
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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 12-05-2023

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Revenant

[Image: ddWD3cH.png]


We have had quite the exciting breakthrough and I have found myself bristling with eagerness to ensure we embark on this path of newfound knowledge. With the combined efforts of our esteemed allies and expeditionary comrades, we have obtained what appears to be a vessel of containment for raw, hypercharged, dark matter.

[Image: IqWO12A.png]

With the acquisition of these specimens - presumably of DK origin, our studies into Dark Matter through cryo manipulation should boon massively with the provided assistance of our Gammu allies. However, it may be of good note to take this opportunity to realise how we can perhaps interact with the more vapid, untamed hypercharged dark matter storms that may grow out of proportion in the coming years.

Preparations must be made to ensure our survival is guaranteed against the coming troubles of these decaying Kavash sites.


...transmission complete
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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Barrier - 12-16-2023

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: FULCRUM

[Image: g6Z6L4d.png]


Fulcrum starts message.

Peace be upon you all.
Today I report about the shakedown cruise of the vessel. My crew are performing up to standard. I knew that they would be ready, even if they themselves did not. Future recruits may be possible from Greenland with similar skills. They must be kept in the dark unless they pass the field assessment which worked on myself.

The vessel itself performs to specs. I have managed to outfit it with all necessary spares: . I must test these in deep space operations, but I expect that everything will be fine. I was able to field-test the weapons systems of the vessel. The Guild has continued to assault the Junker installation in Omega-3. I was contacted to assist, and I accepted . Myself, the crew, the weapons and armor have all been put to their limits. The engagement went in favor of the Corsair defenders. I limped away to Freistadt through deep space and performed repairs.

The vessel is ready in all respects to commence operations. Fulcrum awaits orders.

Fulcrum ends message.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 01-09-2024

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Revenant

[Image: KOXztPu.png]


As some of you may be aware during the internal callouts, Aetherius Divsion is looking for new candidates to uptake the challenges of the assigned Final Journey project.

Candidates must be aware that commitment to this project will strictly vetted, and the participation will require the utmost vigiliance and commitment. We expected only loyalty in this task ahead, faltering will cost us too many lives as well as our own advancement. In return, higher benefits will be allocated.

If you meet the minimum requirements and are interested, please signify your interests by leaving a transmission within the relay.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Barrier - 02-06-2024

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: FULCRUM

[Image: g6Z6L4d.png]


Fulcrum starts message.

Peace be upon you all.
It is time to make recommendations about DATA COLLECTION. I believe most branches have resources to spare for the Final Journey project. I recommend reporting above with anything you can part with now, with reassessment to be made for the future.

Meanwhile, I personally will focus on assisting Variant of Research and Development. I will initiate mindshare at the earliest convenience to discuss parameters. At this point it is likely that the Omicron Zoners will not be amendable to our wishes. Therefore, I evaluate our own capabilities and journey to the Taus.

I leave my crew to assist Final Journey. The ship is now fully within my own comfort.

Fulcrum ends message.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - A/)- The Inner Phalanx - 05-23-2024

[Image: CdQC5O9.png]


This notice is to inform Initiate Pentimento and Warden Fulcrum that you're both being promoted to the respective next ranks. Congratulations.

Warden Pentimento.
Guardian Fulcrum.

Your dutiful service to The Technocracy has not gone unnoticed. Carry on with the excellent work.

- Venator Aether


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Nodoka Hanamura - 06-01-2024

GATEWAY: lowsecdatalink.auxesia.or.ew (

Client Relay DMARC Point: lowsec-relay-E419

Negotiating security policy from Network Policy Server..
Current policy valid. No conflicts with local policy found.
Negotiating routing path from Gateway..
Route received from Gateway.
Opening port 42010 on /dev/ens4p1..
Transmitting datastream

media-type: text/nnsmtp-compliant-html
source: dcb77d4a-6609-52b4-a34c-aade2f0495cb
source-humanreadable: RESOLVED - IEKAHARA, MIEKO
target: 1b4db7eb-4057-5ddf-91e0-36dec72071f5
target-humanreadable: RESOLVED - "ELGIN NODE"
flags: enc priv text burst-xmit
encoding: sirian unicode-820


The following datastream may contain classified or restricted information. Pursuant to Spatial Regulations 2.5,
The dissemination, retransmission, or other exposure of classified or restricted intelligence is prohibited.
Furthermore, any intrusions or unauthorized packet capture of this datastream is forbidden pursuant to
Spatial Regulations Section 3.

Violation of these regulations may be subject to reprimand pursuant to Spatial Regulations 4.2.1
for parties under the authority of the Inner Phalanx Directorate, and potential bounty, pursuit,
assassination or detention of foreign parties.

[Image: v8TcHlm.png]

SENDER: Initiate Mieko 'Yoruha' Iekahara, Auxesia
RECIPIENT: Elgin Primary Node
SUBJECT: Alert - LSF Battlegroup

To all stations,

This is Initiate Yoruha.

Be advised, a Liberty Security Force and Crayterian joint battlegroup has been located on patrols in the West Avelmore - the battlegroup consists of 1 times Interdictor-class Assault Battlecruiser "LNS Tuscaloosa", 1 times Siege-type cruiser "LNS Tallapoosa" and 1 times Crayterian Thanatos-class cruiser, "CFV Pattaya". SIGINT/COMINT attempts to ascertain their intentions on my own initiative have been unsuccessful. I have engaged, and captured an LSF Operative who fired upon me and surrendered them to my superiors for interrogation in accordance with my ROE.

The enemy battlegroup also consists of a sizable snubcraft complement.

I advise from experience in positions prior to my enlistment in the Technocracy that we make contact with other affected parties in Inverness, such as the Zoners and Junkers. Current estimations based on current security clearances and known fleet compositions shows less than superior odds of victory in simulated engagements with the enemy battlegroup and any reinforcements that may join it in various defensive or offensive actions. We are best to establish a united front against any threats to the collective residents of Inverness.

That being said, I defer all decisions to my superiors and the Inner Phalanx and welcome correction.

I await further orders.


RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Dave Synk - 06-16-2024

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Venator Dave Synk

[Image: E4lMN3H.gif]


Good evening,

In my preparation for the NDI meeting, I've made a little scout work regarding the access and movement around Omega-55. A little info even to Omega-7 if it will ever be useful. There's a series of landmarks that are of note around O-55, especially places to avoid and a few places of interest. First of all, the system carries only two entry gravimetric entry points which are unstable and might cause substantial damage to vessels larger than a regular freighter. There were portions of the warping tunnel that left a dent even on my scout ship. That means, access to the system for capital vessels can be made by jump drive only.

I've scanned from a distance Skagen, only to notice irregular activity of various ships. Some salvagers looting whatever remains there are in its orbit. Several independent vessels coming and going but nothing that would be a potential threat to us. In case of further analysis and close up landing even, we should arrive in small ships without getting any attention, given if that's the situation we seen. I am sure some would ignore us even on plain sight given the amount of salvage littered all around the planet.

The nearby planetoid houses in its orbit a Junker Depot. I managed to land and then, one certain fella gave an interesting insight about the nearby scrap fields. There were several Coalition stations sometime ago which got either destroyed or dismantled alongside with a former Bounty Hunter station called Rostock. The station got dismantled which left behind a field of EM-infused scrap which could offer some windows of scanner stealth. Let's say, if a ship would leave the orbit of Skagen, it would have a ghost-like effect for our ship's signatures if we'd rest either inside or behind the field. I've marked some coordinates for that place. Note that the effect works both ways. We cannot say precisely what vessels navigate outside the interfering field. That should be taken in account whenever that field is considered as a hiding spot.

The access to Omega 7 though is problematic because of the highly unstable magma-made field that spans.. system wide. That's a lot. There's no blind spot in it. And I've went quite a bit. The unstable jump hole is on the lower reach of this "Magma Bed" and that adds to the difficulty of it. Pilots need to rely on their skill or on strong shields because aside from being a problematically large field, it contains explosive pockets of gas which could damage pretty hard a regular fighter or a freighter. My front nose of the vessel got split up open when I almost collided with a hidden pocket.

Omega 7 has a strip between two large asteroids which could be traversed easily by larger vessels, reaching the Unstable O55 Jumphole and connecting to Freistadt and Elbe. To be noted if it's any interest.

I shall attach further data records of my findings and add comments if necessary:

Planet Skagen:
Planet Skagen - Littered with a former Rheinland station as the intel was provided by the Junkers. It exploded years ago and there's still a lot of salvage around the planet.
Planet Skagen Navigation Chart
Exposed side of Planet Skagen Overview

Junker Depot:
Junker Depot Navigation Chart
Junker Depot Overview
Junker Contact - Provided intel about various fields and places of interest.
ID of the Contact
Coalition Wreck

Rostock Field
Rostock Scrap field
Rostock Navigational Chart
Approximate location for scanner clearing

Unstable O7 Jumphole:
Jumphole Overview
Jumphole Navigational Chart - It's exact location is around 7D-E on the NavGrid inside the Magma Bed named Mauna Loa Cloud

Omega-7 Info
The Omega 7 Strip - Large vessels can slip through.
Omega-7 Navigational Chart Trajectory Mark
Magma Asteroids - to be avoided, similar in structure as those from the Mauna Loa Cloud.

Suggested trajectory for Auxesian ships in order to safely traverse Omega-55 given the scouting made:
Omega-55 Navigational Chart - Green route suggests the lengthier or less exposed route. The blue one represents the short and exposed route (by the Junker base), and the round marker represents the spot where larger ships can be safer from distant scanning.


...transmission complete
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