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SCRA Recruitment Centre - Printable Version

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Coalition Recruitment Thread - pieguy259 - 01-16-2010

"We'll see." She pressed a button on the comm. "This is Gonzalez. Put me through to Commissar-Captain Katz." She waited a moment, then said "Katz, es Vicenta... Vicenta Gonzalez..." She gritted her teeth. "Vindaloo... Si. I have a woman here, says she's a friend of yours... Former Rogue." She covered the mouthpiece with your hand. "Name?"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Shagohad - 01-16-2010

"Angelica Broch. He'd know me by Angie," She said. She prayed that Alvin would remember her.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - pieguy259 - 01-16-2010

"Angelica Broch. Says you'd know her by Angie..." She drummed her fingers on the desk and rolled her eyes. "Fine..." She shut the comm off. "He says he'll get back to me." She rubbed her temples. "Ay mi... Go sit in the waiting room, I'll let you know when he calls me back. Send the next one in."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Shagohad - 01-16-2010

Angelica nodded, turning quickly and heading to the waiting room. She slumped down in a chair, wiping the sweat from her brow. She wasn't dead. That was an accomplishment.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Jack Ryan - 01-16-2010

"Oleg Kaczmarczov" A montonous voice called out into the waiting room.
Oleg stood, and tried to make himself look better, before walking to the door. Brushing past a woman, he uttered a few words of greeting quietly, before stepping into the Commisars office.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - pieguy259 - 01-16-2010

"Now, Kaczm... Mac... recruit. Sit." Vicenta pointed at the chair. "Make your case."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Jack Ryan - 01-16-2010

Oleg removed his cap, and sat in the chair.
"Da." He said, and sat for a moment, considering what to say.
"I have wanted to join the Fleet since I was but a small child comrade, and I am willing to die for our great nation." Oleg thought to himself again, before continuing. "I have been using the simulators for a long time, and I have been told I am good at them, so I thought to myself: 'I don't do enough for our nation, what can I do to do more?' And I have found the answer." Oleg smiled at Vicenta, before stating in a confident tone:
"Join the Fleet."

"My childhood life is not important. I am a very average man comrade. I did not do particularly well in my school days, and I did not do badly either." Oleg paused for a moment, and scratched his ear. "I have been working in a factory for most of my life after leaving school, making weapons and ammunition for our great army."

"Do you have any questions you would like me to answer further?" Oleg asked, begginning to become nervous from the silence of the Commisar.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - pieguy259 - 01-16-2010

"There is a big difference, comrade, between making weapons and using them," Vicenta said. "Simulators are one thing, but when you're out there in space, with Tizonas tearing at your shield, knowing one wrong move could leave you dead... that's another thing." She folded her hands on the desk. "Are you up for it, Kazma... Kaca... comrade?"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Jack Ryan - 01-16-2010

"Da. As I said. I am willing to die for my nation if it proves necessary." Oleg scratched his eyebrow, before running his hand down the side of his face, before speaking again. "However, I shall not die. What challenge are some scumbag cowards such as our enemies?" Oleg smiled at his own joke.

"We have a shooting range down at the factory comrade, I attend shooting sessions regularly." Oleg thought for a moment. "If the receptionist who keeps track of things there is right, I have put in over 200 hours of firearms practice. So I know how to handle a gun comrade."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - pieguy259 - 01-16-2010

"We'll see." She pushed a sheaf of papers towards him. "Fill these out and come back when you're done."