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Liberty Navy 46th Fleet - Mission Debrief Report - Printable Version

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RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - Wolverine518 - 04-16-2022

Mission Debrief
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: GRANTED

Sender ID: Lt. Cmdr. Tony Storn
Vessel ID: 46th|LNS-Bozeman
Systems Visited: New York
Other Operatives Present: None
Subject: Report - 4/16/829 | Xeno Relics

Report Description

Hello there,

I was patrolling Near Manhattan orbit with my crew and noticed two people carrying Xeno Relecs, i asked them to stop and explain the relics and they claimed to have gotten them off Xenos. An LSF ship showed up and asked them to drop the relics and they complied. Then an LSF cargo ship arrived to secure the relics.

Goodbye there


Stay frosty with these smugglers


Tony Storn
Lt. Cmdr.
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Navy 46th Fleet and is classified and encrypted for the eyes of 46th operatives only and is not to be passed on to anyone outside this organization unless granted approval from a 46th operative.

RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - sane - 04-16-2022

[Image: 46th-logogif.gif]

Mission Debrief
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: GRANTED

[Image: GlqMVxD.png]

Sender ID: Commander Sebastian Müller
Vessel ID: 46th|Sebastian.Muller, 46th|Delta-47
Systems Visited: New York
Other Operatives Present: 46th|LNS-Cleveland, 46th|Delta-13, 46th|Summers.Wrath, 46th|Delta-0, 5th|, =LSF=
Subject: Attempted Insurgent Siege

Report Description

Good evening,

Today, at 1710 hours SMT, a Insurgency Armada attacked the Manhattan grid, with the goal of taking out Long Island Station. I made my way to Manhattan in my trusty Roc-Bomber and moved in to support the already present Liberty defense. The Insurgents were no match for us and they retreated to avoid further losses. An hour later however, the Insurgents seem to have regrouped and started another all-out attack on the Manhattan Grid and Long Island Station. I used said hour to jump into my Delta-Squadron Waran-Bomber and once again moved in to engage the enemy. After another hour of fierce fighting, we came out victorious, with the entire attacking Insurgency armada destroyed. Long Island Station sustained no visible damages, which speaks volumes about the Insurgency's remaining firepower.

Commander Müller out.


The Insurgency is now on their last legs, a swift destruction of their homeworld in Vespucci needs to happen soon.


Sebastian Müller
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Navy 46th Fleet and is classified and encrypted for the eyes of 46th operatives only and is not to be passed on to anyone outside this organization unless granted approval from a 46th operative.

RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - Wolverine518 - 04-30-2022

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Incoming Transmission

[Image: 46th-BBCode.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: Rear Admiral Lower Half Tony Storn
Vessel ID: 46th|Alpha-21
Subject: Report - 4/29/829 | Insurgents in New York


I was on Patrol in my Obsidian with fellow Navy members of both the 46th and 5th main fleets when we noticed multiple Insurgent fighters near West Point. We engaged them but they quickly fled due to the high number of capital ships on our side. They returned near Manhatten with a much more diverse fleet. We reengaged and after a long drawn out fight we repelled them. We did lose a few ships including my own obsidian which was disabled but they lost even more.

[Image: 46th-logogif.gif]

Tony Storn
Rear Admiral Lower Half
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - Schwarzilla - 04-30-2022

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[Image: UvTr9ka.jpg]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: Lieutenant Junior Grade Alexander Dallas
Vessel ID: 46th|LNS-Cleveland
Subject: Report - 4/30/829 | Intruder in Alaska

Good evening,

After the yesterday battle near Manhattan LNS-Cleveland arrived at Juneau Shipyard for minor repairs and general maintenance of the ship. When we made some corrections in communication system we detected a zoner ship named "SS~Helios" entering Alaska system. According to article 2 of the Liberty Laws, Alaska system is a restricted area of Liberty space. Because of that, we send a message to this ship on open frequency with a request to cut his engine. When zoner ship saw us he immediately started his cruise engines and directed his ship deep inside the system. When his signal was lost from the radar, we flied to Virginia jump hole as a most preferable escape route and blocked it. He indeed arrived in 10km radius near jump hole and we made a second warning to this ship. But when he saw us blocking his route he escaped in Alaska nebula. Actual position of the zoner ship is unknown.

[Image: 46th-logogif.gif]

Alexander Dallas
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - Tenshi - 05-02-2022

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[Image: Sam-Brown3.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: RADM Samantha Brown, 46th|LNS-Defiance
Recipient ID: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Subject: Report - 02/05/829 | Birdie and Hesler

Good evening,

As I was patrolling Colorado earlier today I received a distress call from a transport claiming to be pirated in the Colorado jumpgate, New York system, and requesting backup. I headed there immediately and came across Birdie and Hesler, both Rogue gunboats, who did not hesitate to engage me even though they were warned that this would lead to their demise.

Soon after the engagement begun, bounty hunter Prime_Number arrived in the vicinity to help out and we successfully took out both Rogue gunboats, establishing a safe patrol path for future transport vessels. Communication logs will follow.

That is all.
[Image: 46th-logogif.gif]

Samantha Brown
Rear Admiral
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - Levenna - 06-04-2022

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Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: Rct. Lillian Olson
Vessel ID: Lillian.Olson
Subject: Report - 04/06/2022 | Insurgent Encounter

Good afternoon,

As I began my patrol departing from Battleship Missouri, the insurgent Jerry.Anderson was passing for reasons unknown. The insurgent quickly retreated outside of the range of Missouri's guns, ending up in a standoff between me and him. I followed by issuing two orders for the insurgent to leave Liberty space, both of which were refused and responded with threats of hostile action. Seeing no other way, I moved in to engage the hostile Prosecutor. The dogfight was one-on-one and lasted for perhaps three to four minutes. Looking back now, I can recognise the mistakes I made, however the insurgent quickly pressed the attack and gained the upper hand, forcing me to blow a set of nanobots earlier that I would have liked. This upper hand was maintained throughout most of the engagement, and while I capitalised on a few mistakes later, by that point I had little choice but to retreat. I attempted to kick my Defender in to cruise, however was too late and I was subsequently forced to eject. The insurgent escaped, and Missouri sent out a rescue crew in short order, to whom I am immensely grateful. I have much to learn as a rookie pilot, and I'm sure this was the first of many engagements I can learn from.

Rct. Olson, signing off.
[Image: 46th-logogif.gif]

Lillian Olson
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - Lord Helmchen - 06-08-2022

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[Image: cTau1yV.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: Capitan Lady Camile Summers
Vessel ID: 46th|Summers.Wrath
Subject: Report - 07.06.829 | Nomad Tricks

Good Day Admirals

Today I was on a Patrol with Ensign Lilian Olsen as we First came across a Big Nomad Form that I would Classify as a Battleship or Dreadgnought Class Vessel. Together with Ensign Olsen and Members of the LSF we were able to Destroy that ship, well at least to make it Retreat, you never know with that Alien Beasts. after this we were going on a System Patrol and searched for more Nomad Threats. As we checked the Pennsylvania Jumpgate we noticed some unusual Readings in the Anomaly Nearby and investigated this, as we came close to the Anomaly something strange happened. Both i and Ensign Olsen were Dragged into the Anomaly by an Unknown Force and reappeared in an Unknown System. After our Return, I Checked the Starcharts and found out that we were in the Drake System. We were never in the system and had no Navigational Data about the System so we had to make a Reconisance Flight deeper into the system.

The Flight through the Anomaly Damaged my Video Camera so I had to Borrow the Files of Ensign Olsen for this Report. We could see another even Bigger Anomaly in the Center of the System and used it as our Fixpoint. as we came closer to the Core of the System we noticed a Big Nomad Entity that was nearby to the Huge Anomaly. The Big Nomad had a lot of Smaller Vessels with it and the Ensign Blocked what we thought was the only way out of the system. As the Nomads arent Trustworthy we decided to Attack the Blockade Force after I made a short Reconisance we decided to attack the Nomads and Battle our way out of the system. Ensign Olsen Fought Bravely and did her best to give the Nomads what they deserved, but sadly the Squids managed to Land a Lucky Shot on her Ship and I had to Take her Escape Pod on board. But it seems we have made enough Damage on the nomads as they decided to lead us to an Instable Jumphole that has led us to the Inverness System. Either that or they wanted us to speak about what we Discovered and Experienced. I have no idea what was it in the end but I am happy that I am back home. Both the Ensign and I have gone through the Standard Scanning and Disinfection Protocols to make sure we aren't Infected or Manipulated by the Squids. I have Put all of mine and the Recordings of Ensign Olsen into the Attachment. I also want to Give my Recommendation for a Promotion or at least a commendation for good her services.

In Service of Liberty
[Image: 46th-logogif.gif]

Lady Camile Sumers
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - Levenna - 06-10-2022

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Incoming Transmission

[Image: 46th-BBCode.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: Ensign Lillian Olson
Vessel ID: 46th|Delta-6
Subject: Report - 09/09/829 | Encounter with Outcast Destroyer, MNS Borea

Good morning,

Yesterday while I was in a training simulator with Adm. Aden Tanner and Cmdr. Sebastian Muller, the long range scanners of West Point detected an outcast capital ship in the trade lane of West Point to the Pennsylvania Jump Gate. Upon receiving the report, I quickly rushed to my Waran along with two other members of Delta Wing. With three bombers against a single capital ship, the odds seemed tilted in our favour. We pursued the vessel as it fled through the badlands in an attempt to evade our strike wing, even going so far as to chase it through the Texas jump hole. We caught up owing to our faster craft around Galveston outpost, near the California jump hole. Upon moving in to engage the vessel, we quickly discovered the destroyer was fully outfitted as a flyswatter, heavily specialised in to anti-snub weaponry. We engaged for several minutes, however this proved fruitless as we lost two bombers while the third retreated. The Destroyer was shortly thereafter chased by the LNS Cleveland, and was last spotted diving in to the atmosphere of Planet Houston, perhaps in a bid to eliminate the chance of any prisoners being taken and interrogated.

Nonetheless, the loss of two fully equipped bombers to such a destroyer to me seems due to the fact that we did not know our enemy. My suggestion would be to form a database consisting of known capital vessels of the Gunboat class and above, along with their outfit and armament so that we may deploy appropriate countermeasures against appropriate opponents. It is my belief that in the long run this may save the 46th several otherwise costly losses, as well as improve the efficiency of our own capital ship deployment as they can be deployed with more foresight and knowledge of the opponent they will face, or be saved from having to deploy to defeat a vessel that could easily be deal with by Delta wing.

Ens. Lillian Olson, signing off.
[Image: 46th-logogif.gif]

Lillian Olson
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - Levenna - 06-13-2022

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Incoming Transmission

[Image: 46th-BBCode.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: Lt. Lillian Olson
Vessel ID: 46th|LNS-Savannah
Subject: Report - 13/06/829 | Resupply of the Ohio carrier strike group

Good evening,

Shortly after receiving my command of the LNS Savannah yesterday, June 12th, we received a report of a classified resupply mission running from Philadelphia station to the Ohio and her battlegroup on the Vespucci front. We departed sharp at 2pm universal time in a small convoy with reinforcements on their way. A few stray Rogue transports attempted to jump us, however were quickly dispatched with the combined firepower of our escort fighters as well as the Savannah's twin Storm cannons. With the rogues dealt with, we continued on in to the Kansas system. A Freelancer seemed to follow us however was ordered to leave in short order. As we left the asteroid field however, setting course for Vespucci, two successive waves of Insurgent bombers ambushed us. They saturated the area with torpedoes, seemingly relying on accuracy by volume to strike capital and snub craft alike. They had the greatest success striking the carrier LSF Freedom, it being the largest target. They broke through its shields and landed a few torpedoes on the hull.

Nonetheless, after a few minutes of fighting, the full convoy came through largely unharmed. By this point we had also picked up the dreadnoughts LNS Retribution and Death Valley, welcome additions for the later fight against Insurgent capitals. The rest of the flight through Kansas was relatively uneventful save an Order agent seemingly tracking us. After an order to back away, they seemed to comply and they gave us no further trouble.

Upon entering Vespucci however, hell broke loose. A third wing of bombers ambushed us as soon as we exited the jump hole, with three battlecruisers, a dreadnought and an additional battleship backing them up. We fought our way out of the asteroid field and in to open space, where we could better bring our superior firepower to bear. We were soon joined, too, by the fellow Archer-class LNS Cleveland, whose fire support would soon prove invaluable. Once in open space, the Savannah set about clearing gunboats to allow the bombers better reign to bring their firepower to bear against the enemy, while the Freedom, Retribution, Cleveland and Death Valley set to work on the larger vessels. After two or three minutes of withering firepower, the Insurgent dreadnought Glory fell to the combined weight of firepower, rapidly followed seconds later as one of the hostile battlecruisers began to break up. It was at this moment that the INS Supremacy, an Arbiter class, charged in to finish off the LSF Freedom. Unfortunately, it was successful in this endeavour, but at the cost of its own life as the entire fleet brought its firepower to bear upon her. This left just two battlecruisers against two dreadnoughts, two siege cruisers, and several snub craft. The final two capital vessels were run down by the Savannah with the rest of the fleet not far behind.

I feel I must give special complement to the gunners aboard the 46th Fleet's own LNS Cleveland. They made some excellent shots, and their contribution to the battle was impressive to say the least, helping the combined fleet turn the tide against the Insurgent ambushers. I am delighted to confirm that, as a result of the actions of the Cleveland, Savannah, and all other personnel involved, the resupply of the Carrier Ohio and her battlegroup was a resounding success, though perhaps tainted by the loss of the LSF's Freedom.

Lt. Lillian Olson, signing off.
[Image: 46th-logogif.gif]

Lillian Olson
Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - Levenna - 06-16-2022

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Incoming Transmission

[Image: 46th-BBCode.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: Lt. Lillian Olson
Vessel ID: 46th|LNS-Savannah
Subject: Report - 16/06/829 | Insurgent breach of the New York system

Good evening,

While the Savannah was conducting manoeuvres alongside the Ohio battlegroup in Vespucci, we came under significant fire from harassing capital-class vessels. We took several hits, severely damaging our hull plating and electronics as well as knocking out the starboard most engine. The Savannah broke to retreat back to Norfolk shipyard, escorted by the Battlecruiser Alaska. Despite our best hopes, our getaway was noticed and we began to be trailed by an insurgent gunboat, who was presumably reporting the position of the damaged siege cruiser back to Insurgent command. The trailing gunboat curiously signalled his intent to let the Savannah repair before engaging. I would have liked to dispatch the gunboat before re-entering Liberty space, however in our heavily damaged state I did not wish to risk the structural integrity of the ship. Furthermore, the Alaska was trailing some kilometres behind the gunboat and was thus unable to clear my tail.

This pursuit continued all the way to Norfolk itself, where we soon discovered that the Insurgent had lined up a battleship as well as two additional snubcraft to meet us. We were outgunned as the insurgents hung just outside the range of the Battleship Missouri; a battleship, gunboat with fighter support against a barely functional cruiser and a battlecruiser. To confuse matters further, Van Leer of the supposed first fleet appeared piloting a bomber, promptly engaging the original gunboat that tailed us all the way from Vespucci. This particular action put us in a dilemma; Van Leer was soon to be shot down if nobody moved in to assist, however by doing so we would also be removing any possibility of a resolution that would involve no further damage to either the Savannah or Alaska. In the end, the Alaska moved in on the gunboat while Van Leer retreated. Seeing that the battlecruiser was having difficulties, I ordered that what power was left be put straight towards the three remaining engines as well as the weapons system. The missing engine turned out to be a boon if anything, as the struggling power core had fewer subsystems to keep operational. Nonetheless, after a few volleys from the primary batteries, the battleship Enterprise launched a heavy mortar that struck the Savannah at the aft. The resulting explosion did not quite sever the ship in half, however it knocked out all remaining engines as well as knocking out several crucial power uplinks to the sensor arrays and most of our turrets. We were not shot again after this, however we required a tug to pull us in to the repair bays of Norfolk after the combat encounter was over. Shortly after the Savannah was disabled, Van Leer reappeared in an Overlord, supporting the Alaska and after a significant skirmish, the Insurgents eventually retreated. The Savannah currently lies in drydock at Norfolk, and is expected to be ready again by tomorrow with expedited repairs. Full operational capacity will be regained by the end of the week with daily extended maintenance.

This is the end of the official after action report, however I feel it is my responsibility to notify the admiralty of one other significant change. I have been waiting to report this until I was sure it would be a major commitment, however I am currently romantically involved with a serving LSF agent. While it will not affect my day to day performance, I felt it necessary to inform the admiralty due to the closeness and occasional overlap of the two branches, and to ensure the admiralty had all relevant information of determining assignments where contact with LSF agents is either possible or certain if you believe it may affect my performance in such an operation.

With that said and done, Lt. Lillian Olson, signing off.
[Image: 46th-logogif.gif]

Lillian Olson
Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet